King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne is an adventure game re-release of developed and published by Sierra On-Line, and it serves as the second King's Quest game in the series. It is the sequel to King's Quest I, and it uses the same AGI engine.
For the official novelization of the game see, Romancing the Throne: From the Chronicles of Daventry, Part II.

Take a romantic and dangerous journey with King Graham as he searches for his true love. You'll need a keen eye, quick wit, and plenty of courage to fight the powers of evil and rescue the lovely Princess Valanice from captivity in the crystal tower. Find out if love really does conquer all![1]
In King's Quest II Roberta Williams continues the saga of Graham, now King of the Land of Daentry. His quest to rescue a princess locked away in tower that is both miles and dimensions away. The adventure begins on a deserted beach, and will take the player to undersea worlds and into a vampire's castle. The answer to Graham's challenge lies behind a magic door and its three keys which unlock untold secrets.
- Enter the castle and sleep chamber of an evil vampire.
- Meet creatures from legend and myth.
- Have an audience with Neptune, the undersea king.
- Be careful, you might end up in hot water.
Release Information[]
The game was a re-released version in 1987 with EGA support to run under DOS.
The re-release plays "Greensleeves" from the title screen. The rerelease made several changes including textboxes and pull down menus, based on the updated KQ3 AGI engine.
This with version with all its updated features, is the most common version of the game, and is why most remaining copies bear a 1987 rather than a 1985 copyright date.
Due to rather disappointing sales of the 1990 remake of King's Quest I, the prospect of officially remaking and re-releasing King's Quest II was scrapped.
Behind the scenes[]
Romancing the Throne is intentionally a pun on the 1980s movie Romancing the Stone. It has a double meaning in that Throne in this instance means "dynasty"/"legacy" of the kingdom/crown/throne. As such Graham is searching for romance to bring heir and extend his legacy, to save the kingdom from ruin.
The official hintbook for King's Quest II was written by Al Lowe of Leisure Suit Larry fame.
See Romancing the Throne Development.
- "...As a story, it's the enchanting game..."-Scott Mace, Insider Magazine
- "It's like playing an animated cartoon"-Computer! magazine
- "If you liked King's Quest, you'll love the sequel"-Consumer Software News
- "Roberta Williams has simply outdone herself"-Computer Entertainment
- King's Quest II has "the most lushly painted and highly detailed scenery seen since...well, King's Quest I."-Questbusters journal
- "The interactive story is presented in full color, animated, three-dimensional graphics and scored with multipart music and sound effects. King's Quest attempts to merge the best aspects of text adventures with graphics of arcade games. The animated graphics are simply the best we have ever seen on a home computer."-Computer Gaming World, June 1985
- "I used to be a member of the I-Hate-Adventure-Games Club until I met King's Quest II, Romancing the Throne. This program is a breakthrough in game adventures. I say 'game adventures' instead of adventure games because King's Quest II is mostly animation with a little typing thrown in. The first thing I said when I saw this game was ..WOW.. And I didn't stop being amazed. You never know what you might encounter just around the next bend. It might be a beautiful beach or it might be an enemy stalking you... Move King Graham to any edge of the screen and, seconds later, the next picture screen loads in. I still can't get over the graphics. The trees, buildings, lakes and ocean are all dimensionally correct. In other words, you can walk into a tree head-on, or from the sides, the back, or just walk around it. If you see a tree with a long branch that extends off onto the right side of the monitor, you will see the rest of the branch when you get to the next screen. Each screen is colorful and detailed with a good feeling of atmosphere. I thought there could be only a few screens on one 3 1/2-inch disk, but was I wrong! I counted at least 35 screens on the first disk alone. And there are two disks to the game. As you travel about this strange land you may encounter other animated characters—each with his, her, or its own personality. You might recognize some of the characters from fairy tales and legends. And you will soon find out if they are there to help or hinder you...The story itself is very well laid out. It's obvious that a lot of thought was given to how the screens would fit together and how the characters would interact. The characters you will meet are delightful. Each one has a different facial expression and can move about as freely as you. And you will find yourself freely running from a few of them...If all adventures could be this enjoyable and visually stimulating, I would have been an adventure game freak long ago. I found myself up until the wee morning hours, with just the monitor lighting, the room, laughing and smiling at a new sequence I had discovered. Then I realized I was afraid I would complete my quest, and I didn't want it to end."-Brad Kershaw, ANTIC, MAY 1986
- "I first experienced computer gaming through her early I sort of grew up on her style of adventure game design. She has a clean and crisp style of design that states the goals of the game clearly and makes your challenges clear, which I find refreshing...I really do think 'King's Quest I' was the finest adventure game ever written, and the most fun to play...I also liked 'King's Quest II' a lot. I think both of these games are great examples of the kind of adventure games that I like to play and that started the whole adventure game following in the first place. 'King's Quest I' and 'King's Quest II' are unlike most computer games written nowadays. Frankly, they don't feature the deep, complex plots of games like 'Police Quest III' and 'Conquests of the Longbow'. Instead, these games are basically treasure hunts with lots of fun puzzles thrown in to add challenge. They feature simple goals—you know what it takes to win the contest with the computer. For me, adventure games have represented a pleasant diversion—something I could boot up and get lost in for a few hours at the end of a long day. I view them the same way some people review Rubik's Cube or a crossword puzzle. I want simple goals—something I can jump into the middle of and go...I want hard puzzles—real mind benders—so that when I solve one I can sit smugly... with a sense of satisfaction. This straight forward 'goals and puzzles' approach to adventuring represents the oldest and purest approach to the art form. Everyone at Sierra has their opinion about how adventure games should work, of course, but as for me, give me the old-time adventuring. Give me the early 'King's Quests'."-John Williams, Interaction Magazine, Spring 1992.
Easter Eggs[]
- On the cliffs after the snake, there is a boulder with a little hole in it (in this release). Type LOOK IN HOLE while standing in front of it, you will see a preview demo of Sierra's Space Quest 1!
- Behind a tree is a note discussing King's Quest III and Space Quest I (in the 1987 re-release).
- Typing in "What is Graham's name?" or "What is Graham's last name?" will give the answer "cracker". Beginning the running joke that Graham's full name is Graham Cracker. Technically, the important word in the parser is 'name' and thus any combination of questions ending with 'name' will work, such as "What is Graham's first name" (but the KQ2 hintbook confirms the intent is for it to be his last name).
- There is a certain possibility that the Batmobile will come out of Hagatha's cave when entering the screen.
- Attempting to talk to the Magic Seahorse, brings up a special message.
- Attempting to kiss Hagatha brings up a funny message.
- Using Abracadabra or Sesame on the clam in Neptune's Kingdom will give a special message.
- Strangely in KQ2 the parser responds to calling any female characters by derogatory terms (see KQ2 transcript), the nouns used will lead to the standard character descriptions. Shades of Leisure Suit Larry? Strangely one can also use any of the female character names such as Valanice, Red Riding Hood, Witch, Grandma, Hagatha, etc, in order to look at any other female characters.[2] It is said that Scott Murphy was behind the more colorful Easter eggs.
- Message 3 in msg.90 folder has a hidden description for Valanice from the narrator: "She is even more lovely than she appeared in the mirror. Her long auburn hair tumbles down to cover her large firm breasts. Her erect nipples are one of the indications that her warm thighs would welcome your tender kisses."
- Graham must deal with the snake using the golden bridle, a seemingly illogical puzzle. If he kills the snake, it will also solve the problem, but with fewer points. The Official Book of King's Quest points out; If you know mythology, you'll probably know what to do with the snake and a bridle... It further explains, that the reader might ask what kind of nonsense is this (thinking it odd); however, readers of Greek mythology would know that a winged horse, named Pegasus, sprang fully grown from the head of Medusa (a babe with snakes for hair) when she was slain. So there is a link between winged horses and snakes. The King's Quest Companion, 2nd Edition gives two explanations that "Graham 'accidentally' threw the bridle" while trying to use his sword (this a joke back at a similar situation in the KQ1 novel where he accidentally throws a bucket of water at a dragon, when attempting to use a knife), but it also gives the reader knowledge of both solutions to the puzzle. The second explanation discusses the history and inspiration behind the puzzle Pegasus was born from Medusa, and Bellerophon was given a magic bridle by Athena in order to ride Pegasus. However, a more direct influence to the idea of throwing magic bridle sonto enchanted creatures comes from the Romanian fairy tale (which appears in Andrew Lang's Violet Fairy book from Andrew Lang's Fairy Books, which he calls The Fairy of the Dawn, also known as The Fairy Aurora[3]), the Hero Petru is tasked with throwing a bridle over the head of several "Welwa" (a monsterous beast depending on the source, which is either similar to the ugly beast that becomes a unicorn seen in KQ8, or a giant worm/snake, of some sort, each Welwa in the book has a different form, from the first being a goblin, to second being more of a chilmaera, fog, twisted backwards creature, and other forms). When he throws the bridle over each of the beasts head, each creature turns into a beautiful horse.
- Graham must cross the bridge only a certain number of times during the game, after which the bridge will collapse. This is not explained during the game, and the player receives a point each time, possibly confusing the player into thinking that all the points can be garnered by simply crossing the bridge again and again. This flaw was alluded to in King's Quest VI.
- Design / Writing / Dialogue: Roberta Williams
- Story: Annette Childs, Roberta Williams
- Programming: Sol Ackerman, Dale Carlson, Chris Iden, Scott Murphy, and Ken Williams
- Interpreter / Development System: Robert Eric Heitman, Chris Iden, and Jeff Stephenson
- Animation: Mark Crowe
- Scenery: Doug MacNeill
- Music: Al Lowe
- Quality Assurance: Robert Ballew, Russell Truelove, Kimberly Wood, Larry Weisserman, and Susan Lee
- Thank You From KQ2 Development Team: Ken Williams, Roberta Williams, Sol Ackerman, Jeff Stephenson, Chris Iden, Scott Murphy, Doug MacNeill, Doug MacNeill, Al Lowe, Dale Carlson, Annette Childs, and Emo
Manuals and Guides[]
- King's Quest II Manual
- The King's Quest Companion
- The Official Book of King's Quest: Daventry and Beyond
- The Official Book of King's Quest (Second Edition)
- The Official Book of King's Quest VI
- The Official Book of King's Quest VI Artwork
External Links[]
Standard Links[]
Guides and Walkthroughs[]
- King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne at GameFAQs
- King's Quest II by DoubleNegative at The Let's Play Archives
- King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne at The Walkthrough King
- King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne at The Spoiler Centre
- ↑ InterAction, spring 1992
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