King's Quest Omnipedia

The game semi acknowledges certain off-color terms in the parser systme such as "fuck", "fucking", "shit", "shiting", "shitting", "crap", "craping", "crapping". Using these terms will knock you out of the parser type screen. It will not bring up any warning messages.

Hmm, bringing the shield to cloud land in KQ1 SCI?[]

Ok, in the remake, everytime I've played through the game, it seemed to to force me to get the mirror, and the chest of gold, and the shield last... As the condor wouldn't appear until I found the first two treasures.

However, I was looking through the files, there is actually text in the game for taking the shield along with you to the giant, "Fortunately, you have the magic shield with you. It's preventing the giant from pulverizing you!."

Does anyone know if there is a way to get the condor to appear in the game before getting the mirror and chest? Baggins 18:36, July 25, 2010 (UTC)