The Golden Ladle, the Ladle of the Sun, it had the ability to purify the poisonous waters concocted by the Swamp Witch which polluted the Swamp.
Connor was able to find the ladle in a Secret Vault behind the Swamp Gate.
A carving behind the ladle gave a clue to its use;
- "He that hath once the Ladle of the Sun, The perfect gold, the perfect elixir, Can confer purity, virtue, peace, and love."
Connor put the golden ladle into the witch's cauldron, and it instantly nullified all the poison that had polluted the swamp with a wondrous magic.
Behind the scenes[]
See also poison, venom, toxin and bane for some of the similarities and differences between terminology. This article is not the place to discuss pedantic online debates on terminology.