King's Quest Omnipedia

Giant spiders are a type of oversized arachnids. They actually come in several sizes from just big, to very large.


There are races of sentient giant spiders living near the Glass Mountains, in a thorny forest. They are pony-sized. Yellow fangs hung down from their mouths and their bodies were covered in coarse black fur. They have eight great black hairy legs. A multitude of eyes sits on their heads. With their dozens of eyes, they watch. Their fangs click against their lower jaws.[1]They eat juicy humanoids such as imps or humans.

Smaller species but still large are known as big spiders. One known species is the giant spider of Llewdor.

Gwydion encountered a giant spider outside of the Oracle Cave in Llewdor. Using a spell, Gwydion transformed himself into an eagle, grabbed the spider, flew it out to sea and dropped it in the ocean.

See also[]

See also poison, venom, toxin and bane for some of the similarities and differences between terminology. This article is not the place to discuss pedantic online debates on terminology.


  1. KoS, 98, 99