King's Quest Omnipedia

The City of the Dead is the name for labyrinthian city in the Dimension of Death where Lord Azriel rules.


The Skeletons can be found among the silent stones and trackless passages in the City of the Dead.[1]

The City of the Dead is the dwelling place of the Shadow Monster, a dark, amorphous creature with fiery eyes, sword and mace-wielding skeleton guards.

Also in the City, there are Weeper souls with life-draining gazes and a mysterious, beautiful winged sylph guarding the Well of Respite and offering words of advice.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The name of the city comes from the KQ8 website, and is also mentioned in the level directories as "DeadCity". However, the term is not mentioned in game. It is mentioned as part of an extended background on skeleton guards. In the game, Lord Azriel simply calls it the Compound of Death when he gives Connor his key to it. The name also appears in the KQ8 Product Description (World of Krondor).

This area was also known as the Necropolis in some early concept material. Necropolis is Greek for “city of the dead”.

The term City of the Dead shows up in the KQ8 programmer's notes as well (see KQ8 development).

The inspiration for this name seems to come from the Egyptian idea of a City of the Dead, or the 'Cairo Necropolis', as there is a strong Egyptian influence throughout the Dimension of Death.

