The Feys is a surname found in the world of Daventry. See also Fey brothers.
The Feys weren't raised to enjoy archaic ways of fighting and needless killing.
Known individuals[]
- Wente Fey
- Bramble Fey
- Taylor Fey
- Mother[1]
- Grandma Fey
Classic Series[]
See Also[]
Behind the scenes[]
This is a reference to Feys brothers in the The King's Quest Companion. Wente and Tailor Fey share a disgust in 'violence' in their characterizations (which Wente says is something the Feys were taught against).
According to a cut file from Chapter 2, the son of the Feys is going to be Taylor Fey. Which is a nod to Tailor Fey, itself a pun, and a reference to the King's Quest Companion's Fey brothers, and this Omnipedia's use of the page name Tailor Fey.
In chapter 3 Wente talks about his ma and her shop. Perhaps he is related to the Baker family in Serenia (KQGS), at least this universes version of the family. One of Wente’s signature recipes happens to be Custard pie (KQGS) even. In fact one of the brothers was named Tam who’s name was based Tammy Faye Bakker the wife of 1980's televangelist.
Istvan Fey was a programmer on KQ5NES.
- ↑ "When I was that boy's age, I would roll dough for hours every day after school in me ma's shop. But not my boy. He doesn't have the stomach for hard work. "