King's Quest Omnipedia
Fell magical diseases are curses or spells put on someone to kill or harm them.


Some theorize that Graham's heart disease was caused by fell magical disease. Though if that's true, no one knows who had cast it upon him. He did have many enemies both wizards and witches, including Mordack, Manannan and Hagatha, but also the The Enchanter and the late Dahlia. ...and Graham and his family had thwarted the Family of Evil in the past first by saving Valanice from Hagatha but also his son turning Manannan into a cat.

Pomegranate is another enchanted fruit/magic fruit from the Faerieland which is capable of curing fell magical curses and disease, bringing rebirth and regeneration to those who are healed by it. Unlike the Golden Fruit of the Tree of Life, it is in much abundance in the Cornucopia of Eldritch, as long as the River of Life flows, and its activated by the sacred food of the gods, Ambrosia (another magical/enchanted/divine fruit) which is found in Etheria.
