King's Quest Omnipedia

A pocket universe are small self-contained bubble-like parallel universes and dimensions of the Multiverse.


It is a universe or reality completely separate from ours which is much smaller, may have different natural laws, and may be artificially created.[1]

One explanation put forth by a number of reputable scientists argues that there exists in reality an unknown number of different universes. These could be thought of as different regions of the same universe, but in either case, theory allows for these "pocket universes" to have their own unique sets of the laws of science and nature. Another theory states that the universe is not made up of individual particles, like atoms or electrons, but instead composed of strings--strange things that are long, but not high or wide, and have no other dimension. This theory only makes scientific sense, however, if the universe has more than the four dimensions to which most are accustomed to; 26 dimensions is one number given. The reason that people do not see the extra dimensions is that they're folded up on themselves, but they are there, nonetheless. These could also be pocket universes. Daventry may be one of these pocket universes.[2]

The phenomena known as Magical law of "containment" appears to create pocket universes within barriers that prevent travel in or out of surrounding regions from two or more directions. Some of these pocket universes appear to interact or be merged with the World of Daventry existing both physically in the world and in Other Worlds (each in another world) across dimensions. These include places like Tamir, Enchanted Isles, the Isle of the Dead, the city of Tanalore, and the Edge of the World. Even Kingdom of Daventry, has existed as its own pocket dimensional world separated from rest of the lands at times (surrounded by a containment barrier. Even Llewdor was subject to this phenomena.

Pocket universes[]

See also[]


  2. KQC3E, xxii
  3. InterAction, Spring 1999, pg “Head to the northwest corner of your area map. There lies a boathouse and in it a boatman. Pump him for information (especially on the portals to other dimensions).”