King's Quest Omnipedia

Princess Lydia is the daughter of Owen. Telgrin kept her alive so that he could marry her when she came of age. Alexander and Cyril saved her. She went to live with Cyril, and began research in ways of curing his master, Morowyn's condition.[1]

Titles and nicknames[]

  • Princess
  • Princess Lydia


  1. TFC, 120, 121, 138. 142, 144-146, 185, 190, 192-210, 218, 219, 221-229, 232-236, 238, 239, 242-248, 250-252, 254, 255, 258-262, 267-269, 271, 272, 274-278, 280-285, 287-289, 294-297