The Enchanted Island (aka Enchanted Isle[1]) is the island that Valanice was imprisoned on by Hagatha. It is one of the islands in the Enchanted Isles chain which lies on the other side of the world (southeast of Kolyma and southwest of Tanalore).
The island is really quite small, its beaches are surrounded by the turbulent rainbow-like seas.[2] It is located in a place where the sands are blue and the oceans are red. The beauty of the beach is great. Dazzling, rainbow-like ocean washes upon it. The blue sand sparkles like finely ground sapphires![3]
Each side was surrounded by more blue beaches, the center was yellow earth, and everywhere grew oversized vegetation that was grotesque in its appearance.
The foliage is remarkable, though. Plants and flowers have overgrown it, some growing very large in contrast to the tiny island. The trees on the small island are tall, with spreading branches and huge fan-like leaves. The island is overgrown with foliage. Huge leaves, flowers, and clinging vines are everywhere. The brilliant flowers are as big as a human. The sweet aroma of the huge flowers permeates the air. The rocks on this island appear to contain large amounts of quartz.[4]
The Crystal Tower stands in the middle of the small island.[5]
A small island offshore of the Enchanted Isle has only a few bushes and one large tree growing on it.[6]
The island can be seen from nearby islands, but from the distance it is difficult to see any details.[7]
The island is the location of a tower that is said to be both miles and dimensions away.[8]We will never know if the king's suspicion was correct, for when he unlocked the third door, it opened to reveal not another door, but what looked like another world. He left the bridge and Kolyma behind when he stepped through it. Such a world! To see such marvels myself would be worth most any price! Astonishing pink sky reached down to meet the cobalt blue beach. A tempest sea raged rainbow colors, changing with the waves. Unclimbable rock-faced cliffs towered above and below the narrow strand. A lavender waterfall plummeted over them to reach unswimmable waters. This location is treated as both being within the 'World of Daventry' and also outside of it depending on various character perspectives.[9]
Also according to King's Quest Companion its location is physically in the World of Daventry that sailors have claimed to visit. However it seems its exact location isn't known. It is known however that it is part of an island chain collectively known as the Enchanted Isles. It lay to the east of a blue island in a iridescent sea.
In Derek Karlavaegen's maps for the World of Daventry, he has shown its location as being in the seas of Daventry. In his original map he showed the island to be located to southeast of Kolyma, and in later maps it is shown to be in the southwest part of the world within Great Sea Ocean to the south of Tamir. It is possible that in both cases the Island has remained in the same spot but the oceans wraps back around to the other side of the world across the Unknown. The KQ8 manual also says the island lies on the other side of the world. While the area near the Land of the Green Isles known as the Edge of the World may be flat, other parts of the world may be round.
Derek also mentions sailors and others telling tales of the red seas and blue sand near the area of the Enchanted island. He has heard of other enchanted islands floating in the sky rather than in the water. While he has never personally seen any of them, he believes the stories to be true, and put them on his map.
In his more stylized maps of Kolyma he included with Gerwain's court chronicle, the island is shown on the maps in his first map, the island is shown to be off the southeastern corner of Kolyma. In later two maps of Kolyma, the island is shown as an inset drawn inside of a bubble. The third map's inset appears to show the island in the middle of a lake. In the latter maps, the inclusion of the inset maps appears to be the artists attempt to include all the locations important to events of King's Quest II.
- Crystal Tower
- Pathway to Tower
- Lagoon
Behind the scenes[]
The waters of the ocean appear violet in the apple II version of KQ2. The island is known as the Enchanted Island in the KQ2 Hintbook.
Enchanted Island (unofficial)[]
The Enchanted Island is mentioned in fan games and stories, see Enchanted Island (unofficial).
- ↑ KQ7 Hintbook, pg
- ↑ Narrator (KQ2): "The water is much too turbulent for swimming. If you were to try you would almost certainly drown.", "The water is too turbulent to swim in. You have just drowned."
- ↑ Narrator (KQ2):"You are captivated by the beauty of the beach. The dazzling, rainbow-like ocean washes upon it. The blue sand sparkles like finely ground sapphires!"
- ↑ Narrator (KQ2):"You can see that the island is really quite small. The foliage is remarkable, though. Plants and flowers have overgrown it, some growing very large in contrast to the tiny island.", "The island is completely overgrown with foliage. Huge leaves, flowers, and clinging vines are everywhere.", "The brilliant flowers are as big as you are!"
- ↑ Narrator (KQ2):"You notice a tower in the middle of the small island. From this distance it is difficult to see any details."
- ↑ Narrator (KQ2):"The small island offshore has only a few bushes and one large tree growing on it"
- ↑ Narrator (KQ2):"You notice a tower in the middle of the small island. From this distance it is difficult to see any details."
- ↑ KQ2 gold box
- ↑ KQC4E, pg 64