King's Quest Omnipedia

Kolyma is the homeland of Valanice and her lady-in-waiting Matilda.


Young Valanice (novels) grew up in the castle there.

Valanice’s parents live in the castle, only one side of her family being royalty and the other of lesser stock.

Valanice lived in the castle for much of her younger life. As a child she enjoyed climbing the castle steps from the lowest dungeon to highest parapet chased by her lady-in-waiting Matilda.

Valanice grew up in an area where there were fairies.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Valanice’s homeland is mentioned in the novel King’s Quest: Kingdom of Sorrow and in King’s Quest: See No Evil, although not by name. The name Kolyma of course originate from official games lore.

In the novels, Valanice’s childhood appears to be completely peaceful and there is no indication of the events related to King’s Quest 2. While it’s not known how Graham and Valanice met, nor where they married. We only know that she and Matilda moved to Daventry from their homeland to join her husband.

The novels state that she grew up in a castle (but never specifies where that castle was located) . When the novels talks about her homeland, it is likely referring to Kolyma in general (that all of Kolyma is Valanice's homeland), rather than the more complicated version of the kingdom found in the Companion. The castle could be a reference to Castle Dracula, the well known castle from King’s Quest 2. Alternatively it could just be a coincidental invention by the author.


  1. KOS, pg 63: “Graham smiled. "You grew up in an area where there were fairies. I didn't. You can't be blamed for that."