King's Quest Omnipedia

Ooga Booga is a town/township in Ooga Booga Land. The township (and surrounding region) is a slightly morbid and spooky village of the deceased. The town of Ooga Booga, and the darker lands of the kingdom around is the Land of the Dead in the Realm of Eldritch.


Death fascinates men the world round, and there are as many philosophies about what comes after this life as there are, it seems, lives which end.[1] For land of Eldritch, Ooga Booga is the Land of the Dead.

Many years in the past, a great war was fought all over Eldritch and Etheria lead by rebels forces under the command of the traitorous Malicia.. Not even Ooga Booga was spared. Count Vladimir Tsepish fought valiantly, defeating many of the rebels. But by treachery he was beheaded by Malicia's gargoyle. His head was hidden away. Countess Elspeth soon died of heartbreak, and the mansion of the Count and Countess was attacked and set ablaze the the Boogeyman, a vicious undead creature, and their dog Black Valiant perished. After her death, Elspeth became a melancholy wraith, when once she was the most beautiful woman in Eldritch. After the Count and Countess' deaths Ooga Booga fell into chaos, and the Boogeyman took over.

Many years later things were set right when Rosella was able to defeat Malicia and restore the Count's head and he was able to rule again.

Ooga Booga is home to Dr. Cadaver (the resident physician/doctor and coroner), the undertaker of the land, the Ghoul Kids (fiendish and cruel demon-like children who live for chaos) and many other bizarre and somewhat morbid people and creatures.

In relation to the rest of the lands on the world of Eldritch, Ooga Booga is a far away land.[2]


Cemetery Gate

The Swamp

Malicia's House

Manor House Ruins (House Tomb)

Tree House (Treehouse)


Deadfall (Boogeyman's Home)

Count's tomb (Tomb)

Undertaker's House

Behind the Scenes

According to the Gravedigger, those who die in the Realm of Eldritch are moved onto Ooga Booga. Everyone 'living' in the realm are dead as a doornail, for the most part. As such it acts as a kind of afterlife for those of Eldritch.

Ooga Booga is apparently known as the Land of the Dead in Eldritch[3]. Either that, or she knows of the Realm of the Dead in the Land of the Green Isles. But under the context of rotting together in the coffin, for eternity, and based on what she says in KQ7, it appears she intended to leave them locked away in Ooga Booga for a thousand years. As Eldritch's Land of the Dead, that would mean that Vlad Tsepish is the Lord of the Dead for the land.

Several characters in the game also note had the Volcano erupted and destroyed the world that Ooga Booga would see a huge surge in population (also suggesting that those die in Eldritch go on to exist in Ooga Booga).

Ooga Booga is apparently considered a kingdom although it is ruled by a count. Perhaps he also holds the title of king, but this is never specifically mentioned.[4]He may be the equivalent of the Lord of the Dead or personification of Death for Ooga Booga.


  1. Guidebook to the Land of the Green Isles, pg
  2. Dragon Toad (KQ8):"His Majesty the King is imprisoned, far away in the dark land of Ooga Booga."
  3. "I do hope that the two of you get along well, since you're both going to rot together in the Land of the Dead for all eternity!"-King's Quest Companion, 4th Edition, 371
  4. "Up above this kingdom is a dark land called Ooga Booga. Our kingdoms were never crazy about each other, but we had a civil relationship. Now, because of HER, the Ooga Boogites attack any troll that shows his face above ground. Missy, once you're human, will you go above and investigate? I have a gut feeling that our kingdom is in terrible trouble."   