Other Worlds (or The Worlds) plural refers to many worlds which make up the the multiverse[1] Other World can also refer to individual worlds in that multiverse such as the "next world", but in general it is a name given to the planet Earth by the peoples of World of Daventry (Daventry),
Travel between worlds is usually restricted but there are places where magic is strong and barriers between worlds are thin, connecting worlds together physically (or through dreams), and in some cases where worlds merge together (and lands may appear or disappear from the world at any time). The magical law of "containment" is thought to be a side effect of such phenomena caused by warping in the multiverse preventing travel into or out of regions on two or more sides occasionally turning realms into small pocket universes (self contained worlds of their own). This has affected several lands in the prime Daventry and many of the other alternate worlds of Daventry at times including Kolyma, Llewdor, Tamir (where the phenomena has remained permanent, and even the Kingdom of Daventry (where the phenomena has seemingly faded over time). The place between the worlds (a place filled with strong magic, aether, dreams and the mysterious cyberspace) lies between the worlds of the multiverse.
The Other World is the term Derek and others give to the Earth, according to letters sent to Peter Spear from Derek Karlavaegen. Peter Spear sometimes calls Earth: "This World" (or our world) based on this terminology.
The Other World is part of the multiverse. Humans in Daventry originally withdrew from the Other World so they consider people still in the other world as their ancestors. Many mythic beings originally came from the Other World and moved into Daventry thus both worlds share the same mythology, books and even many of the same heroes.
It is also said that the events told in the King's Quest games occurred a long time ago in earth's past. The ancient history has been passed through the generations to the present. This would imply that people withdrew into Earth's remote past.
It is sometimes referred to as This World from Peter Spear's perspective.
Edge of the World[]
The Green Islanders are fond of saying that the impassable currents in the seas around the kingdom are there as a warning - to keep all ships from sailing further east. For it is believed that within a day's sail in that direction a ship strong enough and foolhardy enough to survive the tempest seas would encounter the edge of the world!
"What lies beyond the edge of the world," is asked "why, the next world." it is replied, and with fearful glances at one another, they quickly change the subject.
The Edge of the World in the World of Daventry exists at the edge of Daventry and the multiverse and allows access to Other Worlds across the aether.
The Realm of the Dead is said to be one of these Other Worlds. It physically manifests itself as the Island of the Dead.
The land of Tamir exists both physically within the world of Daventry on the Tanalore continent and also co-exists in another world.[2] This phenomena is likely due to its close proximity to the city of Tanalore which touches all realities of creation. There is a link between Tanalore and ancient Aegypt, and other civilizations and peoples who Withdrew to the world.
There is no way to swim far enough west to reach the east, but walking north does wrap around to the south.[3] Suggesting at times even Tamir is fully isolated from the rest of the world inside of self-contained pocket universe.
The Land of Kolyma is yet another place which both connected physically to Daventry but also apparently partially warped outside of it across the multiverse. Geographers say that the "magical law of "containment" operates in the western part of the continent. For reasons forgotten, or perhaps it was whimsy on the part of the multiverse--movement to both the north and south in this part of Kolyma eventually turned back upon itself, contained as if inside some transparent cosmic donut. [4]
In most places one can get to the north by going south since the land wraps around itself. The east-west direction is limited, however, by the ocean and mountains, so one cannot swim far enough west to meet the mountains on the east.[5] Suggesting even at times even Kolyma is fully isolated and self-contained within its own pocket universe world preventing travel to outside parts of the main world.
Enchanted Islands[]
The Enchanted Islands and the Enchanted Isle is another special region which lies miles away from the Kingdom of Daventry on the other side of the world. It exists both physically in the world and in another world, dimensions away. The Magic Door also links it to the Kolyma continent.
Llewdor is another land affected by the multiversal magical law of "containment", and contained in its own pocket universe (or cosmic donut). This may also have to do with its proximity to the city of Tanalore.
Llewdor wraps around itself in the north/south direction, but on the east and west are hideous dangers. Beyond the desert is the desert maze, and beyond the sea is the ocean maze. Once someone enters these areas even briefly, it's unlikely they'll ever find their way back.[6] These areas constantly warping adventurers around to different spots of the desert or ocean disorientating them until they are lost, eventually firing of thirst or drowning. They are lucky if they are warped back to the edge of the desert or the beach. Ships are able to navigate the seas to sail to other parts of the greater world.
When adventurers climb down the mountain, they find that Llewdor "wraps around" from north to south. If they go far enough in those directions, barring obstacles, they return to where they started. In fact from the vantage point of the mountain summit adventures can see landmarks in the north across the horizon that actually exist in the south.
Dimension of Death[]
The Dimension of Death is yet another land that exists both physically connected to the world, and coexists in another world accessible only through magical portals or by physically dying. In this way it is similar to the Land of the Dead and its physical connection to the Isle of the Dead.
Realm of Eldritch[]
The Realm of Eldritch and Etheria fully exists in another world, an alternate universe. It does have one connection via the place between the worlds to the physical world of Daventry through the Looking Pool in the gardens of the Kingdom of Daventry.
Behind the scenes[]
The term "Otherworld" does exist in mythology but in general refers to magical realms of the gods... In Celtic traditions this would be equivalent to the Welsh underworld of Annwn. Sometimes the term is spelled lowercase with italics: other world.
References to Withdrawal can be read in the King's Quest Companion. References to King's Quest taking place on Earth can be found in the original manuals for various games in the series, the introduction video in KQ6, a reference to the world being called Earth by Edward in KQ1 (remake) and gnomes in KQ8, and even Derek Karlavaegen in Guidebook to the Land of the Green Isles. Connor refers to the planet Jupiter in KQ8, a planet found in the same solar system as earth. The constellation, Leo is also mentioned.
- Well, ya, King's Quest is on earth. Daventry is a very old city from a long time ago. It's in ruins now and people aren't quite sure exactly where it used to be. There are some archaeologists searching through the ruins, they think they know it's Daventry. But it's somewhere on Earth."
-Roberta Williams, Talkspot Interview, part 1 (1:20:40 to 1:59:58)File:Daventryisearth.ogg
See On the Origin of Daventry for further information.
External links[]
- Earth at the Space Quest Omnipedia
- Earth at the Manhunter Omnipedia
- Earth and Glorianna at the Quest for Glory Omnipedia