King's Quest Omnipedia

Scorpions are venomous arachnids.


They can be found in the deserts of the world. They are armed with a curving poison stinger that kills horribly at a touch.[1] They are a dangerous nuisance found in the Endless Desert of Serenia. The deadly scorpions live along the desert's southeastern border. They mean death. The boots and bones of the Forty Thieves victims are often found in the sands, sun whitened skulls the homes to snakes and scorpions.

Larger varieties can be found in the The Desert of Eldritch.

Behind the scenes[]

See also poison, venom, toxin and bane for some of the similarities and differences between terminology. This article is not the place to discuss pedantic online debates on terminology.

The symbol for Scorpio (the scorpion) appears in King's Quest 8.


  1. Narrator (WATP/AIS): "A scorpion behind the rock has stung you. You are dead.", "A SCORPION BEHIND THE ROCK HAS STUNG YOU. YOU ARE NOW DEAD."