King's Quest Omnipedia

Law is associated with Order and Justice. It may be the opposing force of Sin.


The Hillmen are concerned for nothing but the Law and Order.

While Kingdom of Daventry does have a court of law (which may include the Council).[1] Trials are held on the new moon of each month. The King, Queen, or Seneschel (or other important official) sits upon the Judgment Seat listening to disputes and cases, and passing judgement. The law for killing the king is pretty swift, including immediate execution for those who attempt regicide.[2] The law for kidnapping appears to place the culprits into the castle's deepest and darkest dungeons.

Many of the worst criminals (murder, kidnapping, and robbery) are kept in the dungeon.[3] Where if they are lucky after a year, they are given one chance come before the court to plead for clemency, if they do not prove themselves reformed they may be tossed back into the dungeon forever, where they might be forgotten over time.

It appears that capital punishment is reserved only for the worst of offenders (this includes burning at the stake) such as those who would attempt regicide (and they only spend a short time in the dungeon guarded by the King's agents), before they are torched at dawn. Both Graham and Rosella seem to be fairly strong on criminals who commit heinous crimes, however Graham apparently chooses to issue banishment or exile for most of these crimes, under threat of worse fate in the deepest dungeons if they return.

This seems to be the case where most of the darker creatures; (trolls, dark elves, dwarves, Sorcerers, evil spirits, dragons, witches, etc) were driven out of the kingdom under his rule, only challenged to return when they felt his power had been diminished, and the kingdom could not fight back.

There is a rule prohibiting goats (except seeing-eye goats) from entering the castle.[4]

In Daventry, disobeying a direct royal order is an unforgivable offence. At least according to the law[5], Prison, or banishment were potential punishments for disobedience to the Royal Family. However, Graham and Valanice had always shown mercy, for minor infractions...

The monarchy of of Serenia, has legislated peace and love and harmony between all. The penalty for breaching those laws is severe. Some of the more cynical persuasion quip that the first law of the land is "You will be happy--or you will regret it".

See also[]

Behind the scenes[]

It may be suggested that the form of execution used in Daventry is being burned at the stake as a KQ1 Easter Egg would suggest.[6]

While not specificaly stated to be a law, its said that: "King Edward does not allow anyone to take his flowers." Which implies its a punishable offense.


  1. SNW, pg
  2. Narrator (KQ1):"To kill King Edward would mean immediate execution!"
  3. See No Weevil, 23, 96
  4. Narrator (KQ1SCI): You recall a rule prohibiting goats (except seeing-eye goats) from entering the castle.
  5. KoS, pg
  6. Narrator (KQ1):"Even as you are reaching for your medieval flamethrower, the King's agents descend upon you. You are taken away to be torched at dawn."