King's Quest Omnipedia
  • I am King Graham, ruler of Daventry. Surely you have heard of my King's I restored the lost treasures of Daventry, and rescued the fair Valanice from the evil Hagatha? Now shall we match wits in a game of cards, noble opponent?
  • Have you ever visited Daventry, my friend? If you ever travel there, I shall introduce you to the people and peculiar creatures of my native land.
  • If you visit Daventry, I shall show you the dragon's cave, wherein I defeated the loathsome beast. Or introduce you to the Gnome, that wise old fellow.
  • I would be most pleased if you visit Daventry, my friend. There is always room in the castle for visitors!
  • Daventry is lovely to visit, indeed. Where else can you encounter dragons, snack on a gingerbread house, and converse with gnomes?
  • Questing in Daventry is a dangerous venture. To battle with sword and shield is often not the correct action, but rather one should use wits to avoid deadly peril.
  • I played an excellent game against a firedrake once. Unfortunately, it ended when he incinerated the cards.
  • I view a card game as a battle of wits, wherein I may challenge a worthy opponent such as yourself. Should I fail, naught is lost save my own pride.
  • I rarely think of money. The treasure room of my castle holds more wealth than I could ever possibly need.
  • In truth, I do believe that you speak too often of money, Colonel. In my land, only villains are concerned more with wealth than anything else.
  • I've never thought of traveling to the stars in vehicles of metal and fire. Although that could explain that strange metal contraption we found in the moat last year...
  • Perhaps someday I will ride to the stars in a vehicle of metal and fire, Jerry, captained by your son Devin.
  • Do you honestly believe, Sir Warren, that my life and adventures are naught but a computer game? 'Tis impossible, I assure you!
  • How could it be possible that I, my family, and all of the realm of Daventry could be contained within a machine? Indeed, sirrah, this is truly unbelievable!
  • These tales of yours, Lawrence, are somewhat unbelievable at best. Do you expect me to believe such foolishness?
  • Sir Lawrence, I am weary of your incessant ramblings. Couldn't thou kindly shut up?
  • In truth my grandfather was a knight of great renown. Many songs are still sung of his heroism, and how he defeated the Dragon of Herenna.
  • I think I inherited much of my wisdom from my grandfather. Using his wits, rather than his sword, he banished the Dragon of Herenna.
  • My friend, I could be spending this time with my family in Daventry, instead of waiting for you to make a move.
  • Your stories are fascinating, Sir Bonds. Fortunately, my Daventry is a peaceful realm, and does not contain villains such as this Death Angel.
  • Indeed, Sonny, it does seem to me that you are as a knight of the realm of Lytton, responsible for the welfare of the folk of your land.
  • Would that I could understand these mathematics of which you speak, Lady Thelma! But my knowledge is limited to ruling my fair land of Daventry.
  • Perhaps you could visit Daventry, m'lady Thelma, and teach more of these mathematics. I believe my daughter Rosella would be fascinated by this as well.
  • In truth, my daughter is Rosella is a brave and adventurous girl! I am indeed fortunate to have two such children!
  • Did I tell how my valiant daughter journeyed to the far realm of Tamir and defeated the evil Lolotte, all to save my life? Rosella, you are truly a treasure beyond compare!
  • It does seem that some unknown foe has placed you in this circumstance, Roger.
  • If I could, I would attempt to find a way for you to escape, Sir Roger.
  • I expect that you would enjoy a visit to Daventry, Sir Bulldog. I am certain that you and the Gnome would probably be able to spend many hours conversing.
  • There are many creatures in Daventry such as yourself, Sir Bulldog, who wear the forms of animals but are quite intelligent.
  • I do consider education to be quite important. I spent many years in Knight School before I ventured on my first quest.
  • Perhaps you would enjoy studying in Knight School, Sir Lenny, learning the skills of a defender of the realm.
  • 'Tis true that I must spend much of my time questing and defeating monsters, if only because of my love for excellent food! Else I would be known only as King Graham the Overweight!
  • I am certain that my Queen, the Lady Valanice, would be pleased to spend many hours with you, conversing on the subject of fine food. Did I tell you that she is an excellent cook?
  • I have never seen these movies of yours, Lady Diane, we spend our evenings regaling each other with tales of heroic deeds.
  • I would enjoy seeing one of these movies of yours, Lady Diane. Methinks this could be an delightful way to spend an evening, viewing the heroic exploits of others.
  • I fear that I do not engage in sports very often, unless you count being chased by a furious dragon....
  • Unfortunately, as King of Daventry, I do not have time for sports, except for chasing the occasional monster....
  • I read many books, Cassie, about Daventry and other lands. I consider it part of being a good King, to learn everything you can.
  • I've spent many enjoyable hours with my children, reading to them of the history of Daventry.
  • In Daventry, we also have mountain ranges, but these are inhabited by fierce creatures! I do not think you would wish to meet them, Mistress Christina!
  • I have enjoyed a quiet afternoon in the mountains with my family, defeating the occasional dragon that wanders across our path.
  • If you can defeat monsters as well as you can play cards, my friend, I might have some work for you in Daventry.
  • I win! Perhaps 'tis not as satisfying as defeating a dragon, but this victory is fine, nevertheless.
  • Crazy truth, this is one of my favorite games. I am quite skilled at this game, of course.
  • Would that I were a better card player, instead of merely an excellent King and adventurer!
  • Shall we play Old Maid, my young friend? 'Tis a game that I truly enjoy.

Card play

  • I am pleased that you wish to oppose me in a game of cards, my friend. Shall we begin?
  • If you think you can defeat me at this game, my friend, you have a true challenge ahead of you....
  • Crazy truth, this is one of my favorite games. I am quite skilled at this game, of course.
  • I shall pass. I cannot do anything else at the moment.
  • Methinks I shall pass.
  • Perhaps I shall play a card next time.
  • Spades.
  • Perhaps I shall choose Spades. What do you think, my friend?
  • I believe I shall pick Spades.
  • Clubs!
  • I think Clubs would be most appropriate now.
  • I choose Clubs.
  • Diamonds.
  • Diamonds is the suit I shall choose.
  • I hope you will not object to Diamonds, my friend?
  • Hearts?
  • I shall choose Hearts.
  • Hearts would be an excellent suit now, do you not agree?
  • Excellent! I win this hand!
  • Indeed, I have won this hand!
  • In truth, I have won this hand!
  • Methinks you have won this hand!
  • A superb play, my friend! You have won this hand.
  • You win this hand!
  • Methinks this game is a tie. Shall we play one more hand?
  • I believe this game is a tie. We must play one more hand to resolve this.
  • This game is a tie. Let us play one more hand.
  • Now, my friend, you must choose a suit.
  • You may choose a new suit now, if you wish.
  • Perhaps now would be an excellent time for you to choose a new suit.
  • You must choose a card first.
  • Indeed, you should choose a card first.
  • Methinks you must choose a card first.
  • My friend, that maneuver is illegal in this game.
  • You must choose another move, for you cannot do that within the rules of this excellent game.
  • That play was invalid, my friend.
  • I win! In truth, this was a fine game!
  • I've won! Once again, the sweetness of victory is mine.
  • I win! Perhaps 'tis not as satisfying as defeating a dragon, but this victory is very fine, nevertheless.
  • If you can defeat dragons as well as you can play cards, my friend, I might have some work for you in Daventry.
  • Would that I were a better card player, instead of merely an excellent King and adventurer!
  • Perhaps I shall fare better in our next game.
  • We shall need more players for this excellent game.