King's Quest Omnipedia

Gravestones of unknown people.

Miscellaneous in Tamir

These were former citizens or visitors to the town of Innsmouth, and buried in Whately cemetary, before it was brought over from the other world.

Here is unknowns from the West Yard;

A woman and her three daughters were poisoned when they drank water from Chelt'nam. Their gravestone read;

"Here I lie with my three daughters,

who died drinking Chelt'nam waters. If we had stuck to Epsom Salt,

We should not sleep in this could vault."

A man died when he fought one Simon Byrne. His gravestone read;

"Strong and athletic was my frame;

Far from my native home I came, And madly fought with Simon Byrne; Alas! but liv'd not to return.

Reader, take warning by my fate;

If you ever fought before, Determine now to fight no more."

An unknown death was marked on another grave simply as;

Here I Am!

Another grave stone was marked just as simply;

He done died

Here is the gravestones from the East Yard;

On a poor woman's grave it read;

"Here lies a poor woman who was always tired,

She lived in a house where help wasn't hired: Her last words on earth were: "Dear friends, I am going To where there's no cooking, or washing, or sewing, For evertying there is exact to my wishes, For where they don't eat there's no washing of dishes, I'll be where loud anthems will always be ringing, But have no voice I'll be quiet of the singing, Don't mourn for me now, don't mourn for me never,

I am going to do nothing for ever and ever.

Another gravestone for a woman read;

1634 to 1672 She done her best.

On a grave for another man, it read;

"At length, my friends, the feast of life is o'er,

I've eat sufficient, and I'll drink no more; My night is come, I've spent a jovial day,

'This time to part, but oh!--what is to pay?"

On the gravestone of a man and wife buried together it reads;

Within this grave do like, Back to back, my wife and I;

When the last trump the air shall fill,

If she gets up, I'll just Lie still.


In Connor's Village an unnamed town drunk died. He was buried in the village cemetery. His gravestone reads;

THE TOWN DRUNK - When money's tight and is hard to get And your horse has also ran, When all you have is a heap of debt -- A PINT OF PLAIN IS YOUR ONLY MAN.
