King's Quest Omnipedia


There are several oases in the Endless Desert. Three oasies with pools of water and palm trees, and other plants. The other oasises include the desert well[1], the area right before the gap leading to the Desert Temple, and the water vase in the Bandit Camp. The location where the Wanderer died in the desert was once been an oasis but had long since dried up over time.[2]

According to one map of Kolyma in a region south of the mountains and the chasm just outside of the Magical law of "containment" is a grove of palm trees, while palms are known to grow along the western shore, and possibly beyond the mountains in eastern Kolyma as well. This grove indicates that they also grow to the south possibly along the southern beaches or that it is an oasis ons a southern desert.

Valanice stuck mostly to an oasis when she was in The Desert of Eldritch.


  1. Narrator: "A rope and water basket sit near a small well."
  2. TOBOKQ2E, pg