King's Quest Omnipedia

The Piper was a man with the power to charm others with his magical pipes.


He lead the sloks through Daventry to the Plains of Jed. His assistant was Ref Tirone. His pipe music could control the sloks, or other creatures he chose to play the music for. However due to the magical weevil dung, his musical spell was increased and began to control the children, and other animals of Daventry to follow him, until Rosella stopped him from playing his pipe. He then tried to play a song to put sloks to sleep but it backfired, and he caused himself and anyone that heard him to fall asleep as well. Rosella was able to up however, and piper stopped trying to use his pipe until the crisis was over.[1]

Personality and traits[]

The piper had short brown curly hair. His beard and mustache matched, though the beard was tinged with gray. Weariness sat on the piper's face; in the wrinkles around his eyes, in the downward set of his lips, in the red hue surrounding his gray eyes.

Behind the scenes[]

He is based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin. He has a Scottish accent.


  1. SNW, 59-61, 80-99, 167, 193-197, 200-206, 225