King's Quest Omnipedia
King's Quest Omnipedia

Eastern continent is a continent on the World of Daventry



The eastern continent is the location of many Faery woods.[1]

Beyond the continents of Serenia (Daventry) and Kolyma, lies the Unknown (and in the northeast the Edge of the World), leading to the other side of the world. This could be the location of one or more continents in the far east. In that region is the Crimson Sea, near the Enchanted Isles (which exists both miles from Daventry and dimensions away) and the Islands of Despond. One of Enchanted islands may actually be a small continent (which fades into the horizon).

Astonishing pink sky reached to meet the cobalt blue beach. A tempest sea raged rainbow colors, changing with the waves. Unclimbable rock-faced cliffs towered above and below the narrow strand. A lavender waterfall plummeted over them to reach unswimmable waters.

Besides the Enchanted Isles (Blue Islands) and Islands of Despond, very little is known as to what islands and continents lie beyond the unknown beyond the occasional tales of wanderers from unknown parts and the ravings of shipwrecked sailors... There are tales of a place where the oceans are red and the sands are blue. Some claim to have seen islands that do not float in the waves, but hover above them; enchanted islands, perhaps the homes of great wizards. Kingdoms beneath the sea, jungles containing beasts the size of mountains and cities containing people the size of peas, are rumored to exist as well. If they don't exist at the moment, they will on some tomorrow.

Further east as the Crimson Seas ends, and next sea begins, on the other side of the world as it wraps back to the western side the world, another possible location is the Sea of Barnacles which lies somewhere west of the western edge of the continent of Daventry, within or further west beyond the Western Sea. It appears to be a coastal sea lying along a large stretch of land, perhaps a continent or large island, Perhaps it lies on the other side of the world beyond the Northern Sea into the Unknown far to the west (and far to the east of Daventry). The regions near the sea are home of a species of poisonous toad. The Ice Fairies moved to the coast of the sea after the Vale of Obscurity was destroyed. It must be a region of cold and ice for the fairies to live comfortably there.

Ultimately the region loops back around to the Western Sea.


Other eastern continents[]

…or it could be describing of the major continents of the Known World.

It may be referring to the continent of Serenia (sometimes referred to as the continent of Daventry), where Daventry is located. Daventry is a location were Old Woods can be found. The continents name appears to differ based on the perspective of two major cultures living on the continent. People influenced by Serenia are more likely to call the continent Serenia, while those living in or influenced Daventry are more apt to call it the continent of Daventry (this was especially true when majority of Serenia went missing under Harlin’s spells.

However, the continent of Kolyma lies to the south and further east of Daventry, and is also has forests that are home to fairies, or also lies closer to the other side of the world where the Enchanted Islands are located.

Another continent could be The North. At one time Harlin divided the continent of Serenia and moved the Great Mountains to the northeast, and created a vast ocean inbetween beyond the Unknown. Beyond the mountains lay Harlin's castle. It it wasn't restored until the time between Rosella came back and Graham traveled to Serenia.

Another unknown location is the Golden lion’s jungle home where the lion was returned released. Just before the lion disappeared into the foliage, it was joined by a tall man (Tarzan), wearing nothing but a loincloth. Both the lion and the man roared to the heavens, the man beating his chest, and then they were gone (Africa?).

Another continent or land is discussed as being the home of cowboys, lassoing and cattle (Americas?).


  1. SNW, pg