- Castle of the Crown. They are members of the royal guard known as the Guard Dogs of the Green Isles. Guard dogs are a race of humanoid dogs that has pledged to protect the
The palace is made even more exotic by the race of guard dogs that serve and protect the palace. These wondrous creatures seem to combine the best qualities of canine and human. Speaking in gruff voices and armed with swords or pikes, the guard dogs are strong and intelligent, and have loyally served the crown through the centuries.[1].
The guard dogs are particularly fierce about defending their own territory; The Castle. They will seize an intruder in an instant. However, these vigilant guardians see and hear much of what goes on in the castle, and they know a great deal.
The leader of the Guard Dogs is Saladin.
Behind the scenes[]
In the Companion, the name of the organization is 'Guard Dogs' for short, from their full name: 'Guard Dogs of the Green Isles'. And the race is also called simply “Dogs” as well.
In KQ6, Guidebook to the Land of the Green Isles, and the hintbook the race is referred to as 'guard dogs'.
That they are referred to as “wondrous creatures” maybe a hint that their home island was the Isle of Wonder originally.
The dogs claim that no foreigners have arrived on the island since Alhazred arrived. This doesn't seem to fit with the story that Mordack visited the castle to visit the Vizier, and met Cassima and her family according to her story in KQ5.
Guard dogs are similar to the humanoid canines/doggies seen in Quest for Glory games.