Derek Karlavaegen speculates that a powerful evil family must exist in the universe in order to balance the presence of the powerful and good Royal Family of Daventry. He feels that such conflict is part of the order of the universe not just to balance forces, but to give purpose to existence. If this is correct then this means that good and evil (or whatever one wants to call the two) must exist--just to keep things interesting![1]
When people began to focus primarily on science, and put more faith in their numbers, philosophies, and technologies, the world went out of balance.[2]
People naturally try to shine brass by rubbing the tarnish, so eternal containment is seldom the fate of the unfortunate inhabitants of brass containers. It is one of the cosmic balances found throughout the universe.
One must attain Truth to bring all the forces into a Perfect Balance.[3]
The Druid priests keep the weather and the tides in balance to insure safety from hurricanes and other forces of the sea and to plead continuance for the kingdom's bounty.
- ↑ The universe is not fair. It never has been and never will be. Indeed, the entire multiverse is not fair. It wasn't made that way. It wasn't made to accommodate the folk and the creatures and mountains and seas that blemish the worlds and celestial orbs. It is much too large to be conscious of such less than trivial things. The silent universe concerns itself with greater things, and with the cosmic balances; the symmetry of forces that keep the stars and planets in their paths, the tides and the oceans in their places, and the magical pumps and reservoirs primed. And it concerns itself with the fine balance between the Light and the Dark, the eternal war between Good and Evil. The universe could care less about what happens to the players in the those battles. This it is, it seems, that King Graham of Daventry and his family are forever charged (although some might say cursed) to play a grave and crucial and essential role in the very existence of our universe. For these forces, Good and Evil, are unlike the impersonal ones, which functions to keep the sky from falling, and creatures from floating off into the heavens. Good and Evil are only seen through the actions and compulsions of the human and other folk---Good the urge for life and harmony and renewal for all creatures. Evil the urge to chaos, destruction, dissolution, and self above all else. At some times Good predominates; at others, Evil. These twin forces are not only part of the very fabric of the universe, they cannot exist unless the other does. Without Evil, there is no Good, and if there is Good, it must be balanced with the Dark force. This is, I suspect, the universe's way of preventing stagnation. Conflict causes change, and change keeps time and existence from coming to a dead stop. And change keeps existence interesting. Could the maker or makers of the universes bore easily, and do our life and death struggles amuse them? I would hope for better from them. In any case, all the natural philosophers and scholars and metaphysicians I have consulted are unanimous in one fact: At this time in the existence of Daventry, the conflict between Good and Evil is represented by the dark wizard Manannan and all his family on the side of Evil, and King Graham and his family for Good. Neither side chose to be what they are nor understand why they were chosen. The final winner will determine the course of our world until the next crisis arrives, and the fight is renewed again with new players. Graham, of course, disagrees with my theory. He chortles and says I think too much. But he does not laugh deeply as he dismisses my musings, and usually finds a way to quickly change the subject. Perhaps he doesn't want to dwell on the trials that have beset him and his loved ones. You really can't blame him. He may be a king, but he is mostly definitely a mortal man. And mortal men, even kings, cry.
- ↑ KQC2E, pg
- ↑ (IN A "READING" VOICE) Attain Truth to bring all the forces into a Perfect Balance., SOLEMN, WISE YET MYSTERIOUS) Truth and Justice must prevail. Perfect Balance must return., 3]SOLEMN, WISE YET MYSTERIOUS) Equilibrium must be restored. Attain Perfect Balance against the Feather of Truth., (SOLEMN, WISE YET MYSTERIOUS) Thou hast found the Feather of Truth. Attain Perfect Balance against it., (POLITE AND KNOWLEDGABLE) I know the Feather of Truth, Champion. It can balance Truth and Justice.
- ↑ "(DESPERATE, ANGRY)You must help me! My daughter's life hangs in the balance!"
- ↑ "(SERENE)Oh, I am. With Treasure back, my life is in balance once more."