King's Quest Omnipedia

Mushrooms are a type of fungus (but sometimes considered a veggie in culinary circles). There are many types.


When the condor dropped Graham by the hole on the Mushroom Isle leading to the Land of the Leprechauns, he found a mushroom growing nearby. As it turned out, Graham needed to eat the fungus in order to return to the world above ground.

This solution to his predicament is much like the one Alice used in her famous adventures. At one point in Wonderland she met a hookah-smoking caterpillar sitting on a mushroom. Between puffs, the creature told Alice the mushroom was what she needed to change size--one side to make her taller, the other side to make her shorter. Since the girl had already been stretched and shrunk by a variety of cakes and potions, she had no trouble at all believing what the caterpillar said.

In another adventure underground, the caterpillar showed Alice a mushroom and said that if she ate the top of the mushroom, it would make her taller, and the stalk would make her shrink.[1]

The mushroom found on the Land of the Leprechauns had the curious ability of shrinking someone down to size when eaten. Graham used this kind of mushroom to escape Land of the Leprechauns and make it back into Daventry. It allowed him to shrink down and make it through a small crack before growing back to his normal size.


Another type called Curative Mushrooms can be found growing through Daventry and nearby lands and is known for its curative properties when eaten. Connor collected the mushrooms during his quest to save Daventry to help cure his injuries from battle. The mushrooms appear to be a major food source in Daventry town and are often found harvested into baskets.

Connor also discovered a special giant Golden Mushroom growing among other giant mushrooms in Mushroom Cove.

Behind the scenes[]

This is known as the 'Mushroom' in KQ1SCI, and the 'mushroom' in the original. It is known as the 'Magic mushroom' in the KQ1 Hintbook.


  1. KQC, 2nd Edition, 492