King's Quest Omnipedia

The book that includes fairy tales adapted by Manny. Graham read the story The Pied Piper in the book.

  • I knew fairy tales were unlikely to come true, however sometimes you can't fight a romantic heart. That goblin so desperately wanted to find its prince."
  • The goblins loved stories, especially fairy tales, and they always wanted to hear more.
  • Well... fairytales have a bad habit of simplifying matters of the heart.
  • A loving marriage is worth all the hard work that goes into it. And that's no fairytale.
  • She became obsessed with a fairytale endings, but never wanted to put in the work.
  • Some may think they know the legend of how Graham rescued his future bride from the wicked witch Hagatha’s tower (King's Quest II: Romancing The Throne) but the truth behind the fairy-tale is much more complicated!

See also[]
