King's Quest Omnipedia

Lorelei Shannon was the co-designer of King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride. She also wrote the official King's Quest VI Hintbook and King's Quest VII: The Official Hint Guide.

Within these books are summaries explaining the history of King's Quest games; The Royal Family: A Celebration & A Summary of King's Quest.

She also wrote the additional material for KQV Macintosh version including the text in the intro: About King's Quest VI.

Behind the scenes[]

An extra in the King's Quest Collection, The Royal Scribe, claims that Lorelei Shannon also wrote a hintbook for King's Quest I. However, the official KQ1 Hintbook was written by Al Lowe. So this was likely a typo, and meant to be VI. If she had written a hintbook for KQ1 it would have had to have been one for the SCI remake.
