King's Quest Omnipedia


  • This port is fairly lowkey direct port of 1986 PC version.
  • This version has mouse support assuming you have a mouse. Which has a nice colored cursor arrow for moving the character around or accessing pull-down menus (scummVM is capable of emulating the Amiga O/S mouse cursor).
  • The keyboard controls have to be fully pressed for the actions to take place. The character will only move for as long as the button is held, and stop when the button is not being pressed. (in the PC version character will travel continuougly unless the button is pressed a second time to 'stop').
  • It runs slower than standard PC version.
  • Music and sound effects are largely the same as the PC version with bleeps and bloops. Maybe slightly better sound effects at points though.
  • It has unique screen transitions/screen washes between screens (the original pC version does not). The transition looks like it pixellates out and then back in onto the next screen.
  • This game still uses 16 colors. However, due to the differences in PCs EGA or VGA compatiblity modes and Amiga's 32 color mode, there are slightly different choices of colors in certain places (but still only up to 16 colors per screen). This is largely due to colors not matching up on each system, and wrong colors being chosen... The same issue occurs on some of the other ports including Applle II and Apple IIGS versions.
  • There are two extra menu icons on the top right corner. Apparently for adjusting screen size/window size in Amiga operating system, and the other for closing the window (to hide the game apparently?).