King's Quest Omnipedia
Avalon is a land in the Midwestern Hemisphere somewhere near Scandia apparently to the East (KQGS) of Daventry. The location is visited in Chapter 3 and 4.


Avalon appears to be located on the continent east of the continent stretching both to the north possibly near Serenia (KQGS) and to the south near Kolyma (KQGS). The Enchanted Isles (KQGS) appear to lie close by off the southern shores. Tanalore (KQGS) lies somewhere west of it also near the sea, and possibly Kolyma in between. Scandia appears to lie between both nations north of Kolyma.

Avalon is the home of Madeline, the Princess and later Queen of the kingdom, and friend to Acorn (KQGS).

The squirrel is said to be from Avalon. She is also a member and leader of the scurry of squirrel court of Daventry.

Avalon forest is one known region in Avalon. Avalon lies near Scandia, on the same island or continent as Daventry (KQGS).

There is no bridge troll guild in Avalon.


Avalon is a mountainous region, it has giant hills with large evergreen forests, and chasms. It lies near Scandia

The region apparently lies East (KQGS) of Daventry (perhaps more accurate southeast just past Scandia), and was the place where Vee (KQGS) continued to live, if Graham married Neese. It may stretch as far north as Serenia (KQGS) and the Great Mountains (KQGS) and Eastern mountains.

Flora in Avalon includes Thorn Weeds, moss, firs, elm, oak trees, grass, vines, and bushes (Avalon Bushes are a species native to Avalon).

Flora includes squirrels, lightningbug, woods wolves.


Note:If on the Neese romance path the trip to Avalon takes place after the trip to Tanalore (KQGS), and there is an extra area just after the forest trap where Neese and Graham have their backs to two large trees and shimmy to a cliff (slotted canyon) via vines beneath their feet (while talking about each other and the personalities they like).

Behind the scenes[]

Avalon as a land appears to be a reference to the land of Avalon from the The King's Quest Companion and King's Questions. In the Companion and King's Questions. it is only referenced as being the home of Frankie of Avalon.

Avalon lies east to southeast of Daventry, thus would be located roughly in the place of Great Mountains and Glass Mountains in classic lore, Companion, and the King's Quest Novels. However, reboot universe's Midwestern Hemisphere is geographically different than the classic maps (with Tanalore being a land on the same continent rather than being seperate continent).

It maybe possible that Avalon is the mountainous land near Serenia that becomes Icebella's realm in the 'Great Mountains', as it appears that the process of freezing of Hagatha's Tower maybe spreading across land (Chapter 4 confirms that it at least becomes part of the Ice Palace where it was left). However, confusingly the background in the final shot also shows the strange Squirrel Ruins that also show up in some of the backgrounds outside the tower earlier in the game, which seems to show they are near the Enchanted Isles as well. It’s possible by the point you see those ruins ithe tower had already traveled north into Avalon.

Avalon Chasm itself looks to be similar to the chasm in KQ5 which Graham crossed using a sled.

Avalon's location was not entirely clear in chapter 3 it lays very close to the Enchanted Isles (KQGS) (making it seem it was an island), but in Chapter 4 is confirmed to be another region on the same continent or on the same island as Daventry. The squirrel statues seen in distance when Hagatha's tower is moving about early in Chapter 3 could indicate that the tower moved into Avalon, soon after Graham entered the tower while in Kolyma.

Chapter 4[]

Depending on which Princess Graham saved in Chapter 3, Graham visits either Avalon or Tanalore. Chapter 4 confirms that Graham can reach Avalon by road/wagon, which confirms its on the same continent as Daventry.
