King's Quest Omnipedia

There are three main categories of information contained in the articles of the wikipedia. The policies below show how to enter such information. Where an article contains more than one type of information, all of the appropriate policies should be followed.

If you have any queries about these policies, feel free to ask about them on the talk page.

This policy is based on SQ Omnipedia:Canon Policy.

Note: Note there is a 'spoiler policy' for any new released King's Quest material (for up to two months after release). See below.


Canon (or preferred term 'continuity', originally there are very few if any references to the term 'canon' by the original Sierra) refers to the official body of related work (or "real world/real life" & "game worlds/game realities" as the Companion calls it) related to King's Quest originally published or officially licensed by Sierra. For all intents and purposes this wiki considers anything said to be “official”, “authorized”, “licensed” and/or published by Sierra equivalent and synonymous to canon (as such exists for the series). These include games, demos, documentation, guides/hint-books, novels, short stories, and other articles published in InterAction.

For nearly the first twenty years that the series was released (counting the Wizard and the Princess in 1980), things have been fairly simple as there was more or less originally only a single canon (although things didn't necessarily always fit perfectly), with the occasional modified remake, ports or spin off material... Note: The minor exception being that Companion refers to 'real world' vs 'game world'/realities' of Daventry as being two interpretations of the same world, and KQ1SC I remake is more or less a slight reimagining of the original KQ1 (which is one of the two main original 'game realities').

This wiki calls classic Sierra materials the Original Canon.

Since 2015 the King's Quest IP has been rebooted and re-imagined. This new series has its own unique canon, this wiki refers to as the Reboot Canon.

This wiki is a repository for both of the main canons (and any of the lesser officially derived alternative universes for the series). It focuses on the original material in the main namesake articles, and includes separate articles for the reimagined new canon universe as well.

Original Canon (and Classic Sierra Material)

The 'original canon' (or 'original material') includes the original eight Roberta Williams's KQ games, Wizard & The Princess/Adventure in Serenia, KQ1SCI remake, King's Questions, other spinoff of games (Pinball, Graham's Board Game Challenge, Hoyle, etc), and various assorted game documentation & manuals and other officially endorsed KQ-related material (including Strategy Guides and novels), or any other official material required for the complete King's Quest experience. These were all produced in the classic heyday of the original Sierra company until its closure in 1999.

The King's Quest Companion editions and the King's Quest VII Authorized Players Guide were endorsed by Roberta Williams herself (she had some involvement in their development), and became an important part of the original King's Quest's canon offering 'greater depth and detail' (according to Roberta), it was referenced in other King's Quest games, manuals, and hintbooks (for example Derek Karlavaegen became an important part of the backstory to King's Quest 6, and many of the facts from the books became questions in King's Questions trivia video game). With it one could learn the deepest, most hidden secrets about the real world of Daventry.[1][2]

The King's Quest Companion is an interesting blend of fiction and helpful information for playing my games. Anyone interested in reading the story behind King's Quest or who just needs to be 'unstuck' while playing the game will find this book invaluable."-Roberta Williams, 1st Edition back cover
...a wonderful blend of fact and fiction that brings my games to life in an exciting new way. It add's another fascinating dimension to the entire King's Quest experience. It is truly a pleasure to read and a must have for anyone hoping to explore the series in greater depth and detail.-Roberta Williams, 3rd Edition back cover[3][4] These were all produced in the classic heyday of the original Sierra company until its closure in 1999.

The author Peter Spear has stated that the Companion series is canon to the King's Quest series (backing some of the quotes given by Roberta Williams about the books).[5]

The Official Book of King's Quest series is another official and authorized guide series licensed by Sierra. Written by Donald B. Trivette they contain articles and interviews from Roberta herself, as well as occasional background information to the series.

If there were any future sequels that expand on and directly continue from the original series, these maybe included as well (however, these would unlikely to have Roberta William's direct influence), and accuracy and continuity with the original series is not necessarily guaranteed (not anymore than accuracy between the classic games was 'guaranteed').

The series and related documentation were produced and published by many people, with different artistic visions and ideas. Thus, the reliability of individual sources may very (even between the games themselves).

In general the best/most happy ending is the true canonical ending of a game if a game allows for more than one ending (the best endings usually require most points, if not all). This only applies to KQ4, KQ6, KQ7 for the most part as those are the only games with 'multiple endings'.

Getting a full score is not necessarily important to reach the general 'canon' ending, but the most important is reaching the best ending wherever possible.

The people of Daventry, whose real-life adventures constitute the basis for the King's Quest games, overcame their particular challenges in their own ways. In the game universe, on the other hand, there is often more than one way to successfully solve a problem. Occasionally you will score more points by not doing things the same way the characters did. That's OK; it's only a game, not real life. For us, at least.[6]

An interesting partial exception of full points not necessarily being important (or even the alternative) is the case of the hints/walkthroughs in official KQ1-KQ2 hint books which default on low point/more violence routes of the game (treating the full points version as the “things to try after the game”.

Later games or documents follow from and make reference to the good endings (but not necessarily full points I.E. Graham uses the magic ring which would lead to lost points in the game).

According to Josh Mandel, the documentation was usually written and published by individuals in the marketing and documentation department and rarely had any direct input by the developers themselves. As such most of these stories may not even been directly connected to Roberta Williams or other story writers of the series, but instead inspired and based on details found in the games. This may explain why Hagatha was made out to be more important in the manual for KQ2, than she appears in the game for example.

Marketing apparently also made the boxes, with little input from the developers as well. This is course not always the case, as Roberta Williams worked on KQ8 manual (and several hint books) apparently, and Jane Jensen helped with the documentation for King's Quest 6.

John Williams has also stated that manuals and packaging of IBM PCJr released Sierra games were generally made by IBM’s marketing with little or no input by Sierra as well. Thus making them a second party or third party source.

For sake of consistency however, manuals are generally considered part of the primary canon.

In general due to the nature of continuity between later games (particularly between KQ1 and KQ3) in the series and other source material, the original KQ1 is considered more reliable than the SMS port or SCI remake, as the original trilogy link to each other in art style and locations (the novelization of KQ1 in the Companion ties more directly into this version of KQ1's events, see Quest for the Crown: From the Chronicles of Daventry, Part I) and reflects the "real world" of Daventry.

The SCI remake is treated more as a reimagining/reboot, or at least a slight alternate universe (game reality)[7], with certain events occurring different than they do in the original, I.E. the order of the treasures and the location of the pebbles. Likewise, KQ5 pc is considered more reliable than KQ5 port on the NES, etc. There may also be differences between game versions and formats (floppy vs. CD-ROM, or VGA vs. EGA) which may be covered in articles (these are all part of the 'game worlds').

However, the Official Book of King's Quest 3rd Edition ties into the remake with its artwork and general order of puzzle solutions/item locations: so there is some room for interpretation/cross over/merging between the two timelines and the game reality they focus on.

King's Questions is an in-house designed King's Quest product, one created between KQ6 and KQ7 (while the questions break the 4th wall at times) is intended to be a piece of the King's Quest chronology and lore (so it is part of the main series, rather than a cross over product). King's Questions has an in-universe backstory (questions asked to the captain of Alexander's ship), but is not a exactly a crossover (see below), but the 'quiz' questions definitely break the fourth wall (and thus have more in common with Hoyle I or Interview with Rosella type material which refer to the 'game development' directly). King's Questions ties in Wizard and the Princess in one of its questions, and also adapts some of the Companion related material into games as well (further linking the Companion's status as part of the official/canon ('reality') of the complete King's Quest experience).

The official guides by Peter Spear and Donald Trivette, and other in-house hint books (authorized and endorsed by Sierra, including editorial assistance by Sierra employees and sometimes Roberta Williams herself, or by other King's Quest producers/developers, or by Sierra's own marketing department) are generally considered reliable source of lore and facts. Though Donald Trivette's in particular the third edition (which follows elements from KQ1 SCI remake) represents an alternate interpretation than Peter Spear's. Peter Spear has said in the past that his books are 'canon' as well (influenced by the original versions of the games rather than the KQ1 SCI remake).

An interesting aspect of the official in-house hint books is that the they don't always 'follow' the path of the best points. For example in KQ1 Hint Book the book focuses on killing the Dragon rather than putting its flames out, and treats the more peaceful (more points solution) as the 'alternate solution' to do on a future play through (thus is the nature of the 'game realities').

However, the three licensed spinoff novels which had very little Sierra involvement (and none by Roberta or no known King's Quest developers) are of less crediblity. But at least were considered official continuation by Sierra's promotional and marketing departments and InterAction magazine (this wiki treats them as more or less equal to other sources).

However where differences in story/continuity occurs between the novels and other sources; it will be discussed in the specific articles (i.e. Three-headed Dragon for example: When did the Dragon actually reach Daventry?).

The novels also seemingly attempt to merge the Daventry of the KQ1 remake with later games in the series (as well as utilizing elements that appear to be inspired by the earliest AGI KQ games). Still overall as they do very little to actually contradict the games directly, and take place in periods between the games, they are generally treated as 'equal' on this wiki (other than each book's page pointing out that Roberta or Sierra had little input in their creation).

Further down the list is crossover, easter egg, cameos, and homage material found in other games (what Leisure Suit Larry refers to as the 'Sierra World' this is likely a reference to West World movie, considering the nature of the easter egg) as seen in official Sierra games or source material.

These include Hoyle games, Rosella's First Quest, The Bookwyrm Investigates: Sierra Characters' Favorite Books, Al Lowe Interviews Rosella, and other Sierra games. While some of this material adds serious background lore to the KQ universe as in the case of Hoyle I, much of this is simply a reference for humor sake (jokes or parodies), and not intended to fit into any shared continuity. However, sometimes this material is part of a grey area where both new 'lore' is introduced but also from a humorous perspective. Much of this kind of side material maybe added to this wiki as is, where it relates in a particular topic or be given specific articles as well. Sometimes it may just be noted in a list of trivia or notes after the main information part of an article. At least these details may be elements that mainly reflect the 'game realities'.

A separate source of information altogether is development or post development information from Roberta or other developers. It may include thoughts/opinions as mentioned in interviews, and on chat boards concerning their views, opinions, and factual information about the history of development of the games. Some of this material is flavored with 'hind-sight', 'marketing hype', 'or loss of memory over time', or simply 'changes of opinion'. There sometimes may even be contradictions with previous published games/game manuals and other material (due to views changing over time).

Thus it may not be as reliable (and in some cases irrelevant even) or even biased, to material that was specifically published (when concerning in-universe lore, history, etc). Even the original and older published works may not always be consistent with each other (see changing dates for certain events; twins birth, marriage, when KQ2 takes place, etc) in Timelines.

However, material written by Roberta and physically published, which were intended to expand the universe lore directly (such as material in Hintbooks, Manuals, or Articles) are at an higher or equal status to any other similarly published materials (See game prologues, game synopses articles in KQ5 Hintbook, and The Magical World of King's Quest article from InterAction). But even these sources are not necessarily consistent with each other or other materials.

Related to the 'development' material is unused material found in the game files, sometimes these offer background tidbits to characters, places or story. But this material's reliability is in dispute, as the material was never actually published or accessed by normal means. There is no strict policy for how this material maybe used, but in general its mostly limited to the 'development' pages, or 'behind the scenes' sections (especially if an entire scene is cut from the gameplay, and does not appear in another source).

Exceptions include Rosella's encounter and conversation with Attus from KQ7 appears in the published novelized version of the story (and is thus confirmed), though it doesn't appear in the game itself. Another cut line from KQ7 confirms that Valanice and Rosella encountered Graham after KQ7 is more or less confirmed in the same KQ7 guide. The use of a description of something seen on screen (but where the description isn't accessible in the game, might be valid to still use in an article.

However, something like a 'outtake' such as the Kangaroo Rat's non-rhyming and hard to spell/pronounce name for desert in KQ7 found only in the files is unreliable especially when there is an alternative published name in other sources; I.E. simply The Desert.

In-universe comments stated (or ad-libbed on the spot) but not published, such as Roberta's statement on archaeology and present Daventry, or that Connor courts Rosella in a love triangle with Edgar (or Connor only drinks 'root beer', not exactly true since in-game files suggest its real beer/ale, and that Connor becomes drunk in the game, etc) maybe supporting evidence (see On the Origin of Daventry), but not necessary reliable lore on its own (due to lack of 'published' status), but is generally still referenced within the articles in some fashion as 'word of God'. This also takes into account that some of the later games KQ6 for example had less influence from Roberta, and more influence from others developers of the game (Jane Jensen), and KQ7 (Lorelei Shannon), KQ1SCI (Josh Mandel). But it is noted that she was overall back to influencing KQ8, and wrote the game's story. Note: This doesn't mean Roberta wasn't involved with these games she certainly was and had the final say (she just shared the work with other producers).

In general all of the original published material (from between 1980-1998/1999) is treated as having equal standing (including a mixed-canon or shared universe perspective), including the KQ1SCI remake. However articles are intentionally focused more on the original versions perspective (KQ1AGI, KQ5 PC versions, etc) as the framework of the King's Quest Companion chose to do, and for overall consistency (due to conflicting changes made in the KQ1 remake and later games in the series). This wiki's primary focus is on the original series.

Additional material from the remake (and ports), may be used in overall background and descriptions, but the differences will be pointed out as well in the behind the scenes sections. While general crossover details are generally regulated to notes or trivia sections (or the crossover details de-emphasized, with only a focus on the additional in-universe lore-related details). The exceptions being articles concerning mainly cross-over related material specifically (see Roger Wilco, Larry Laffer, Sonny Bonds, Robin Hood, etc.) Some of this material may also be split into separate pages (for example North Inn vs. Swarthy Hog Inn when the ports offer specific 'alternative' names (with possibly alternative history/lore) and artwork)...

As a rule while elements of humor (4th wall breaking, self-referencing the series and Sierra company itself, cameos, homages, easter eggs) do exist in the original King's Quest material through most of the series (with the primary exception being in KQ8). However, for the most part the stories themselves in the series is played 'straight'. The less serious stuff is limited to onscreen gags, animations, Easter eggs, or even choice of music.

This is not to say that the series is devoid of humor (the series started out with slap stick (Cartoon-like qualities), however, the series overall tended to avoid overt references to pop culture, memes, tropes, and other things that relate to "modern" world at the time of their development (that is not to say there aren’t exceptions) . Instead most references tend to be literary in nature; Fairy Tales, Classic Literature (Horror, Fantasy, Shakespeare, History, Bible), Mythology and Legends (which maybe considered humor or serious depending on the player's own values, but which Williams intended to be humorous and Disney-like).

There are a few obvious exceptions where 'modern pop culture' is addressed, but most of these are found in the Easter eggs: For example throughout The King's Quest Companion there are a few partially concealed pop culture references, which maybe considered fairly dated by today's standards, but are played more or less 'straight' as part of the lore. KQ2 has a batman reference (and several plugs to other games including one for SQ2 or KQ3 as a 'demo trailer'), KQ1 has a Knight Riders reference if you know where to look, KQ3 has KFC reference, and Olympics reference, KQ4 has an homage to the Creature of the Black Lagoon, and KQ6 has its reference to the World Famous Talking Bear, etc. The stories maybe serious, but character animations under certain circumstances may not be.

While this wiki focuses on the original series, it also discusses the extended universe, spin-off and crossover material as well.

We have made a special exception for some of Roberta's notes and ideas concerning the developmental background materials to characters in KQ8 (for example, Sarah as Connor's girlfriend, background about Julia, the use of the term Archarchon, Connor’s age (20, as it’s the only source giving his age), Archeologists studying Daventry’s ruins in modern times, which are only mentioned in interviews or game development articles), and her discussions of King's Quest IX and King's Quest X and how they relate as sequels to KQ8. These may not be 'officially published' 'canon' but we treat them as 'word of god' for the sake of articles here, and assuming they aren't retconned by future published content. We do avoid most prototype material that is contradictory to the released game however. For example we avoid use of name Connor mac Lyrr, as the name was dropped and simplified to just Connor or Connor of Daventry in final game.

Rebooted Universes

Activision has released a new King's Quest games series under the new resurrected Sierra banner.

As the current owner of the series they have chosen to allow the series to be rebooted, changed, reimagined, or have ignored much of the original canon, and can do so at any time; As is evidenced by the new King's Quest series universe: King's Quest: The Complete Collection/Adventures of Graham).

New reimagined or future rebooted canons (alternate 'canon') are to be discussed in their own ways (and usually involves dividing topics up into separate 'universes/dimensions', or by new topic titles (separate pages)). They should not be merged directly into the original series information, nor should any attempt be made to 'incorporate' or 'reconcile' them into a 'single merged universe' but instead consider them separate universes.

The new universe tends to be less serious than the original games, and more self referential, includes particularly anachronistic uses of modern memes, tropes, and catch phrases (lingo). In a style reminiscent of Secret of Monkey Island, Leisure Suit Larry, or Space Quest. Characters personalities have been tweaked or even completely changed compared to their original versions. Though physically the are reinterpreted as somewhat exaggerated versions of the original characters inspired by the animations of the classic characters. However, while there is a more whimsical flavor to the characters, and some of the story events, the stories still tend to be overall serious, and discuss tough subjects of human condition (such as loss of friends, aging, death).

The stories are told from the personal perspective of Graham or interpretations of Gwendolyn and thus also fall into the 'unreliable narrator' category, and thus some of the more exaggerated aspects can be considered hyperbole on their parts. The framing story itself tends to be much more serious in nature, and the characters much more physically vulnerable than they are in the flashbacks (as Graham breaks or sprang in his arm when he falls as mentioned in the first and 2nd chapter). What you would expect from a man of his age and lack of motility.

The backstories for most returning characters have been reimagined, and are much different as well, and there are certain events which contradict, or completely replace or eliminate events discussed or shown in the original universes stories (that is certain events from the original canon never happened in the reboot universe, proving that certain things work differently in the new universe compared to the old). The old games are treated as only 'fairy tales' within the new universe.

At the same time classic fairy tale characters seem to be less likely to 'appear' in the new series directly, but rather are treated more like 'stories' or 'tall tales' which are told to children. Characters can even be some what skeptical of actual fairy tales happening even though they have their own concerns regarding magic, and other mysterious things going on around them.

This wiki's main policy is to focus on the original series material, but new canons will also be covered and respected as well (but will not 'overwrite' or replace the classic material). See below for specific details.

The following policies only refer to articles in the main namespace.
Pages in other namespaces (such as Help, User or Talk) are not covered.

Multiple Canons and Shared Universe

This wiki acknowledges essentially two main canons (for two main alternate universes): The Original Canon and the reboot canon (of the new King's Quest series).

To a lesser extent it also acknowledges that the original material also forks into at least two separate alternative versions as well (these are referred to as the 'Game realities') . This split occurs largely between the original AGI King's Quest Classic (including all main variants in multiple formats: 1983/1984 versions, the 1987 rereleases, and the Apple IIGS version, and the related KQ1 Hint book by Al Lowe, and The King's Quest Companion's adaptation of KQ1 Classic's story) vs the King's Quest 1 SCI remake (and its ties to The Official Book of King's Quest 3rd Edition, and Berkeley novels). So at least in part appear the Official Book 3rd, Edition, and the Berkeley Novels, acknowledge a 'shared universe' (in which the KQ1SCI and AGI games blend 'back' together).

The Official Book 1st and 2nd Edition are tied more to King's Quest Classic (but mainly to the 1983/1984 version of King's Quest 1) in which the Sorcerer and Enchanter in KQ1 & KQ2 respectively are separate individuals (this is acknowledged in 3rd Edition as well, tough its focus moved to the KQ1 remake).

The King's Quest Companion is at the same level as the Official Books series, but sticks closer to the original AGI series 'game reality' (and in particular is based off the 1987 releases of the games), as opposed to the KQ1SCI remake 'game reality'. It refers to itself 'real world/real life' canon while the games make up the Game realities (with the 1987 version of the game being more 'accurate' to the reality).

The Companion has been included/incorporated into the 'game realities' version of canon in a number of ways including offhand and indirect references made in the About KQV within KQ5 itself, the KQ5 manual, KQ6 (Derek Karlevaegen), the KQ6 hintbook, King's Questions, Inside the Chest, and several of the King's Quest Collections. There are certainly some elements where the according to the Companion "'real world/real-life/true story" reality is different than those of the 'game realities', see Companion universe (though it mostly sticks close to the original releases of the games).

However, this wiki also acknowledges that the three novels (published at the height of classic Sierra) although tied to the original canon universe (and also contains references to both the original and the remake of KQ1) is just a licensed series (and had very little input from Sierra), and also contains discrepancies/inconsistencies with the original series canon (see BB universe).

This wiki also acknowledges that even the original series ('game realities') had minor inconsistencies from time to time especially related to placement of chronological events, and sometimes what is portrayed on screen between games.

For more information about the original universe see Game realities, Timelines, real world, and related articles.

Secondly, the new King's Quest series canon (aka the Reboot Canon, The Odd Gentleman canon, or "TOG canon") is its own thing altogether, as parts deviate from or completely replace (as in opposing to) the original series stories, material and lore; geography, Graham's backstory (& personality), two Valanices, Mordack/Hagatha/Manannan's backstories, drastically different retelling of events from KQ1, KQ2, KQ3, etc.

See TOG universe and KQGS timeline for more specific information about the changes and differences in the TOG canon..

For more information concerning the different canon universes (including original material and the new series universes), see Dimensions, multiverse, and On the Origin of Daventry.

Original Series

This includes the original AGI versions of KQ1, KQ2, and KQ3, as well as later games in the series up to King's Quest 8. As well as the manuals. The King's Quest Companion is based more or less on the original version of the games (rather than remakes), and most other official hint books are based on these as well.

Information regarding the original eight games (including King's Questions, and Hoyle I), manuals, hint books (including The King's Quest Companion, and Official Books of King's Quest) are considered official (and primary canon) and can be entered normally. The three novels can also be treated as more or less equal standing (although while they had very little input by Sierra, for the most part do not contradict anything either). Any potential discrepancies can be pointed out in the "behind the scenes" section of the article. All articles must be referenced to the appropriate game or documentation as follows:

The Original Canon, this category is intended to be used for all overall sources of 'original canon', but not to be used in every subtopic split from those sources. I.E. a game, hint book, or manual, individual magazine article is a source (An individual main topic such as the article about "Graham" in the "Original Canon" should not be tossed into this category, although other overall categories like entire KQ1 category might fit to be included).

For all intents and purposes the Original Series Canon includes King's Quest 1-8 (including various official ports and sci remakes), Wizard and the Princess/Adventure in Serenia, King's Questions, associated documentation, the official guidebooks (including King's Quest Companion, and Official Book of King's Quest), and the three novels (with some caveates).

King's Quest I SCI (and other classic ports and/or remakes)

As noted above King's Quest I SCI is an alternate retelling of King's Quest 1's story. But it maybe considered alternate universe (dimension), or part of a shared universe sharing details from the original and the remake.

It offers changes to a few puzzles, characters stories, items (different and alternative discriptions or types), a more defined storyline (but different order of events than other sources), etc.

In general if following the original universe (and is closer to the original canon), see Original timeline (original KQ trilogy + King's Quest Companion, etc), but for shared or alternate universe interpretation, see Novel timeline & KQ1SCI timeline (and Official Book of King's Quest VI).

Similarly other ports such as King's Quest 1 for Sega Master System or King's Quest V on the Nintendo are considered different, and alternate to the original PCVGA version of the game (specifically the original floppy version). But most of the details can be merged (shared universe).

KQ6 Amiga vs the SCI versions (floppy and CD), while based on most of the same resources and graphics, offers some differences in certain puzzles, ending and script.

Some ports the differences are minor, see KQ4 (AGI vs SCI), KQ5 (Floppy vs. CD), or KQ6 PC (Floppy Vs. CD, and for the most part, the Amiga version). To be more or less treated as nearly the same game. But might include some script changes, and slight puzzle changes (more noticeably in the various versions of KQ5, and the two versions of KQ4), and between KQ6 PC/Mac versions and the Amiga version (which removed some puzzles, areas, and has a different ending sequence on the long path, but also includes some extra script in a few places).

There are some minor differences between KQ1 AGI from 1983/84, and the reissues in 1987 (mostly concerning changes to one or two characters, in particular the Sorcerer).

Then there are the direct ports such as AGI versions from PC/PcJr/Tandy to Mac, or to Apple II, or Amiga. Or the direct SCI ports to other systems such as Amiga, or the SCI games split into specific EGA and VGA versions. These versions remain largely the same on any system they appear on, with the exception of a few changes to sound (sound FX), music, or colors. With the exception of some minor differences such as in KQ1 PCJR, having a different intro, spelling of Graham's name , an alternate manual, and different use of certain assets in KQ1 PCJR, or KQ1 on the Apple II having a different sound track throughout, including a different intro theme than the standard Greensleeves. Of course Apple II versions having better music, and extra sound effects.

Even among different versions of the same port there maybe differences, slightly altered scripts, or maybe added or removed Easter eggs.

See KQ1 comparisons, KQ4 comparisons, KQ5 comparisons, KQ6 comparisons.

For all intents and purposes KQ1SCI is generally treated as part of the original canon, and details are incorporated into the articles (due to its influence on on classic era material). But the differences are acknowledged (and where they exist separated into subheadings (for example the article on Leather Slingshot/leather slingshot).

Berkeley Boulevard Novels

While this series is largely considered to be new stories inserted between the events of the games, Roberta Williams had little or no involvement with this series.

However, it does have several differences when compared to the events (and details) of the original games and King's Quest Companion's portrayal of things. Though it is possible to explain away most of these discrepancies from the published perspective of other sources. See BB universe for list of differences.

However, the differences taken at face value would place the novels into a parallel universe, see Dimensions.

The series includes a mix of classical King's Quest universe (from the AGI games) along with elements from the King's Quest SCI remake universe (also reflected in the Official Book of King's Quest VI/Third Edition).

This wiki reflects the information from the original series perspective (as reflected in the King's Quest Companion, and most of the other hint books), and thus the original intent of certain details from the novels are ignored except in relation to 'alternate universe' discussions, instead material where referenced is interpreted with regards to original universe and companion's information. All inconsistencies are pointed out in the behind the scenes sections of each article.

Crossover Material (special cases and spinoffs)

This sits in a marginal zone... Some of the material is probably completely apocryphal such King's Quest's plugs and references to other games, or any references or plugs to King's Quest made in other non-King's Quest games... Laura Bow, Space Quest, Quest For Glory, Leisure Suit Larry, Conquests series, Freddy Parkas, etc.

However, Hoyle 1 is a special case, as it actually does add some proper serious background material lore (based off the original KQ1 and the sequels up to KQ4), even though its mixed crossover material (and at least somewhat tongue in cheek, with its nod to a space quest cross over event/easter egg 'death/ending'). Hoyle 3 and Hoyle 4 did not really add any 'lore' but the spinoff King Graham's Board Game Challenge is of special note since it was released as part of the King's Quest Collections, and semi-lore background made for it in the King's Quest Collection manuals (" hand picked as King Grahams personal favorites.").

Sources like Rosella's First Quest or the interview with Rosella by Al Lowe are mainly for fun or humor sake, and easily ignored.

This wiki still chooses to include some of the crossover material as is, without judgement. But much of this material is regulated to behind the scenes or small notations. Main King's Quest related pages do not put too much focus on these materials, with only minor references at the most (with much of the 'crossover' material de-emphasized, only focusing on the lore aspects if any).

Quest for Daventry in Take-A-Break Pinball. This game is part of a crossover series of pinball games... It is inspired by KQ5 but doesn't really add anything 'new', other than some nice artwork. But otherwise its just a pinball game with only brief story elements based on events in the adventure game (although as a pinball there is mostly no 'story'). In general the original story (game or Companion version of the story takes precedence).

King's Questions is both a King's Quest title, but many of the questions might be considered 4th wall breaking, or meta (some of the answers also have a sort of 'crossover' element to them). This wiki treats the lore backstory of the game as being relevant, but doesn't put much focus on the questions (except in articles related to those questions, and only in the behind the scenes sections). However, as many of the questions do relate to 'lore', what lore is introduced is considered to be 'canon'... King's Questions is one of the primary game sources (as in specifically meant to be a King's Quest title) that actually incorporates details from the The King's Quest Companion as part of the overall King's Quest lore.

King's Quest Chapters: Adventures of Graham

The new King's Quest: Adventures of Graham (episodic series) is released through the 'resurrected' Sierra Games, and Activison and developed by The Odd Gentleman (although its technically not KQ9, but rather a series of connected adventures (called Chapters)). The developers do refer to the new series as having a 'canon' (and that previous games exist in the reboot’s canon as in-universe fairy tales/tall tales inspired by history, but not the actual events within the reboot).

Because the new series offers a different style and take, and its own version of the universe, it is treated as a secondary 'canon', of its own.

Roberta is not involved in the new series King's Quest: Adventures of Graham, as that involves a completely new team and separate company (The Odd Gentlemen).

This series is a special case when it comes to policy on this wiki; as the series greatly re-imagines, reinterprets, and retells the universe; including the background history of classic events (it is unreliable as a source of information related to the original series) and treats older material as only 'legend', because of this it instead must be treated as its own secondary universe with its own alternate canon.

It is the first official game to have almost zero input by Roberta Williams (or at least she had no official position in its making), and has authorized by the current IP owners.

It offers retelling/re-imagining of several specific events and details from the previous games. Throught he series, elements of KQ1 (only in part related to the Magic Mirror and Dragon Lair) and KQ2 (replaced entirely by Chapter 3 two 'Valances' instead of one) have been retold and re-imagined in interactive sequences (and the series makes reference or foreshadows others), Chapter 4 replaces much of KQ3's backstory, many of the details of the enslavement/escape, and ending of KQ3, no 'three-headed dragon' in this the reboot universe/Alexander wasn't going to be killed (he was being trained along with others to conquer Daventry), and a few changes to detailed to KQ5/6 referenced in Chapter 5 or foreshadowed in Chapter 4 (the backstory of the Ice Queen Icebella has been altered drastically). The largest changes to characters besides Valanice, Icebella, Rosella, and Alexander, comes to the surrounding history of Graham in relation to Manannan, and Mordack. Each which have been given completely different history than they had throughout the original games and other classic canon material.

At least in part, the game represents just an exaggerated version of the story being told by Graham to his granddaughter, but there are also elements  representative of new universe altogether (see dimensions), which are not simply extreme use of 'artistic/creative license' by the developers. Secondly the original games series, are treated more of as a 'myth, legend, or fairy tales' within the new universe, and not indicative of what really occurred within the new series.[8]

The series website suggests that it a re-imagined new series inspired by the 'legend' of the original series[9]. While the designers have said that the general stories of the previous eight games broadly considered canon to the new game, and suggest they won't drastically alter canon[10], the series does deviate from the original continuity and timeline at multiple points. The developers indicated that they had been given room to reimagine, or change events from the original games for the sake of the new game's stories. As mentioned, additional information from press releases seems to clarify that the original series are not what really happened, and that this series tries to explains the actual 'truth' of this new universe. This may suggest that the series is in a new kind of 'mixed-canon', but has develoiped into its own alternate interpretative universe. By interpreting that the original series are 'legends' within this series own universe (they still remain part of the new series canon in some form[11]), but cannot be considered what actually 'happened' in the new universe.

There are certainly aspects that suggest that the game has taken influences from both KQ1 original, and the remake (the magic shield appears similar to hits appearance in the original KQ1AGI, there is a reference to moat monsters, the external appearance of the well looks largely inspired by its appearance in the SCI remake), as well as the version released on the Sega Master System, the direction of Edward's throne in CH1 on the statue may also be a nod to the Sega games version of the throne room scene. Some elements in Chapter 5 references back to the art styles from KQ1 AGI era, and KQ5/6 VGA eras as well but blended with new character designs, and characterizations of the new series.

The released chapters so far have included elements (although some material was cut from the actual released game) of the King's Quest Companion as well (see Tanalore, Great Mountains, and Tailor Fey), confirming that they are also considered canon source to this series, but in a more reimagined/reinterpreted/alternative way. There may also be references to material from Hoyle I, including the references to Graham's father and grandfather, and Knight School (but not all of the material has been adapted). But as indicated from Matt Korba in many cases references may just be random name tosses making reference to details from original King's Quest material (for players that might understand the references).

There is quite a bit of unused material in the games files related to series, some even offering key background stories to characters, or even further explaining certain situations, or motivations that occur in the games. This stuff is somewhat in dispute, but for most part as long as it doesn't completely contradict an action to event in the game it can be referenced to flesh out articles. As noted in King's Quest Chapter 5, Graham makes allusions to many things he himself 'left' out of the stories including second half of Chapter 2 and chis choice to 'gloss over' certain details int he story for sake of the story. Gwendolyn herself doesn't mind the slight revisions and prefers to enjoy the story rather than have her memory of the story ruined by continuous changes.

Topic categories

Categories are specific, and must be based on sourced information. For example there are many classes of magic users, but not ever magic user has every class. Classes include on a character's category must, be reference to a specific source. For example The King's Quest Companion uses 'mage' to describe a handful of characters. Only when 'mage' is used in a source should that category be included. Same goes for 'enchanter', etc. The one exception is generally 'magician' which is often used as a generic title for all magic users in general.

If a character is known to use alchemy/magic apothecary then they can be listed as an 'alchemist'. If they are described as using 'wizardry' they can be categorized as a 'wizard'. or 'sorcery' to 'sorcerer'. But there must be an official reference to the class/type of magic in a source. It's important to note the source in the article itself, whenever possible.

The number of alternate descriptive terms from a game's parser can be used to signify a characters 'class' as well (such as the multiple nouns that can be used to describe Manannan in KQ3.).

Articles where more than one game is referenced

Each piece of information must be referenced to its particular game. This can be achieved by referring to particular eras within the text (e.g. the KQ1 era) or by using footnotes. For more information on creating footnotes, see the quick reference guide.

Footnotes are preferred.

Articles relating to only one game, or with only very general information

The topic should have at least one category related to it. Citations and footnotes are still requested when possible.

Articles (categorization and topic creation)

For material related to old series canon:

Add the appropriate category to the end of the article. The categories are:

          [[Category:Adventure in Serenia/The Wizard and the Princess]]
                                             [[Category:King's Questions]]
                                             [[Category:Guidebook to the Land of the Green Isles]]
                                             [[Category:Hoyle I]]
                                             [[Category:Hoyle 3]]
                                             [[Category:Hoyle 4]]
                                             [[Category:Original Canon]]

For material related to the new reboot canon (which should be treated as separate to avoid conflicting details):

Add the appropriate category to the end of the article. The categories (for the time being) are:

                                               [[Category:Characters (KQGS)]]
                                               [[Category:Places (KQGS)]]
                                               [[Category:Reboot Canon]]

This wiki treats the events as they were portrayed in original King's Quests (KQ1-KQ8) as the main account (the primary 'true' account). They are primary version of the events as told when Sierra originally developed the series (as followed by The King's Quest Companion)

Brief references to the new series should be made only in the 'behind the scenes' section linking to specific articles concerning the new subject. A sub category of "See Also" with links to similar or related articles may be used as well.

A new system is in use for major details, new pages are to be created for topics that discuss and explain new backstories, or all the alternate story differences created by the three virtue system. Graham Cracker (KQGS) for example goes to a page that talks about all the options Graham can do in the new game series, and Graham's new backstory. As this would be much too much material to include in the main Graham article. Valanice is not only given her own page (Valanice (KQGS)) but divided into the two new characters Vee (KQGS) and Neese one of which each can end up becoming the player's 'canonical' Valanice for this series.

But for short material changes, new material, it may share the main article but under its own heading specifying that it is from the reboot series.

The wiki will avoids 'merging' material into the same articles where it is clearly contradictory, and indicative of a parallel universe/alternate story, unless there is an official 'explanation' given in an official source (or when material are stated to be clearly intended to be part of the same universe). Depending on the quantity of the alternative reimagined events or backstories, it may require that some articles be divided into separate articles to give more focus on the changes in the material. However, for the case where speculative discussion combining elements may be required, may be discussed in a separate article but in general these should be treated as 'fan fiction' articles. However, the article must also be clear where stories contradict each other. Similar places with alternate names may also get alternate articles (such as Raging River, River Fools and/or Merelee River).

The Reboot series is treated on this wiki as a separate canon, but not a replacement of the original canon (games, manuals, guides, etc). For the sake of remaining consistent on this wiki, material concerning the original series (published in Sierra's heyday), and the reboot series material in general are considered separate, and the original series (and related material) considered the 'main canon/original canon', and the new series a 'separate canon/reboot canon/alternate canon'.

While one of the premises of the reboot series is that it is essentially telling the truth, and that older games were only 'fairy tales, legends, and myth', this wiki will make note of that as part of the 'lore' of the new series, however main articles will continue to treat the original series as the 'original, and main canon', and those articles will treat the reboot series as an alternate canon (they do not supersede the original stories).

See TOG universe, and KQGS timeline for details discussing the differences between the original game universe (Original Games and King's Questions) + King's Qust Companion + novels + Hoyle I + Hint Books), the KQ1 SCI remake universe, and the new series. The articles also discuss the specifics of the new series 'canon' as well. See also dimensions.

If there is a new season later, that also uses the "King's Quest Chapter" titles with Chapter I, Chapter II, etc, then a new system may need to be used, but until then we will stick with the current system being used.

Future Games

If there were any future sequels that expand on and directly continue from the original series, these will be included as well (however, these would unlikely to have Roberta William's direct influence), and accuracy and continuity with the original series is not necessarily guaranteed (not anymore than accuracy between the classic games was 'guaranteed').

However depending how much they fit with original series or retcon sources they may be treated as a separate timeline or universe to the original canon. See multiverse, Cyberspace, Game realities and Multiverse.


There has been no specific rules for spoilers in the past as this wiki has been largely concerned with the classic games in the series. However, due to the nature that new players will likely come to this wiki with the release of future King's Quest titles, a basic spoiler policy has been introduced.

A spoiler template must be put in an article or section, concerning the new games. It will be in place in articles for at least two months after each game's release (and/or the release of each new 'chapter').

Insert the spoiler template in an article or section:


Which will produce:

Do not put a spoiler tag on anything that might be of 'speculative' nature based on trailers or released public information. But avoid direct information about how to solve puzzles from officially released interviews or press videos.

Let's play videos and puzzle solutions should always be under 'spoiler' tag.

The spoiler tag only need to be in place up to two months after the release of the latest release.

Information regarding fan fiction and fan games

Fan fiction and fan games are disputed, and are simply not canon. They were created by many different developers and minds with many alternative ideas. It is unlikely that any decision could be made where all fans agree.

Fan games are non-official and non-canon, but are inspired by the original series. They often reimagine or adapt ideas from the original series, taking them in a different direction. These ideas vary widely depending on the fan development team producing them. So there is not one consistent universe but several based on which developers/writers told the story.

For more information see;

POS universe/POS timeline (Phoenix Online Studio), AGDI universe/AGDI timeline (AGD Interactive), IA universe/IA timeline (Infamous Adventures), IS universe/IS timeline (Intermezzo Software), IF universe/IF timeline (Interactive Fantasies), and Js universe (Jstudios)

For this reason, information on fan fiction and games is restricted and allowed only within the guidelines of the following policies:

Fanon and head-canon

These are buzzwords often used by fandom for their own personal viewpoints to somehow legitimize speculation and fan stories. This wiki does not acknowledge these terms as having any 'merit' on what is and isn't canon or continuity. They are treated simply as 'non-canon'. While some minor speculation may appear in 'behind the scenes' sections of articles this can never be considered 'canon'. Behind the scenes sections generally point out inconsistencies between sources, while the main articles generally summarizes information 'as-is'. Fanon and 'head-canon' should be avoided in articles, both ones related to official sources, and those related to fandom materials.

For example fanfiction related to King's Quest reboot may interpret Graham's friendships, motives, and interactions with characters as being 'romantic' in nature. Such as his initial friendly attitude with Whisper, Acorn, Achaka, Larry/Kyle, and/or with Manny, or even his relationship with Triumph, or geeking out over various characters, and their abilities/interests/hobbies. These should not be considered indication of anything 'romantic' but purely friendly platonic banter/respect and in some cases student/mentor relationship. Unless the officially produced materials (both the game itself, unreleased development material, or developers themselves) outright confirm something about their character/, then any speculation of this sort should not be included in the main articles. They may be relevant however within an article related to the fan fiction itself (see below), but by default cannot be considered 'canon'.

So in this case mutual 'respect' and 'friendship' and 'guilt/loss' (in the example of Achaka, and later Larry, and Triumph, or other virtue-path friendships chosen along the way ('shop keepers' Whisper/Amaya, Hobblepots/Acorn, and the Feys), or even his relationships with his son/daughter, and grandchildren, maybe canon, interpretations of romantic interest however would be pure fan fiction.

Josh Mandel has said to be all for the idea of fan-made tributes, with a few caveats. "I don’t think fan games should rewrite canon," he says. He also expresses concern for Activison’s legal wrath.[12] Although notably most fan games have detoured from canon to varying degrees.

Fan fiction

Fan fiction should be categorized as [[Category:Fan fiction]]. A story should be relatively complete as in not just 'summaries' of events (it must contain at least a single chapter) and published on a website.

Information from a fanfic may be included in related fan topic, but 'new topics' based only on a single fan fiction reference are generally restricted.

Fan game manuals or related websites are a special case and may be treated as 'part of the game' they are related to for the sake of creating new articles (see The Four Winds).

Cancelled fan games and fan games that are on hold, or vaporware

Cancelled fan games and fan games that are on hold are entitled to one article - no other information should be included in any other article. They must be categorised as [[Category:Fan games (cancelled)]]. A project website being taken down (or no website to begin within) in conjunction with no active updates, may be considered a "cancellation' for the sake of categorizing things. Active updates in a forum, may count (and it is recommended that links to the updates are made in the article). Updates must be routine.

When there is no active updates, and it is unknown if the project is cancelled or not; A game may be categorized as [[Category:Fan games (vaporware)]]. Having a live website related to the game, or acknowledgement that that the game is still being worked on, may be used as supporting evidence. It can't hurt for a member of a developer to add a note to the talk page for the game, with a date, so as show that there is still activity.

No game under these categories are to be listed on the Fan Material main page.

Otherwise rules are similar to fan games as work in progress. There must be a website of some sort, proof of concept work (ingame screenshots or video, not just concept 'fan art').

Fan games whose work is in progress

Fan games whose work is in progress must be categorised as [[Category:Fan games (work in progress]].

Fan games that are expected to be completed are classed as those that have their own website, have recent updates (every 2-3 months) and have provided some form screenshot or concept art.

Fan games whose work in progress must follow the policies set out for fan games that are on hold (see above). That is entitled to one article, and no information should be included in any other article (unless a release is imminent). If updates are routine, it is also entitled to a link from the Fan Material (this will be set up by experienced omnipedia editors). If 2-3 months go by without an update the link may be removed.

Released Fan Games

Fan games that have been publically released are entitled to a Category of their own. This category must be a subcategory of [[Category:Fan Games]]. They are also entitled to a link from the Fan Material (this will be set up by experienced omnipedia editors).

Articles where more than one fan fiction or fan game is referenced

As the canonicity of fan games and fan fiction is disputed, a compromise has been reached. All information regarding sourced from fan games must be contained in its own section entitled "[topic] (unofficial)".

If the material may be split off to its own page through a direct link.

Articles relating to only one game

Articles referring to only one game do not need to use the above heading. Instead they should include the template FanArticle.

Example Usage: {{FanArticle|game=[[King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones]]}}

Which Produces:

The information in this article is from the fan game King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones and is therefore not canon.

Spoiler material

There is only one known upcoming fan game (the final part of The Silver Lining), spoiler tag is not essential for earlier parts in the series. But to be fair for players finishing Part V, a two month moratorium will be placed on material concerning the last episode, in which a spoiler tag should be placed in related articles if new information is included. After which the spoilers can be removed, and article material consolidated.


Images for articles are nice, but not mandatory. But if an image exists it should be a screenshot from the game, and not fanart, unless the fanart is related to a specific fan fiction. It should not be put in regular main series or new series articles.

PNG images are nice and look good, but do not show up in category thumbnails if the image is too small (resize the image before uploading). Try to use JPG if possible for any games that are 256 color or up. JPG doesn't work too well with 16 color images.

Advertising and Off-topic discussions

King's Quest Omnipedia follows a policy similar to that of Wikipedia (though somewhat looser). But in general, keep in mind that King's Quest Omnipedia is not a soapbox, a battleground, or a vehicle for propaganda, advertising and showcasing. This applies to articles, categories, templates, talk page discussions, and user pages. Therefore, content hosted is not for:

1.Advocacy, propaganda, or recruitment of any kind: commercial, political, religious, sports-related, or otherwise. Of course, an article can report objectively about such things, as long as an attempt is made to describe the topic from a neutral point of view. You might wish to start a blog or visit a forum if you want to convince people of the merits of your favorite views.
2.Opinion pieces. Although some topics, particularly those concerning current affairs and politics, may stir passions and tempt people to "climb soapboxes" (for example, passionately advocate their pet point of view), wikia is not the medium for this. Articles must be balanced to put entries, especially for current events, in a reasonable perspective, and represent a neutral point of view. Furthermore, authors should strive to write articles that will not quickly become obsolete.
3.Scandal mongering, something "heard through the grapevine" or gossip. Articles and content about living people are required to meet an especially high standard, as they may otherwise be libellous or infringe the subjects' right to privacy. Articles should not be written purely to attack the reputation of another person.
4.Self-promotion. It can be tempting to write about yourself or projects in which you have a strong personal involvement. However, do remember that the standards for encyclopedic articles apply to such pages just like any other. This includes the requirement to maintain a neutral point of view, which is difficult when writing about yourself or about projects close to you. Creating overly abundant links and references to autobiographical sources is unacceptable.
5.Advertising. All information about companies and products are written in an objective and unbiased style. All article topics must be verifiable with independent, third-party sources, so articles about very small "garage" or local companies are typically unacceptable. External links to commercial organizations are acceptable if they identify major organizations which are the topic of the article. Wikia neither endorses organizations nor runs affiliate programs.

Non-disruptive statements of opinion on internal policies and guidelines may be made on user pages, as they are relevant to the current and future operation of the project.

Note: The only exception in the past was when Sierra/Activision came forward and asked to take part in some kind of sweepstakes or meta/ARG event on the wiki. Special consideration will be considered.


  1. Backcover, 4th edition
  3. The King's Quest Companion is an interesting blend of fiction and helpful information for playing my games. Anyone interested in reading the story behind King's Quest or who just needs to be 'unstuck' while playing the game will find this book invaluable.-Roberta Williams, 1st Edition back cover.
  4. "...a wonderful blend of fact and fiction that brings my games to life in an exciting new way. It add's another fascinating dimension to the entire King's Quest experience. It is truly a pleasure to read and a must have for anyone hoping to explore the series in greater depth and detail."-Roberta Williams, 3rd Edition back cover
  5. Peter Spear, private mIRC chat, July 31, 2006
  6. KQC3E, pg 317
  7. KQC3E, pg
  9. Developed by The Odd Gentlemen, the new King’s Quest™ imagines all the charm, humor, puzzles, exploration and sense of wonder that made the franchise so magical when it first arrived thirty years ago. Old and grey, King Graham – the hero made legend in the original King’s Quest games – shares the extraordinary stories of his youth with his curious granddaughter, Gwendolyn, taking players back to the feats that shaped a kingdom.
  10. "I look at this the way people might look at The Wizard of Oz or Peter Pan," Korba says. "A sort of classic fairy tale thing and this is our take on it." As such, this new adventure won't drastically alter the canon, but it will update and throw out a ton of references from past games.-Matt Korba