King's Quest Omnipedia
The information from this article is from multiple fan games or fan fictions and is therefore not canon.

Fan fiction are sources that are not part of the official King's Quest canon. That is they are not officially written or produced by the owners of the King's Quest franchise (but instead written by fans and made by fans for no monetary gain). Though in case of fan games, some may receive special permission (fan licenses) from the IP owners to be made as freeware (and the IP owners retain the ownership writes to the material).

Note: This is not the same as 'commercial' games which maybe made by fans (games intended to be official continuation, reboot, or otherwise and published by the IP owners for retail), as is the case with the official King's Quest: Adventures of Graham release.

Fan material includes fan stories, fan spoofs, fan remakes and fan sequels.

Fan fiction includes some characters like the Father and the unofficial dates. This encyclopedia however incorporates all information available if possible and notes where they contradict or remain different from each other. But Fan Fiction goes to its own articles, see canon policy.

Fan Adventure Games

Here you will find all the info you'll ever need about the King's Quest fan games.

King's Quest Spin-Offs

Here you will find all the info you'll ever need about the King's Quest fan game spin-offs.

King's Quest Inspired and Parodies

Here you will find all the info you'll ever need about the King's Quest parodies and homages.

Additionl KQ-style games[]


For anyone interested in comparisons between fan game universes and the game canon see:

Stories & Poems[]

Fan Music[]

Fan art[]
