King's Quest Omnipedia

The River of Life is a river that flows through the Bountiful Woods of Eldritch. Its source is the River Maiden's pitcher fueled by nectar.


When Valanice arrives in the woods, the river is dried up, the bridge is partially broken and the river can only be crossed by jumping stones near the Were-Woods. Additionally, the Cornucopia Maiden's cornucopia is empty while the River Maiden's pitcher no longer delivers water into the riverbed.

After speaking to the Rock Spirit, Valanice learns that she needs to use the drink and food of the gods to properly restore the river. By filling the River Maiden's pitcher with nectar from nearby flowers, Valanice restores the flow of the river and a rainbow forms between the broken sections of the bridge to repair it. By drinking from the river, Attis' curse is broken and he is restored to human form from being stuck as a stag. The river is fully restored when Valanice uses ambrosia on the Cornucopia Maiden, refilling her magical cornucopia and allowing Valanice to use a pomegranate from it to heal Ceres.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The River of Life is a river in discussed in Christian and biblical lore. It is a river that flows in heaven, and drinking from it bestows eternal life. The Tree of Life is said to have trunks that grow on both banks of the river (or two separate trees) with twelve different fruits.


  1. KQ7