King's Quest Omnipedia

Castle Kolyma is a castle in the Kingdom of Kolyma.


The castle is the home of prince Cedric of Kolyma and Coignice (the miller’s daughter), and was once the home of their daughter princess Valanice, and her lady-in-waiting Matilda.

Due to the remoteness and dangers of the western side of Kolyma's continent, most good folk make their homes on the eastern side of Kolyma, separated by a spine of high mountains and a great chasm from the greater horrors. The royal family live in a castle there. Only a magic door grants passage from east to west, and even this will send someone elsewhere if they have not the proper key.

Valanice lived in the castle for much of her younger life. As she grew up, as a young girl she spent much of her time climbing trees, and climbing the castle steps from the lowest dungeon to highest parapet chased by her lady-in-waiting Matilda. As a child she always hated Jack in the Boxes. Her parents made sure she was well educated, and taught in all the social graces. Her mother told her stories and myths, and had to scold her when she tried to play in the mud.

Behind the scenes[]

The castle is only mentioned in King's Quest: Kingdom of Sorrow technically, where it isn’t actually named. The title for this topic is based on the name of the land, and usual castle naming conventions in official lore.

In the Companion first and second editions, eastern Kolyma is said to be the home of Cedric and Coignice however the book doesn’t technically discuss what they live in, and that nothing is known about the land. It can only be assumed they lived in a castle.

Some fans speculate that Castle Dracula used to be Valanice's and her family's castle. Although this is not ever confirmed, and is potentially denied in the King's Quest Companion (based on where it says her family's homeland is, and general backstory for Dracula).

That being said some sources, including the game itself claim that Valanice’s homeland is the Land of Kolyma (“western Kolyma”), but never specified where she lived before being kidnapped.

The novels never mention the name of her country but does confirm she grew up in a castle (but never specifies where that castle was located) and that her homeland was home to 'fairies' (much as are seen in KQ3 near monastery and east of the castle), and also discusses that Matilda her lady-in-waiting originated from there. Thus it can only be assumed based on Companion information, that this castle was in 'eastern Kolyma', but also that when the novels talks about her homeland that it is referring to Kolyma in general (that all of Kolyma is Valanice's homeland). On the other hand it could be a reference to Castle Dracula, the more well known castle from King’s Quest 2. Alternatively it could just be a coincidental invention by the author.
