King's Quest Omnipedia

An Heir is the next in line to become king.


When a king dies with no wife, or children through mistakes or by other means, dynasties can change.[1]. It is not generally considered proper for a monarch to go traipsing about the world by himself, questing in search of women and adventure. His duties are at home, near to his subjects. This is especially true if the king has no heirs. It is usually the job of the Prime Minister to set up banquets and parties to help the king procure a wife and thus an heir can be born.

In Daventry the heir during succession is usually the first born son (or daughter) of the reigning king. But is apparently traditionally and almost always male, and often related to the king, usually the eldest prince. Princesses must marry, and their husbands become king. The Heir during succession of rule is usually the first born son (or daughter) of reigning king. However, when there is no direct heir, it is maybe passed onto the wife, or other close relatives of the king or nobility. King Edward, for example had no son to inherit the throne, nor a daughter to gladden his heart.

When there is no close or direct relatives as was the case with the previous King Edward, then the king chooses a suitable heir from noble families (knights or others). These maybe distantly related or not. Though the heir need not necessarily be of nobility but someone trusted by the king. In Edward's case he chose Graham, his favorite knight, and the son of another knight, his best friend the nobleman Hereward.[2][3][4][5]

The young knight had been chosen in part based on a prophetic vision the King had witnessed in kingdom's lost magic mirror some decades before in which showed the young knight as the next king (he had believed it had been his 'future' son at the time). When Edward had no son, and after his wife died, Edward adopted the knight as his son and heir.[6][7]

As was the case with Edward, other relatives even those distant, or another respected noble or knight in the kingdom may be chosen to become the heir. Though they may be challenged to prove they are worthy before hand. Graham for example was sent on the quest to find the three lost treasures of Daventry in order to 'inherit' the throne[8][9][10][11][12][13][14]

Another indication that Graham was adopted as 'heir', is that he calls him, his 'son'. But beyond that he may also be distantly related by blood as well.

Before Graham traveled Kolyma to find his wife, he was sent a prophetic vision by the late Edward through the magic mirror; that he would need to find a wife, to have an heir, or his kingdom would fail.[15][16][17]He predicted that this future prince born to his new wife would keep Daventry's future secure. Following the return of Graham and Valanice to Daventry, they were given the blessing or prohecy that they would have 'many fine children'.[18][19][20][21][22][23] The first of these were twins (a boy and a girl).

Alexander and Rosella have both been considered the 'heirs' to the throne of Daventry.[24][25] Though Alexander was the meant to be crown prince, and Rosella second in line of something happened to him.[26]

Though with the tiny heir Alexander having gone missing for eighteen years[27], Rosella was considered the next heir to the throne of Daventry until his return.[28][29][30][31][32]

Alexander was considered the 'true heir to the throne'[33], and regained that honor upon his return.[34][35][36][37][38]

Furthermore it’s said that it’s Alexander's birthright and inheritance to become the king of Daventry; it was his royal destiny, that he would have to claim it[39]. While destiny can be fluid, and based on the choices one makes in life, there are many possible paths to one's destiny. However, destiny, cannot be altered.[40][41] In this situation it appears that Alexander's fate is to become king of Daventry: no matter where he ends up, or what happens in meantime until his father dies or abdicates, he is destined to become the king of Daventry.

According to Derek the wedding ceremony united the kingdoms of Daventry and the Green Isles in marriage.[42] Alexander held onto the family heirloom insignia ring granted to him as Prince of Daventry[43] which was later to become Cassima's wedding ring. Cassima married into the Royal Family of Daventry[44], and Alexander still holds the title of Prince of Daventry.[45] All indicating both will hold the throne of both kingdoms someday.

If Edward's prophecy was accurate (and it did come from the mirror which could not tell a lie) then its likely either Alexander, or Graham's many other future children will the include the heir prince who will later secure the kingdom.

Heirlooms are treasures passed down to the heir. Known heirlooms include Alexander’s signet ring, and prince Cocteau’s ring and coat of arms.

In the world of King's Quest 'to heir is human', and so is to 'error'.[46]

Behind the scenes[]

Words related to heir in KQ materials include “heirloom”[47], “heirless”, “inherit”, “inheritor”[48][49][50][51][52], “inheritance” [53], "birthright"[54], “successor”[55], “succession[56], and “crown prince” (“high prince”).[57][58] Semi-related terms include dynasty, "lineage"[59], Royal House[60], royal family, royal line[61][62][63], nobility, royalty, generations, heritage, and family line/family tree.

Fans are often confused as to who the current heir of Daventry is, after Alexander left to become King of the Green Isles, many fans believe that the honor was passed back to Rosella (as she also held the position previously while Alexander was missing and thought dead). Some fans theorize neither became the next leaders (having moved onto other kingdoms), and it was passed onto someone else possibly even Connor. Connor according to Roberta was a potential fiancé for Rosella (both being from Daventry).

The Companion leaned towards Alexander remaining the heir apparent, uniting the two kingdoms, with Cassima joining the Royal Family of Daventry, and Alexander as the crown prince and high prince of Daventry as well as the king of the Green Isles.

Alexander was intended to be the original firstborn 'heir' to the kingdom of Daventry, placing his position before Rosella, as noted in the subtitles of his games. He ended up leaving Daventry (some fans believe it was for good), and ended up ruling another land.

Some fans interpret the title of his second game "Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow", to mean he left Daventry permanently and conceded this birthright to Rosella, because he became the King of the Green Isles.

When he went missing as a child, succession was passed to Rosella. But based on KQ3 and KQ6's subtitles (To Heir is Human) he regained his inheritance on his return, fans believe he may have given it up when he decided to leave Daventry for good and rule another land, leaving Rosella in his place (as she raised to be when Alex was missing, a per KQ4's story in the companion).

In the Companion in the novelization of KQ6 (which set just before the wedding in KQ6), it does acknowledge both that Alexander is heir to Daventry, still the Prince of Daventry, while also becoming the King of the Green Isles, and that marriage represents the kingdoms being united. And other sources seem to suggest it’s his destiny/birthright to ultimately claim the thrown, indicating he is the one that Edward and mirror prophesied about (like Graham before him).

Though the question of if he could rule two kingdoms was technically never answered as the original series ended with KQ8, the Companion foreshadows this possibility.

Any forshadowing that Rosella would become Queen of Daventry (in place of Alexander) in the expanded universe works appears only during period when Alexander was missing and she was next in line (no documentation confirms that Alexander gave up his inheritance).

It's at least notable, at the end of KQ3 and beginning of KQ4 that the hat tossing event appears to indicate both Graham acknowledging his twins as the heirs to the kingdom, but possibly deciding who would become his next in line and would take on the mantel of adventurer or Quester. That is to say whoever caught it might have become the next heir (both had raised their hands to try to catch it). However, other sources suggest he intended to pass the cap onto both children equally..., though the crown could only go its 'true heir'[64] Though he may have intended for both to share the duties of joint rule over the kingdom (much as the Pevensies of Narnia). But that potential future never manifested and Graham's heart attack changed the subject to more dire matters. The KQ4 Manual however mentions the hat tossing, but its wording relates to the returned Alexander as his singular 'heir'.

In the case of Alexander and Cassima ruling over united Daventry and Green isles; a governor (steward, seneschel or Prime Minister) would have to handle the local affairs while they rule from the Green Isles. While equivalent Vizier could handle the Green Isles while they reside in Daventry. Nothing would prevent Rosella (and her future husband) from governing under King (Emperor?) Alexander.

In Kingdom of Sorrow, Graham sadly thinks of future wondering who will be heir to the throne. Graham’s daughter Rosella sitting on the throne or perhaps Alexander… the latter brings him sadness as he doesn’t know if his son will return or not…[65]


  1. KQC2E, pg
  2. Narrator (KQ6): "King Edward, once a stout-hearted and vigorous ruler, had become powerless and sickly. Edward had no heir, and everyone feared that chaos would result from his death. King Edward asked his bravest knight, Sir Graham, to embark upon a quest to recover the three treasures. Despite many challenges, Graham's quest was successful. As his reward, King Edward named Sir Graham his heir and granted him the throne of Daventry."
  3. KQ7 Authorized Guide, pg :"(The original title was plain ol' King's Quest) tells the story of a young knight of Daventry named Graham. He's summoned by his monarch, King Edward, who had no heirs. Graham was tasked to find the three great, and now lost, treasures of the realm before invaders overran the kingdom. He is promised the throne of Daventry as a reward if he is successful."
  4. KQ8 Manual: "The King of Daventry is nearing the end of his life. Tragically, he has no heir to carry on the royal line, and he worries that his kingdom will be left without a leader. Daventry is already a shadow of its former glory, as the three treasures of the realm have been lost to the ages. And so the king summons his bravest knight, Sir Graham, and sets him on this quest — return all three of the lost treasures, and the throne will be his."
  5. My grandfather is an excellent knight, of one of the finest in the realm. He was so proud when my father was chosen to succeed King Edward the Benevolent!
  6. KQ1 Manual: "But the King and Queen were sad because they were childless. They had no son to inherit the throne, nor a daughter to gladden their hearts."..."King Edward and his wife gazed into the Mirror's depths and saw a young princely figure with a gold crown upon his head. Imagining the youth to be the son they yearned for, the royal couple gladly bestowed the Mirror upon the sorcerer. He took it to his dwelling, where he set one of his beasts to guard over it."..."In due time Edward asked Dahlia to marry him, and she accepted. The people of Daventry were wildly excited at the prospect of a new Queen (and hopeful again of an heir), and made preparations for a glorious wedding celebration."..."You are the bravest and truest knight in my kingdom, Sir Graham. Long ago I envisioned your form in my magic Mirror, and thought I was seeing my son and heir. The years have proven me at least half wrong. But the prophecy may yet be fulfilled. "To prove yourself worthy of my crown, I command you to journey out into the world and retrieve the three great treasures taken from Daventry by treachery and stealth. Succeed in this great quest, and you shall become King upon my death. Fail, and our beautiful Daventry will grow ever weaker until it is invaded and conquered by unfriendly nations. This I promise by all that is honorable and right.
  7. KQ1 IBM Manual: "Although his kingdom had been wealthy in the past, recent disasters have brought hardship to his loyal subjects. To make matters worse, the king has no wife, children, or relatives to inherit the throne. Unless the king's quest is fulfilled, the country will be doomed."...I am depending on you to search the countryside and find three objects. If you do, the throne will be yours."
  8. Edward (KQ1AGI): "If you succeed, you will inherit the throne."
  9. KQC4E, pg :"This much I promise you, Sir Graham. If you succeed, the kingdom will be saved. In reward, you will inherit my throne and become King of Daventry in my place!"
  10. Edward (KQ1SCI): "If you succeed, you will inherit my crown, and will rule the Realm of Daventry as her rightful King."
  11. The Royal Scribe: "The ailing King Edward sends Graham on a quest to recover three lost treasures. Should Graham succeed, he will become the heir to the throne."
  12. The Magical World of King's Quest: One fine day, old King Edward, who was in poor health and had no heirs, called for his favorite knight. He told Sir Graham of his dilemma of having no one to inherit the throne should he die, which, he felt, would be soon. Sir Graham learned of the theft, long ago, of three treasures belonging to Daventry: a magic mirror, which foretold the future; a magic chest, always filled with gold coins; and a magic shield, which protects its bearer from all harm. King Edward had a solution to his problem of an inheritor to the throne: if Sir Graham could return the three lost treasures of Daventry, he would be crowned king after King Edward's death.
  13. The World of King's Quest: A Brief History of Daventry: "Sir Graham...lived in the enchanted land of Daventry. He was the favored knight of Daventry's monarch, King Edward the Benevolent. As King Edward was getting on in years, was in poor health, and had no heirs, he decided to call for his favorite knight one fine spring day with a special pronouncement. He informed Sir Graham of his dilemma of having no heirs, and thus no one to replace him should he die, and which in his weakened condition could be soon. He told of three treasures belonging to the kingdom of Daventry, which had been stolen in times past by some less than agreeable characters: a magic mirror, which foretold the future; a magic chest, perpetually filled with gold coins; and a magic shield, which would protect the bearer from any harm. But since the disappearance of these treasures, Sir Graham was informed, Daventry has weakened, and may soon crumble and die along with its old monarch. This was terrible news indeed, but King Edward had a solution to his problems; if Sir Graham could find, and return, the three lost treasures of Daventry, he would be crowned king after King Edward's death."
  14. KQ4 Manual: " Besides, he knew (as well did his people) that without an heir to the throne the kingdom would be in dire straits indeed. Thus, King Edward sent for his favorite knight, Sir Graham.
  15. KQ2 Manual: "King Edward spoke, "Graham, your kingdom is strong now, thanks to the recovery of the three treasures and your wise leadership. But it will soon grow weak again, if you do not provide an heir to the throne. Marry, my son, and give your people a prince that will make their future secure."
  16. Narrator (KQ2): "Unfortunately, there is a problem. King Graham needs a queen for companionship and to provide an heir to the throne."
  17. KQC4E, pg "I must confess, however, that I do not think it is proper for a monarch to go traipsing about the world by himself, questing in search of women and adventure. His duties are at home, near to his subjects. This is especially true if the king has no heirs, and Graham has none."
  18. KQ4 Manual, pg
  19. KQC4E, pg "Perhaps now the king's adventuring days are over, except for that of the sweetest quest--the quest for an heir. It is an exploration that he and his queen embark on together. Gladly. May their marriage prosper and may they have many fine children, strong and good."
  20. KQ5 Manual: Edward had no heir, and everyone feared the chaos that would result on his death. King Edward asked his bravest knight, Sir Graham, to embark upon a quest to recover the three treasures. Graham's quest was successful, and as his reward, King Edward named Sir Graham his heir and granted him the throne of Daventry. The chronicles of Graham's search for the royal treasures of Daventry are recounted in King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown. King Graham was a wise and kindly monarch, and with his great wisdom and the return of the three treasures, Daventry prospered once again. But Graham knew that he must soon marry and establish his own royal line with an heir to the throne. He searched far and wide, but no maiden in the kingdom possessed the qualities he sought in a queen.
  21. KQ5 NES HIntbook, pg: "Edward had no heir, and everyone feared the chaos that would result upon his death. King Edward asked his bravest knight, Sir Graham, to embark upon a quest to recover the three treasures. Graham's quest was successful, and as his reward, King Edward named Sir Graham his heir and granted him the throne of Daventry. King Graham was a wise and kindly monarch, and with his great wisdom and the return of the three treasures, Daventry prospered once again. But Graham knew that he must soon marry and establish his own royal line with an heir to the throne. He searched far and wide, but no maiden in the kingdom possessed the qualities he sought in a queen.
  22. KQ8 Manual, pg: "Sir Graham is now King Graham, inheritor of the Daventry throne. But he is a king without a queen, and his subjects fear the heirless fate which befell his predecessor."
  23. King Graham was very lonely. He wished for a wife to bring him love and happiness. He wished for heirs for his kingdom. But there didn't seem to be a suitable candidate in the in the immediate Daventry area. What to do?!
  24. KQ5 Hintbook, pg: “He wished for a wife to bring him love and happiness. He wished for heirs for his kingdom.
  25. KQC2E, pg. “This is especially true if the king has no heirs, and Graham has none.
  26. SNW, pg.: “Perhaps William would take that post someday, when Graham's daughter Rosella sat on the throne of Daventry. Or perhaps Alexander...
  27. KQ6 Hintbook, pg: "Alas, we will never forget the terrible day that King Graham's tiny heir was spirited away from his cradle. For nearly eighteen years, Alexander had been enslaved by the evil wizard Manannan.
  28. KQC4E, pg 124: "Rosella-she I taught, both as student, daughter, and heir to the throne of Daventry."
  29. SNW, pg 50:"I'm the princess of the realm and heir to the throne of Daventry."
  30. SNW, pg 55, 56: “Now you are a princess and pleased to be so. One day you’ll be a queen. You’ll grow up."
  31. SNW, pg 195: Oswald’s face darkened. “I am the most loyal subject of the king and queen,” he told her. “But you have neither come into your majority nor ascended to the throne. My obligation lies with King Graham, and Graham placed me in charge.”
  32. SNW, pg 65: "Rosella gasped. This was one of her mother’s dresses. She couldn’t remember Valanice wearing it recently, but it definitely was a dress for a queen, not a young princess.
  33. 1991 Spectrum Catalogue: Young Gwydion needs your help! Together you'll struggle to escape the clutches of the evil wizard Manannan. Your travels will carry you back to the land of Daventry where you'll perform deeds of daring and discover the truth of your heritage and the true heir to the throne!
  34. KQ4 Manual, pg: According to legend, shortly after Rosella's rescue King Graham decided it was time to pass on his adventurer's cap. Gathering in his wife and two children, the King offered a grateful smile upwards, for each member of his family had given him great pride. Gazing down at his children, he couldn't help but see the glint of spirited valor in their eyes. Knowing the future of his kingdom would rest soundly in the hands of its future heir, he slowly lifted his hands to display the infamous adventurer's cap.
  35. KQC4E, pg 238: "Young Alexander, however, survived the discovery that he was not-as he had been raised to believe- the slave Gwydion, property of the wizard Manannan, but in fact Prince Alexander, heir to Daventry with a family and friends who held him dear."
  36. Collection box: "A young apprentice to an evil wizard must escape his captor or be faced with certain death. Upon the discovery that he is the long-lost son of the royal family, young prince Alexander learns that To Heir is Human."
  37. KQ7 Hintbook, pg: "Using a big bad spell, Alexander clobbered the dragon. He was reunited with his family, and took his rightful place as crown prince."
  38. KQ6 Hintbook pg, "Despite, or perhaps because of this haunted quality the handsome Crown Prince has been the object of admiration for many young ladies of noble birth, but none seem to have captured his fancy."
  39. "In To Heir is Human, a young man named Gwydion must free himself from a wily wizard, using the wizard's own magics against him, and make a perilous journey to far places in search of his true name, his identity, and his royal destiny."
  40. Oracle (KQ6):
  41. Gwydion is a young boy, trapped in the castle of the evil wizard, Manannan. Using the wizard's own magic against him, Gwydion escapes and begins a perilous journey back to a home he never knew and an inheritance it is his destiny to claim.
  42. KQC3E, pg
  43. Perhaps Alexander should learn a little more about where he is before offering his family heirloom to total strangers., Of course, you are! You would be cold-hearted if you felt any differently! I am happy to see a family heirloom back with its rightful owner.", "Well, Prince Alex, she is a beautiful ring. Are you sure you can part with such a unique family heirloom?"
  44. KQC3E, pg artwork
  45. KQC3E pg., “As all the folk of Daventry, and the people and creatures of the Land of the Green Isles, still rejoice and celebrate the joining of Prince Alexander and Princess Cassima, I bow my head to all and apologize. I send this note along with the chronicle Prince Alexander asked me to compose detailing his rescue of the woman who is now his bride, Cassima of the Green Isles.
  46. Graham (Hoyle 4)
  47. "I hate to take such a valuable family heirloom, Prince Alexander-and come to that, there are some who might ask too many questions about how I came to possess it. I'll keep it out of sight for a while, and if you come into fortune in the next few days, you can buy it back."
  48. Journey with King Graham, Inheritor of the Daventry throne. Help him unlock the secrets that may lead him to the enchanted maiden whom he longs.
  49. Journey along with King Graham, inheritor of the Daventry throne. Search for the magic keys that will lead to an enchanted land, miles and dimensions away. Explore underground caverns, eerie towers, and ocean wonderlands.
  50. King Edward had a solution to his problem of an inheritor to the throne: if Sir Graham could return the three lost treasures of Daventry, he would be crowned king after King Edward's death.
  51. Sir Graham is now King Graham, inheritor of the Daventry throne. But he is a king without a queen, and his subjects fear the heirless fate which befell his predecessor.
  52. I think I inherited much of my wisdom from my grandfather. Using his wits, rather than his sword, he banished the Dragon of Herenna.
  53. The Royal Scribe: "Using the wizard's own magic against him, Gwydion escapes and begins a perilous journey back to a home he never knew and an inheritance it is his destiny to claim."
  54. InterAction, “Discover your true name, your true identity...and your true birthright.”
  55. KQC3E, pg: " As soon as Graham had bowed his respects to his monarch, Edward arose to greet the kingdom's savior. A smile crossed his face as he moved to embrace his successor, but the smile abruptly turned to pain as the old king clutched his chest, his face in agony. "
  56. KQ2 prologue: "Just one year after returning from his first victorious quest, King Graham arose and looked into the mirror as he was wont to do daily. Much to his astonishment, he beheld the face of Edward, the King who came before him in the succession."
  57. Despite, or perhaps because of this haunted quality the handsome Crown Prince has been the object of admiration for many young ladies of noble birth, but none seem to have captured his fancy.
  58. Using a big bad spell, Alexander clobbered the dragon. He was reunited with his family, and took his rightful place as crown prince.
  59. They can recite the names of the holders of the Crown spanning back hundreds of years, can speak each dwelling's origin, of practically every citizen's lineage yet when I asked how the kingdom began, bewilderment is the response.
  60. For some years it has been my good fortune to be associated with the Royal House of Daventry: King Graham, Queen Valanice, and their children the Princess Rosella and Prince Alexander.
  61. But Graham knew that he must soon marry and establish his own royal line with an heir to the throne. He searched far and wide, but no maiden in the kingdom possessed the qualities he sought in a queen.
  62. "The King of Daventry is nearing the end of his life. Tragically, he has no heir to carry on the royal line, and he worries that his kingdom will be left without a leader.
  63. About King's Quest I-V: "But Graham knew he must soon marry and establish his own royal line with an heir to the throne."
  64. The World of King's Quest: "He was about to pass his old adventurer's hat on to his two children...
  65. Perhaps William would take that post someday, when Graham's daughter Rosella sat on the throne of Daventry. Or perhaps Alexander…
