King's Quest Omnipedia


Chapter is a term used quite a bit concerning the King's Quest series (in part to give a storybook like description). Each of the eight original games were often described as 'Chapters' or 'Episodes' by the developers. Thus King's Quest I was, Chapter I of the series, and King's Quest VIII, was Chapter VIII.[1][2][3] Another term used is Saga.

Chapters also refer to the sections of the King's Quest books, and the six parts of the King's Quest VII game.

King's Quest: Adventures of Graham also uses chapters for each individual part, which also represent separate stories.

Classic Series[]

King's Quest II[]

The demo for KQ2 refers to it as the "..second chapter of the King's Quest saga".

King's Quest V[]

Interaction described King's Quest V as a chapter in King's Quest V Portfolio article.

King's Quest VI[]

The back of the box states; "Explore the largest, richest, most puzzling, and most exciting chapter of the best-selling series...."

The article The Quest for King's Quest VI describes the game as; "...she has created a chapter that far exceeds its predecessors, both as a game and as a story."

King's Quest VII[]


King's Quest VII is described as the "Seventh Chapter" of the King's Quest series in various advertisements. The original box states; "...comes the seventh exciting chapter in the King's Quest Series..." The back of the 2.0 box states; "...the seventh and most exciting chapter in the world's best-selling computer adventure series.

  • Chapter One: "Where in the blazes am I?"
  • Chapter Two: "A troll is as a troll does."
  • Chapter Three: "The sky is falling!"
  • Chapter Four: "Will the real troll king please stand up."
  • Chapter Five: "Nightmare in Etheria."
  • Chapter Six: "Ready, set...BOOM!"

The King's Quest Companion[]

King's Quest: Adventures of Graham[]


  1. KQ Collector's Series manual, pg
  2. Catalogue summaries
  3. KQ2 demo