There are various summaries given for KQ5 in InterAction and Sierra catalogues.
The Return of Good King Graham[]
The Return of Good King Graham
A year has passed since Princess Rosella's journey to Tamir, and King Graham's health has been fully restored. The Royal Family of Daventry is whole once more, and all is well with the Kingdom.
Unknown to Graham, his beloved family will soon be in grave danger. Somewhere far away, a powerful presence watches the castle of Daventry with evil intent. Mordack, a wizard even more powerful than the late Manannan, has concocted a dreadful plan; to capture the castle of Daventry, and the royal family within. He waits for the right moment to strike --- when Graham will be helpless to stop him.
On that fateful day, King Graham will return home to find that his castle and his family have disappeared. Graham must don his adventurer's cap once again and find Mordack before harm can come to Rosella, Alexander and Valanice.
With Cedric the owl, he reluctant guide, Graham will journey through forests, across deserts, over mountains and oceans in search of the evil wizard who holds the Royal Family and the castle of Daventry captive.
KQ5 Floppy box[]
The Greatest Adventure in the History of Daventry is about to begin... you embark with King Graham on the most thrilling and perilous adventure of his career -- the quest for the missing Royal Family of Daventry.
Experience the magical world of King's Quest V...
KQ5 CD Box[]
Daventry Awaits You...
Roberta Williams and King Graham of Daventry cordially invite your family to join them in the most incredible adventure game in history!
Take your family on a voyage into fantasy through the magical lands of Daventry and beyond. Journey with King Graham and Cedric the owl on a quest to find the missing castle of Daventry and the Royal Family within.
KQ5 Manual[]
With the King's health fully restored, and his family together once more, it was a happy and fulfilled Graham who set out for a walk in the forest one spring day almost a year since Rosella had returned from Tamir. The kingdom was peaceful and prosperous again, and the people were content. Birds were singing in the trees. It seemed an auspicious sign. As Graham was contemplating his good fortune, a sharp wind blew into the wood from the east, whirling up sticks and leaves into his path, and startling the birds into silence. The air grew suddenly colder. It seemed an unexpected storm was approaching. Graham began to walk back to the castle, his joyful mood broken by a dark foreboding. When he reached the top of the gentle rise overlooking his home, he was horrified to see only empty space where the royal castle of Daventry had stood only minutes before. Cold fear gripped his heart. Where was his family? What had happened to them?
"Whoo-hoo... whoo-hoo." An owl hooted behind him, but Graham scarcely heard it over the pounding of his heart. "I can tell you what happened," came a voice behind him, and Graham spun around to confront a large owl in a blue vest and spectacles. "I know what happened to your castle. I saw it all," said the owl.
Journey into the magical world of King's Quest once again on a quest for the missing castle and the royal family of Daventry.
KQ5 Hintbook[]
KING'S QUEST V continues with the saga of the King Graham family who reside in the Kingdom of Daventry. In "Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder," King Graham must rescue his kidnapped family from the clutches of an evil wizard, Mordack, who has whisked them and their castle to a faraway land in revenge for his brother, the wizard Manannan, who had suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Graham's son, Alexander (as seen in KING' S QUEST III: "To Heir is Human."). With the magical help of a know-it-all owl by the name of Cedric, Graham is transported to the land of Serenia where he is introduced to Cedric's kind, but doddering, employer, the wizard Crispin. Crispin, being a bit out of practice, can only offer Graham limited help; an old wand, the ability to converse with animals, and his owl friend Cedric to guide Graham to Mordack's castle where his family is held captive. From Crispin's house, Graham and Cedric set off on a perilous mission to cross the great mountains edging Serenia, and from the other side find their way to Mordack's island stronghold. Will they survive the dangers of the mountains? Will they be able to locate the evil wizard's island in the vast ocean on the other side? Will Graham discover the reason for his family's abduction? And the biggest question of all: will Graham be able to overcome the powerful Mordack and bring his family home in safety? This is indeed a dangerous quest and the two companions are going to need all the help they can get! So put on your adventurer's hat and supply Graham and Cedric with all the aid and encouragement that you can muster to bring them all home safely. To play an adventure game is to enter a world of fantasy where YOU can control the main hero or heroine. You can pretend to be King Graham. You will guide him. You will think for him. He will be totally dependent on your actions and decisions. You can bring him to a successful conclusion. But, if you are not can also cause his unhappy death. As Graham, throughout the game, you will encounter obstacles and puzzles designed to thwart you.
The Official Book of King's Quest[]
King Graham returns to the quest in King's Quest V as he tries to rescue his family and home, which were swept away by a magical tornado created by the evil wizard Mordack. Graham soon lear ns that Mordack is the brother of Manannan, the wizard who turned into a cat by Graham's son, Alexander.
Returning from a walk in the woods one fine spring day, King Graham stepped into a clearing just in time to see his castle swirled away in a tornado. This was no weather phenomenon, but rather an act by the evil wizard Mordack. Poor Graham was so crazed by losing both family and castle that he let an owl named Cedric carry him off to a friendly wizard's house.
You play the part of King Graham and must search for your lost wife Valanice, son Alexander, and daughter Rosella. You'll get help from the forgetful old wizard Crispin and lots of companionship--wanted or not--from Cedric who accompanies you everywhere. Your quest begins outside of Crispin's house in the town and forest of Serenia.
The King's Quest Companion[]
You are King Graham of Daventry. You arrive home from a stroll one morning to discover that your home---Castle Daventry---has disappeared, and your family with it. The only eyewitness to the disappearance is an owl named Cedric who informs you that an evil wizard by the name of Mordack did the deed, but for what reason is a mystery. You accompany Cedric to the land of Serenia and meet his employer, another wizard (although a good one) named Chrispinophur---Crispin for short. Crispin also has no knowledge of why Mordack would do such a deed, but does three things for you to aid you in your quest.
He feeds you magic whitesnake so you can communicate with animals you might meet on your journey.
He gives you an old magic wand that doesn't work right now, but just might after it gets to know you.
He sends Cedric along to help show you the way around Serenia.
Your quest is to find and rescue your family. you are equipped with only your wits, Crispin's wand, and the clothes on your back. Good luck---you're going to need it.
KQ5 NES Ad[]
This fairy tale gone foul has gone far enough. Use your wit and might to reunite the royal family and hear the people shout, "Long Live the King!".
Our kindly, peace loving King Grahamreturns home to find he's been royally hoodwinked. Both his castle and family have vanished into thin air!
The king and his trusty owl Cedric need your help on a quest through Serenia to solve the mystery of this gargantuan "who-got-it?"
Use the icons in the menu bar to choose your action, whether it be examination, movement, or manipulation.
Encounter the Desert Temple, the Crystal Caves, and the Forbidden Forest.
KQ5 NES Box[]
At last a role playing adventure fit for a king...or a corpse, depending on your skill.
Dark powers summon a cold wind from the north. The terrifying gust surrounds Sir Graham's castle, and mysteriously sweeps his fortress and family into the prison of oblivion. It's a bitter omen that chills the bones of every man, woman and child in that once peaceful Kingdom of Daventry.
Who or what is responsible for this royal theft, and the misery that ravages the heart of Daventry? Has the ruthless wizardManannan cast another evil spell? Or are the Black Forest Witch and the unforgiving Ice Queen using sinister powers to promote their wicked cause? Only you can answer these questions, as you assume the role of Sir Graham, then set forth on an adventure that will test your intelligence, challenge your skill and rip your courage to shreds.
Fortunately, you're not alone. For a wise owl who witnessed the tragedy will accompany you, offering guidance and advice which he receives from a friendly old warlock. Along the way, you'll encounter the dungeon monster, the Yeti monster, the magical genies, and winged Harpies to name a few. You'll also journey over continents laced with crystal caves, forbidden forests, bandit hideouts and treacherous seas filled with mystery. Be sure to question kind strangers for clues, and give assistance to animal allies. Also locate magical items and weapons, or else your mortal strength will be powerless to unlock the secrets leading to your imprisoned home and family.
As foretold by ancient warlords, King's Quest V has finally arrived to weed out the weak, and immortalize the brave. The only question now is...which are you?
KQ5 NES Manual[]
With the King's health fully restored, and his family together once more, it was a happy and fulfilled Graham who set out for a walk in the forest one spring day almost a year since Rosella had returned from Tamir. The kingdom was peaceful and prosperous again, and the people were content. Birds were singing in the trees. It seemed an auspicious sign.
As Graham was contemplating his good fortune, a sharp wind blew into the wood from the east, whirling up sticks and leaves into his path, and startling the birds into silence. The air grew suddenly colder. It seemed an unexpected storm was approaching. Graham began to walk back to the castle, his joyful mood broken by a dark foreboding.
When he reached the top of the gentle rise overlooking his home, he was horrified to see only empty space where the royal castle of Daventry had stood only minutes before. Cold fear gripped his heart. Where was his family? What had happened to them?
"Whoo-hoo... whoo-hoo." An owl hooted behind him, but Graham scarcely heard it over the pounding of his heart. "I can tell you what happened," came a voice behind him, and Graham spun around to confront a large owl in a blue vest and spectacles. "I know what happened to your castle. I saw it all," said the owl.
Journey into the magical world of King's Quest on a mission to find the missing castle and the royal family of Daventry.
As our adventure begins, Cedric leads Graham to the land of Serenia to meet his kind master Crispin. Beginning from Crispin's house, Graham and Cedric will journey far in their efforts to save the royal family. Aided by the know-it-all owl Cedric, and with the powers granted to him by Crispin, Graham will make his way across the countryside of Serenia. His journey will take him to the barren desert to the west, and across the treacherous mountains to the northeast. On the other side of the mountains he must cross the sea and find the island stronghold of the evil Mordack.
It is a dangerous quest, and Graham and Cedric will need all your help to lead them and bring them home safely.
KQ5 NES Magazine Ad[]
The Quest For Your Castle Is Going To Be One Royal Pain After Another.
Well, Sir Graham, you're up a royal creek without a castle because it's vanished without a trace. To find it you must undertake KIng's Quest V for the NES where destiny hinges on your noble intellect and daring decisions.
Dark secrets and pitfalls of instant doom imperil your every step. Amid detailed 3D graphics worth a king's ransom, you'll comb mysterious crystal caves, battle past bandit hideouts and trek through forbidden forests. Gather the magical items and weapons that can save you from being permanently dethroned.
You'll rack your royal brains piecing together clues from strangers and animals alike. Encounters with the Ice Queen, dungeon monsters, and winged harpies could prove fatal if you're caught off guard.
So being the quest of the century and prepare to defend your crown.
Or else life in the kingdom of Daventry will forever be filled with sleep-less knights.
KQ5 Nintendo Power Review[]
King Graham leaves Castle Daventry to walk in the nearby woods. In his absence, a great wind whirls in and swallows up the castle and everyone inside. When Graham returns but finds no home, he immediately suspects that his long-time enemy, the evil sorcerer, Mordack, is behind the disappearance. His suspicions are confirmed by Cedric, an owl who witnessed the strange occurrence. With the help of Crispin, the kingdom's wizard, and accompanied by Cedric, Graham sets out to find his home and family and return them to their rightful place. In the beginning, his only weapon is a worthless wand, but he gradually finds items that will be useful to him on his quest.
The Magical World of King's Quest (InterAction, Fall 1992)[]
The fifth King's Quest continues the saga after the return of Rosella from the land of Tamir. In "Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder," King Graham's family was kidnapped by the evil wizard Mordack and imprisoned inside of a glass bottle. This was done in revenge for Alexander having turned his brother Manannan into a cat sometime back.
King Graham enlisted the aid of a know-it-all owl named Cedric, and Cedric's kind master, the wizard Crispin, to help journey across the land of Serenia to Mordack's island stronghold, where Graham's family was kept hostage. After confronting Mordack, and beating him at his own game, King Graham, was able to rescue not only his family, but a beautiful, raven-haired girl who was also a captive of Mordack's.
Upon introductions, King Graham and his family learned that the beautiful girl hailed from the Land of the Green Isles, and that her name was Princess Cassima. Alexander was immediately captivated by her, and asked permission to visit her in her home kingdom. Readily, she agreed, as she was also intrigued by Alexander. And so, with magical help of the good wizard Crispin, everyone was transported home safe and sound.
About King's Quest I-V[]
But Daventry's fortune was not to continue unchallenged. An evil wizard called Mordack, brother of the ill-fated Manannan, was plotting revenge on the royal family.
One day, while King Graham was out for a swim, Mordack used his evil magic to kidnap Valanice, Alexander, and Rosella--along with the entire castle of Daventry!
Heartbroken and driven, King Graham resumed his adventurer's cap once more in a quest to rescue his family from the dreaded wizard's grasp. After traveling far, and being sorely tested, King Graham thwarted Mordack's plans and rescued his entire family.
In the process, Graham also released a stolen princess, Cassima, from her bondage in Mordack's castle and sent her back to her home of the Land of the Green Isles. But NOT, that is, before Alexander had become thoroughly and permanently smitten....
KQ6 Hintbook[]
The Third Adventure of King Graham (In which he Rescues the kidnapped Royal Family, recovers his missing Castle, and vanquishes the dread wizard Mordack)
King Graham was strolling through the forest one fateful morning, on his way to take a swim in Lake Maylie, as he has done every day for the past twenty years. A thunderous blast of evil magic sent him running back home, faster than he had ever run before. But King Graham no longer had a home. Castle Daventry, and his family with it, had disappeared. The grief stricken king cried aloud, desperate to know who had taken them. His call was answered by a good-hearted owl named Cedric who told Graham the name of his family's kidnapper; Mordack, brother of Manannan. Cedric took Graham to the good wizard Crispinopher in the land of Serenia, where the king hurriedly prepared for his journey to Mordack's island. Crispin sent Graham off with a bit of whitesnake for communicating with the natural world, a battered magic wand, and a reluctant Cedric. Graham and his companion stopped in the fair capital of Serenia for supplies and then, after a few strange encounters, started off across the burning desert. Graham and Cedric nearly perished of thirst and barely evaded the wrath of vicious bandits, but somehow they managed to emerge alive. After bartering with tricksome Gypsies, they ventured into the Dark Forest. There they a wicked witch who nearly ended their journey then and there, and a sprightly, cunning elf. Once out of the forest, their journey became more and more perilous. North they went, and still further north, into the icy mountains. The two were captured by the cold-hearted Icebella, Queen of Winter, but cleverly staved off her anger. Graham and Cedric made haste from the icy mountains, and came upon a shore where they found a sailboat. Happily they took to sea. They had not reached end of their trials, however, and were cast ashore on an island populated by terrible, flesh-eating harpies. They barely escaped whole and uncooked, and poor Cedric was terribly wounded. Taking his injured friend, Graham sailed ever onward toward Mordack's island. In a stroke of marvelous luck, Graham was able to get help for Cedric. At last the two travelers reached Mordack's castle. The determined king got past the wizard's enchanted gates and navigated a baffling maze, desperate for just a glimpse at his family. In Mordack's prison of a palace, Graham encountered the beautiful princess Cassima, who had been enslaved by the wizard. He vowed to free her. At last Graham was rewarded with the sight of his family——who had been shrunk down to the size of insects, and were held captive in a glass bottle! Graham quickly dealt with the still feline (and still evil) Manannan, and recharged Crispin's wand in a wondrous machine. The final battle was on! Bards still sing of the mighty magical duel that took the place that between the wizard and the king. Woe to all of us if good Graham had been defeated! As we all know, he won, thank the heavens. But the glory is to be shared: Let it be known to all that our king would have died if it were not for the noble Cedric. When at last it was over, Princess Cassima was freed. King Graham reversed the spell that took his family and his castle from him, and gladly returned home to Daventry. The young Prince Alexander alone seemed not to share his family's joy. He was quietly suffering; he felt responsible for his family's ordeal. Had he not angered Manannan and Mordack in the first place? But King Graham is gentle as well as brave, and he and Valanice worked together to calm their son's tormented heart. All was happy in the kingdom once more. All is still happy in the kingdom, so let us pray that it stays that way, shall we? Our beloved Royal Family deserves some peace and tranquility!
The Royal Scribe[]
King Graham's family, in fact, his entire castle, has been kidnapped by the evil wizard Mordack! He has shrunk them all down and imprisoned them in a glass bottle, intending to feed them to his brother Manannan (whom Alexander turned into a cat in King's Quest III). King Graham enlists the aid of Cedric the Owl and his master, the good wizard Crispin. After an arduous journey to the land of Serenia, Graham must confront and defeat Mordack on his home turf.
KQ7 Hintbook[]
Graham was out taking a stroll in the woods one day when his castle flew away. No, really. There was this big blast of evil magic, and the castle (with his whole family inside of it) was gone. It just so happened that this owl named Cedric had seen the whole thing. He told Graham that Mordack, the brother of Manannan (remember him? Cat man?) had kidnapped his family in revenge for his brother's kittyfication. Cedric took Graham to a nice wizard named Crispinopher in the land of Serenia, who helped him prepare for his trip to Mordack's island. Crispin gave Graham a bite of whitesnake to help him talk to animals, a battered magic wand, and Cedric, who whined about it, but finally agreed to go. Graham and Cedric stopped in at the capital of Serenia for supplies, and then headed off across the burning desert. They nearly croaked of thirst, sunburn, chapped lips and beaks. They managed to give some nasty bandits the slip, and finally got to the other side of the desert alive. They got a deal with some savvy Gypsies, and ventured into the Dark Forest. They met a wicked witch in the woods who would just as soon eat them as look at them, and they had to deal with a slippery little elf. Things got tougher from there. They kept going north, climbing up into some totally extreme and frozen mountains. The cold-hearted Queen Icebella captured them, but Graham managed to charm her, so she didn't feed him to her fearsome wolves, after meeting Bigfoot (no, really), Graham and Cedric got the heck out of the mountains. They found a boat on the shore of the ocean, and headed out to sea. The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed, and they ended up on an island full of man- and owl-eating harpies. They escaped by the skin of their teeth (I never understood that expression), but Cedric got the stuffing knocked out of him. He seemed to be winging his way to the great big birdcage in the sky. Graham packed him up anyway, got back into his boat, and kept sailing. They finally reached Mordack's castle. They snuck past the enchanted laser gates and wound their way through a labyrinth, looking for any trace of the royal family. Graham met the gorgeous princess Cassima, who had been enslaved by Mordack. He promised to free her. She didn't believe him, because at that point, she didn't trust guys very much. Would you? Anyway, Graham found his family, and he was bummed. They had been shrunken down and stuck in a little glass bottle! Manannan the Kranky Kitty showed up to hassle him, but Graham bagged him. He recharged Crispin's wand in a bizarre cheese-powered machine, and got into an intense magical duel with Mordack. King Graham was doing really well for a guy who doesn't know beans about magic, but Mordack was about to whip him when Cedric managed to haul his pathetic self up and save Graham from a deadly blast of magic. Graham stomped Mordack once and for all, and his family was freed. So was Princess Cassima, who decided that all men aren't creeps after all. In fact, she decided Prince Alexander was kinda cute. She went back to her home in the Green Isles, and the royal family went back to Daventry and slept for a week. Cedric? Oh, he got over it. Owls have good immune systems.
KQ7 Authorized Guide[]
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder takes place some unspecified time after The Perils of Rosella. King Graham returns home after a morning's stroll to find a hole where Castle Daventry once stood.
From a near tree comes the voice of an owl named Cedric. Familiar to the wizard Crispinophur, Cedric explains that the castle was whirled away by an evil wizard, Mordack. Graham's family had been taken along for the ride, kidnapped together this time.
Cedric flies Graham to his master in Serenia to seek answers and help. Help means giving the king a magic wand in need of a charge and Cedric for company.
Graham adventured through Serenia, gathering and trading the supplies they would need for the journey eastward to Mordack's island. By the time they were provisioned, they had escaped the endless desert and its blood-thirsty bandits, given aid to the kingdoms of both the ants and the bees, defeated the obligatory evil witch and found the needle in a haystack.
Across the mountains they ventured. Captured and threatened by the Ice Queen, Graham bests a Yeti in its lair so as to save Cedric's life. Reunited, the two make their way to the sea and sail still farther east in quest of Graham's family and Mordack's castle. Then, tragedy struck. On the first island they come to they are attacked by harpies. Cedric is left for dead.
Graham finds aid for the near-lifeless owl, but he must continue onward alone to the castle. Once there, he emerges from Mordack's basement maze (doesn't everybody have one?) and befriends the captured Princess Cassima, kidnapped by Mordack from the Green Isles for refusing to marry him. Graham finally confronts Mordack in his laboratory. As all seems lost for the monarch, Cedric arrives in the nick of time and saves Graham from sure death. The king is able to use Crispinophur's recharged magic wand to defeat Mordack in a duel of magical spells.
As the smoke clears in Mordack's laboratory, Crispinophur arrives to restore Graham's family to their normal size and Castle Daventry to its home. Prince Alexander and Cassima meet and fall in love at first sight. She invites the prince back to her place in the Green Isles. Crispinophur wraps things up by teleporting everybody home. Arm in arm, the Royal Family of Daventry returns to their castle.
King's Quest Collections (1997)[]
V - King's Quest 5: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! - King Graham must take on a vengeful wizard in order to win back his castle and imprisoned royal family.
KQ8 Manual[]
Synopsis: A year has passed since Princess Rosella’s journey to Tamir, and King Graham’s health has been fully restored. The Royal Family of Daventry is whole once more, and all is well with the Kingdom. But unbeknownst to Graham, his beloved family will soon be in grave danger! Somewhere far away, a powerful presence watches the castle of Daventry with evil intent. Mordack, a wizard even more powerful than the late Manannan, has concocted a dreadful plan: to capture the castle of Daventry, and the Royal Family within. He waits for the right moment to strike - when King Graham will be helpless to stop him. On that fateful day, King Graham will return home to find that his castle and his family have disappeared. Graham must don his adventurer’s cap once again and find Mordack before harm can come to Rosella, Alexander, and Valanice. With Cedric the owl, his reluctant guide, Graham journeys through forests, across deserts, over mountains and oceans in search of the evil wizard who holds the Royal Family and the castle in his grasp.
King's Quest Collections (2006)[]
Returning home one day to find the castle missing, King Graham must don his famous adventurer's cap once more to find his family. Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder and Graham must learn a little magic of his own to rescue his loved ones from an evil spell.
1991 Spectrum Catalogue[]
The latest edition the award winning role-playing adventure series.
Sierra's most richly 3-D cinematographic animated adventure ever! King Graham is the good hearted, clever hero of Daventry. Suddenly, his royal family and castle are missing!
Aided by an old wizard and a talking owl, you'll face the mysteries of the dark forest, scale precipitous mountains, cross a scorching desert, and an ominous ocean, as you try to rescue the royal family.
It's a contest of wits and magic between you and the evil sorcerer Mordack. You've never been cast into an adventure like this.
Journey with King Graham through fearsome elands on a noble quest in beautiful digitized hand-painted 3-D graphics.
Amiga's true colors come shining through in richly illustrated cinematographic countrysides.
1991 Mac Only Catalogue[]
King Graham returns home to find that his family, along with his entire castle, has vanished! You'll brave a dark forest, scale icy mountains, cross a burning desert and a deadly ocean as you try to rescue the royal family.
What wonders--and dangers--await you in the enchanted forest?
1992 Many Worlds of Adventure Catalogue[]
You can die thirty-nine different ways as you help King Graham rescue his family from the clutches of the evil wizard, Mordack. With the help of a talking owl and a little magic, you'll survive your journey through a dark forest, scorching desert, and sheer mountains in this tricky quest that rewards you for doing good deeds.
Every character you meet may be able to help you in your quest.
Riddles seem to lie around every turn in your path.
1992 Multimedia Catalogue[]
Sierra's most richly cinemagraphic animated adventure ever. The royal family of Daventry is missing, along with the whole castle! Set out with King Graham on a perilous journey to rescue his loved ones and save the kingdom.
Enter a world of beauty, fantasy and danger.
1994 15th Anniversary Catalogue[]
Experience another epic adventure in the best-selling King's Quest series from Roberta Williams. Journey into danger as you embark with Graham on the most thrilling and perilous adventure of his career - the quest for the missing Royal Family of Daventry. Along with Cedric, the talking owl, Graham travels through the eerie gloom of the Dark Forest, across blazing deserts and over vast mountains and oceans in search of his family. Filled with danger, mystery and fantastic creatures, King's Quest V is a magical adventure you'll never forget.
Spring 1990[]
King's Quest V will definitely see the return of the majestic King Graham.
Summer 1991[]
Good King Graham's family is missing, along with the whole royal castle. Aided only by a talking owl named Cedric, you must face the dangers of the dark forest, scale towering mountains, cross a burning desert and a cursed sea as you try to rescue the royal family. It's an epic contest of wits and magic between you and the evil wizard Mordack (Don't miss the article on KQ5 Multimedia CD ROM on page 40 !)
Fall 1991[]
Sierra's most richly cinemagraphic animated adven- ture ever. The royal family of Daventry is missing, along with the whole castle! Join King Graham on a perilous journey to rescue your loved ones.
Aided only by a talking owl named Cedric, you'll face the mysteries of the dark forest, scale precipitous mountains, cross a scorching desert and an ominous ocean as you try to find the royal family. It's a contest of strength, wits, and magic between you and the evil wizard Mordack.
King's Quest V multimedia is an amazing experience. Using the talents of over 50 voice actors, every character has depth and individuality. The stereo soundtrack and realistic sqund effects pull you into the heart of Daventry. Live this latest King's Quest adventure to the fullest.
Good King Graham's family is missing,
along with the whole royal
castle. Aided only by a talking
owl named Cedric, you must face the
dangers of the dark forest, scale towering
mountains, cross a burning desert and a
cursed sea as you try to rescue the royal
family. Winner of CGW Magazine's
Adventure Game of the Year award!
Interaction Spring 1992[]
King Graham returns home to find that his family, along with his entire castle, has vanished! You'll brave a dark forest, scale icy mountains, cross a burning desert and a deadly ocean to try to rescue the royal family. With hand-painted graphics, 3-D animation, a stereo soundtrack, and a no-typing, point-and-click interface.
The royal family of Daventry has been kidnapped! The castle has vanished without a trace! Journey with King Ghraham on a desperate quest to rescue his loved ones. A haunted forest, a wicked ice queen, a scorching desert, and sinister sea all stand between you and the royal family. With cinemagraphic hand-painted
backgrounds, 3-D animation, a moving, stereo soundtrack,
and a no-typing, point-and-click interface.
Summer 1992[]
Sierra's best looking game ever! King Graham is the good-hearted hero of Daventry. Suddenly, his royal family and his castle are missing! It's a contest of wits and magic with the evil sorcerer Mordack. You've never been cast into an adventure like this!
Fall 1992[]
Sierra's most richly illustrated and animated adventure ever! King Graham is the good- hearted, clever hero of Daventry. Suddenly, his royal family is missing! Aided by an old wizard and a talking owl, you'll face the mysteries of the dark forest, scale precipitous mountains, cross a scorching desert and an ominous ocean as you try to rescue the family. King's Quest V is also available in multimedia CD-ROM.
Winter 1992[]
Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder Sierra's best-selling adventure to date. King Graham is the clever hero of Daventry whose royal family is missing. Aided by an old wizard and a talking owl, you'll face the dark forest, scale mountains, cross a desert and an ominous ocean as you try to rescue the family. It's an epic contest of wits and magic. Kind's Quest V S also available in multi- media CD-ROM.
Spring 1993[]
Sierra's ever-popular, richly illustrated and animated adventure. The royal family is missing! Aided by an old wizard and a talking owl, you'll face the mysteries of the dark forest, precipitous mountains, a scorching desert and an ominous ocean as you try to rescue the family. King's Quest V is also available in multimedia CD-ROM.
Summer 1993[]
Take part in the greatest adventure in the history of Daventry as you embark with King Graham on the most thrilling and perilous adventure of his career — the quest for the missing Royal Family of Daventry. You'll face dangers in a dark forest, scale steep mountains, and trek across a scorching desert. With a rich, complex story, highly developed characters, and beautiful, detailed graphics, King's Quest V will enchant you. Also available in multimedia CD-ROM.