King's Quest Omnipedia


Every year on the anniversary of their births, humans and some other races celebrate and keep count of the years.[1]

Birthday Notes[]

  • Manannan killed his slaves when they reached their eighteenth birthdays or just before.
  • Graham's birthday is in early spring. It was only a few days after his 19th birthday that Graham was called before Edward to search for the Three Great Treasures of Daventry.[2]
  • Depending on the sources the twins Alexander and Rosella's birthday is in late summer or early autumn, just a few weeks after the end of summer.[3] In KQ3 it is summer, and game says Alexander will soon be eighteen. In the Companion it is still summer during events of KQ4, and mentions that the twins will soon be eighteen. In novels Rosella’s birthday is said to be be in fall. Various other summaries of KQ3 claim their birthday is anywhere from a few days to a few weeks away.
  • William, son of Oswold's birthday is early spring, shortly after the end of winter.[4]
  • Fifi le Yipyap's Birthday party occurred while Valanice and Rosella were in Realm of Eldritch.
  • Woodland faeries do not share the concept of birthdays.
  • Some stories claim that Isle of Wonder was a birthday gift from a sorcerer who made the island to his daughter.
  • Strangely there are two or more different accounts on when one or both of the Royal siblings birthdays take place: In some sources (A Summary of King's Quest, Prince Alexander's Own Story! Exclusive Interview, and in See No Weevil) the twins (or Rosella at least) birthday is said to be a few weeks away (after summer into early fall); or days away ('scant days'/'three days') after the beginning of KQ3 for Alexander (The Stories So Far, The Royal Family: A Celebration). Note: At least according to the Companion events of KQ3 took place over 2-3 days which the three days maybe a reference to (though in the novel he clearly says the birthday is weeks away and KQ4 adaptation in Companion also notes that she isn’t yet 18, and their birthday is weeks away). Additionally Roberta’s summaries in KQ5 hintbook and InterAction place twins birthdate six months before Alexander’s kidnapping. Depending on when that takes place could affect what season the birth took place. For example if the twins were kidnapped in summer (as per Companion) then their birth would have had to have been roughly in the middle of the winter (December to February). Though if their birthdate was in the fall six months later would make his kidnapping take place in the spring…
  • The BB universe (novel universe) could suggest that Alexander and Rosella were born a few years apart and are not twins if read a certain way.
  • Alexander's signet bore a yellow topaz, and carved upon its surface were the royal arms of Daventry: a lion and a unicorn. His name and birthdate were carved into the yellow gold that held the stone, and upon the inside of the band was a very special memorial: the date Alexander-then known as Gwydion- returned to Daventry at last.

See Also[]

Behind the scenes[]

KQ3 establishes that Alexander is Seventeen, and his birthday is coming up and he will soon be Eighteen. The game also establishes that the game takes place during the Summer (and a few references may even imply that winter is coming). The KQ3 novel in the Companion mentions it's after winter, as it mentions shedded winter fur in the Three-Bear's house, and KQ4 novel confirms it is summer.

The King's Quest novel trilogy also places Rosella/Alexander's birthday post-Summer, early Autumn.

The interview in the companion states that Alexander's birthday was a few weeks away when he started thinking about escaping.

The Stories So Far seems to place Rosella/Alexander's birthday on the day she was offered up for sacrifice to the dragon, the same day she was rescued. This might suggest that 'several days'/weeks passed between when Alex escaped until he saved Rosella. If 25-40 minuts of ingame time is roughly a 'day' (counting the sleeping patterns, and 'vacation' patterns of the wizard).

The sources that would place Alexander/Rosella's birthday as a few/three days (after Alexander's escape) would seem to place the birthday in Summer (though possibly 'May" late-spring/early summer).


  1. KoS, pg 69
  2. A Summary of King's Quest
  3. KQ3, King's Quest Companion, See No Weevil
  4. Kingdom of Sorrow