King's Quest Omnipedia

King's Quest III: To Heir is Human was original 1986 PC Booter (MSDOS/Tandy/PCJR compatible) release of the third game in the King's Quest Series.


Become Gwydion, young slave to the evil wizard Manannan of Llewdor. Discover the wizard's secret spells, and use his magic to free yourself from his thrall. Embark upon a dangerous voyage to another land. Scale snowy peaks and brave a terrible monster to free a kingdom from its ravages![1]

Relive ancient lore and legends, fantasy and fables in this epic adventure...

Step into the tattered shoes of Gwydion who serves the powerful and evil wizard Manannan on his mountaintop retreat. Use your wits to learn his magic and free yourself from slavery.

Explore the countryside of Llewdor, where Manannan reigns supreme. Survive an arid desert, and ford sparkling streams.

Travel to a nearby seaport, where you'll find companions of questionable character and motives.

Find passage on a ship bound for places unknown. And may the wind fill your sails!

On your travels, encounter beings, both mystical and mythological, from fiction and fairy tales. Get help from the friendlier ones, and tread carefully with those who would do you harm.

Come face to face with Medusa, the woman so ugly she turns mortal men to stone.

Scale snow peaks to tackle the Abominable Snowman in his mountain stronghold.

Enjoy the reluctant hospitality of three less than charming bears (who have learned to distrust visitors).

And of course, match wits with the powerful,wizard Manannan, whose every whim must be your command until you learn a way to defeat him with his own magic!


This version uses booter disk method, that requires a key disk as copy protection method.

This version is Hercules (monochrome), CGA (RGB (4-color) or composite (16-color)), and Tandy/PCJr only. Tandy included 3Voice for improved music and additional sound effects s

Escape pauses the game rather than opening any menus. There are no menus and functions are accessed by key commands or typing them in manually. Tan brings up the inventory. This was first KQ versions to put narrations in boxes on screen rather than in parser section.

The ending has description differences compared to later non-booter versions (see King's Quest III: To Heir is Human (1987)). There are some differences in the credits.


Version 1.01 8th November 1986 5.25" 360 KB version. Comes with AGI2 intepreter v2.272. This version of the game only supports CGA, Hercules, and Tandy/PCjr graphics.

Followed by Version 2.00 25th May 1987 5.25" 360 KB version. Comes with AGI3 interpreter v2.435. Like game version 1.01, this version only supports CGA, Hercules, and Tandy/PCjr graphics.

Behind the scenes[]


  1. Back of box