This is the article for universe of Akril universe (IT4 universe) primarily from the game It Takes Two to Tangle and comparisons to the fan fiction adaptation and sequels (King's Quest IX: It Takes Two to Tangle, King's Quest X: Age Before Duty, and King's Quest XI: Blood Is Thicker Than Seawater).
This article compares many of the differences, in continuity, and by fan retcons/story changes/artistic license made by the game (compared to the canon original games and material), as well as comparing screens from different games, and showing differences between the fan game and the original Sierra material.
This game borrows alot of ideas from King’s Quest Companion (4th Edition) and may be the most accurate and faithful adaptation of that source yet. With only a few minor differences (in names and back stories) since the developer didn’t have access to the first and second edition’s An Encyclopedia of Daventry. These differences are noted below.
See also POS universe, IF universe, AGDI universe, IS universe, Js universe, and IA universe for similar comparisons between other fan games and the original series. And KQ1 comparisons, KQ5 comparisons, TOG universe (Dragon's Lair comparisons) for similar comparisons between official remakes, ports and adaptations.
Character Info[]
Twins birthdate[]
According to IT4: the royal twins were born two years after KQ2 Wedding. This is similar to the date given in the KQ4 Manual (see KQ4 timeline). This has never been a consistent reference in the series with other games and documentation placing the twins birth one or more years after KQ2 (some possibly even upwards of 3-5 years after KQ2).
Rosella and Edgar's relationship[]
Its one year after KQ7 in IT4 and doesn't appear that relationship between Edgar and Rosella has progressed much from where it ended in KQ7. Both are not sure if they love each other, or are willing to reach next stage of their relationship IE betrothal. In King's Quest VII Authorized Players Guide and The King's Quest Companion (4th Edition) does suggest while there are rumors and gossip that Edgar and Rosella are together (even possibly contemplating marriage) the conceit in that is that the the scholar Derek Karlavaegen is skeptical of it (because the Royal Family hasn't confided in him of the relationship) or if its true its because a Dreamer has been changing his world's reality.
Edgar and Cassima's introduction[]
In this universe Edgar and Cassima have never met. And possibly never heard of each other. Cassima hides her identity calling herself Leila while Edgar gives his real name to her. Neither recognizes each other.
Hoyle 1 (which includes post-KQ4 Rosella) implies that Rosella talks openly about Edgar (with her family and people she meets), so in that game Alexander would likely know of him. However in IT4, it doesn't seem he knows of Edgar or at least doesn't talk about him to Cassima in this universe (so she doesn't recognize his name). It's been one year since events of KQ7, and doesn't appear that Cassima learned of Edgar during all that time (nor learned about him through the events of KQ4). She also probably hasn’t read any of Derek Karlavaegen’s articlesz
If the Royal Family is tight lipped about Edgar and Rosella's relationship as per the Companion, perhaps similarly maybe they are as tight lipped about it to Alexander as well in this version's universe.
While Companion and King's Questions (establishes that Alexander and Cassima visits Daventry at least pre-KQ7). It doesn't appear hat they have visited in the last year? Assuming that they have visited at all in the IT4/Akril universe at all...
Fate of Abdul Alhazred[]
Abdul is banished after his defeat in KQ6. This follows similar to the short path ending, though the long path events are described in the the story thus far intro. In the long path it was never explained what happened to him after his arrest. The Companion states he was imprisoned. It’s possible he was later banished in the year between KQ6/KQ7 and IT4.
The events of King's Quest 8[]
A version of the events of King's Quest 8 are nodded to, and takes weeks after end of KQ7 (after Valanice and Rosella returned to Daventry). But no one seems to remember what happened. Just vague recollections of Daventry stricken with darkness... And people trapped in dark nightmares.... This likely a reference to them being turned to stone for most of events. But nothing as to witnesses such as wizard, Gwennie or Connor verifying what happened. Or even that Graham and his Minister witnessed last of the events as the world was restored. The whereabouts of Connor is left in the air (did he remain in Realm of the Sun?).
Akril notes: You might say that that story took place in another dimension...the third. This game takes place in the second.
The placement of KQ8 has always been largely an unknown in the original series. With only fact that if Connor is a possible suitor for Rosella, neither he or she could be that old. In concept materials Connor was said to be around twenty years old, putting them close to the same age bracket (early twenties), with Mark Seibert stating only a few years had passed between KQ7 and KQ8 at the most. The Companion (4th Edition) could imply it takes place within the 20-25 year span of the entire series.
Crispin's non-linear existence[]
Crispin apparently exists outside of linear time. Thus he has memories of the future, and memories of the past, and whatever present people come to him to speak. He can't ever remember if something has happened or will happen. How much of this is true existence across time, or magical prophetic knowledge is unclear.
Crispin existence in non-linear time might be a reference to Merlin stories. In some stories Merlin exists in time opposite of normal humans, born old and growing younger through the years.
The Companion compares and suggests that Crispin is Merlin as well (though it doesn't mention anything about reverse time existence) but attributes some of the other ideas such as his familiar Archimedes from Once and Future King.
In the Companion, the character of Rumplestiltskin was given a similar kind of backstory to explain the version that appears in KQ5 vs the version that appears in earlier games. Suggesting the possibility of time warp must be considered in this matter because anything seems possible in that magical land. In that case, Graham's second meeting with the gnome could very well have been the gnome's first meeting with Graham. This is a paradox of a high order.
Toymaker's Son[]
Hans' is the son of the Toymaker of Serenia (he is the father of Katrina seen in KQ5) and known as Gepeppito in the Companion. He chronologically appears in the past at some point before events of IT4. Based on what Crispin says it appears to be ten years or so before KQ5 (up to 15 give or take according to Akril’s timeline). He does not have the Companion name as Akril did not have access to the Companion (2nd Edition).
Hans also looks south Asian, unlike the characters in original game that were given largely Germanic/Dutch accents in the PC CD release and light skin. He describes his papa as the 'best toymaker' in village. Which could imply there are more than one toymaker in the village. Hans does wear clothing similar to the toymaker's son in KQ5 (white shirt and blue pants), and has black hair like the son in the game. So its possible he was 'race bent' by the artist.
In various sources implied the grandfather was the best or only toymaker in Serenia.
Tailor's Son[]
Toby "Tobias" is the one who grows up to be the Tailor in KQ5. This is the character known as one half of the Fey brothers in the Companion, or Taylor Fey in the reboot continuity. This is another character whom the developer didn’t have access to the Companion (2nd Edition) for the name. Though it’s still possible that his surname is Fey (aka Tobias Fey). He maybe an only son in this universe however.
Derek Karlavaegen[]
Derek is portrayed as an older man who has lead an experienced life. It appears to be very consistent with his descriptions and portrayal in the Companion and Guidebook. Correct age as well.
Derek has taken over Manannan's House in Llewdor much as he did in the King's Quest Companion (several months after events of KQ4/KQ3 as per companion). He only moved into the house after learning about it from Alexander. The game notes that he is known by Rosella, and Edgar has heard about him from her.
However, Derek doesn't appear to recognize the name Edgar, upon hearing it when he introduces himself (though he maybe feigning ignorance and knows more than he is letting on). In the Companion universe Derek wrote about Edgar living in Lolotte's castle in Tamir after her defeat, Derek was also at the castle when Graham was recuperating not long after events of KQ4, and interviewed the family. This meeting between Edgar and Derek is set chronologically through time travel is set between KQ4 and KQ5, or not long after events of KQ5. So he has not yet learned of Shade/Shadrack from Alexander during the week before the wedding. He should know or Edgar and events or KQ4 at this point as per Companion (1st Edition).
Akril notes Derek is surprised at hearing and recognizing Edgar’s name and composed himself:
- You may notice that his expression changes when Edgar introduces himself.
- Derek definitely knows who Edgar is. When Derek realizes that he's talking to him, he realizes that something is seriously amiss, but he keeps acting casually, then urges Edgar to leave as soon as he gets the trinket (sort of arriving at a "I shouldn't do anything that might disrupt the timeline" decision).
Society of Wizards[]
The “society” is alluded to though not directly named in chapter 1 when Cassima discovered correspondence between several members. In this case the references appears to be primarily focused on the KQ5 reference and lacks the more specific detailed backstory and details from the An Encyclopedia of Daventry. As such while the encyclopedia establishes the members to be essentially the leaders and experts of the wizarding world most of who lead the Withdrawal, in Akril’s universe some are amateurs or even younger students of magic being apprenticed to other wizards. In encyclopedia the amateurs were more or less members of competing organization known as the Magicians' Guild. Once Wizard made a name for themselves or showed great experience they often were invited to join the Society and ended membership with the Guild (while the Guild gained the reputation of being a place of amateurs). Hence the society maintained membership with the best of the best who were de-facto leaders of the Wizarding world.
Universe Info[]
The Worlds[]
Taken from the Companion, the universe in Akril's games is a multivere. These include the known worlds of Other World (our own world), the World of Daventry, and the Realm of Eldritch as discussed in King's Quest Companion (4th Edition).
The World of Daventry[]
The game borrows the idea of the world of Daventry from the King's Quest Companion (and adapts the map of the world from third edition, similar to King's Questions partial adaptation of that map as well), and acknowledges it is a different world than from our own (even making a reference to the Multiverse and the Other World idea from the Companion as well).
The Realm of Eldritch[]
The game acknowledges that the Realm of Eldritch (unofficial) takes place in another world parallel to Daventry similar to the original canon. Many other fan games and the official reboot place Eldritch in the same world as Daventry.
Other World[]
This is real world Earth as Derek Karlavaegen refers to it. It is part of the Multiverse. The narrator of “the story so far” describes this world as “our own”… meaning that narrator is from “our” world/reality. It’s notable that in official Game realities Daventry took place in our world but in the past some centuries ago. While the Companion universe which IT4 is inspired by put them on n parallel worlds.
By Location[]
The Town of Serenia[]
The town appears in the game largely inspired by its appearance and layout in KQ5 PC version, though there are some slight differences (largely due to its position in time, some 10-15 years before KQ5).
The blocked alleyway from the main square is now accessible (the wagon hasn't broken down there 'yet'). While the architecture is reminiscent of KQ5, the layout of the town maybe slightly different than in the game (or it is just a perspective difference). The street/square appears somewhat straighter, while in KQ5 the buildings were more of zig zag. The toyshop and the tailor can be seen, but cobbler shop appears to be missing. However, this slight appearance difference maybe do more to perspective than any physical changes to the town layout. In which case cobbler might be around the corner of block (beyond the Toyshop), though it doesn't appear to be much space back there. Beyond that there is now a gate in the stone wall at the end of the street that leads to more rural countryside areas in the outer edge of the town. In KQ5, the stone wall could be seen with a large tree behind it. That tree doesn't appear in this version, a smaller tree appears instead (meaning it grows thicker in next ten years or so).
The alley has a shed that does somewhat resemble a small outhouse like structure seen in the KQ5 art (which is a great attention to detail!).
Crispin's House[]
Crispin's House is shown in a period in the past some 10-15 years before IT4 or King's Quest V. At this point the outside of the house lacks the Universe Interpreter in this universe. It exists in the original KQ5 given a mysterious description by Cedric. The companion goes further to say it was possible the tool used to create and bring over refugees during the first and later Withdrawals. And this has been there since the world of Daventry began. It's so powerful it can apparently rearrange the universe.
Perhaps its less important or Cedric lied in this universe.
There is a reference that the trees are as old as the cottage itself. This appears to inspired by the similar reference made in the Companion.
Serenia Crystal Cave[]
Cassima passes through a Crystal Cave east of the waterfall bridge and west of Ice Palace and Overlook. This is unlikely to the Yeti Cave from KQ5 as that was located further east of the Palace.
This cave likely lies somewhere before the steep hill overlooking the Yosemite-like valley, or between the valley and the overlook.
Ice Palace Overlook[]
In a scene reminiscent of overlook in KQ5. The castle seems to be much further in the distance from where the Eagle was resting in KQ5. This might be a perspective and angle that the scene is being viewed from giving optical illusion that the castle is 'closer' to the tree in the KQ5 in comparison to how view is shown in IT4.
Llewdor in the game might avoid the wrap around seen in KQ3 (which was originally part of the artwork in that game itself as seen between the magic map and the overlook at the top of Manannan's mountain. In IT4, it looks like the northern edge of Llewdor ends in a mountain. Althoughh its possible that the wrap around is so severe that he can see Manannnan's mountain in the distance from Manannan's mountain.
Llewdor Desert[]
This region doesn't appear to have a specific name. In the guides it has several different names including Medusa Desert, Great Desert, Great Western Desert, the Desert Maze, Maze Desert, etc, depending on the source.
IT4 introduces a couple of new regions deep inside the desert called the Llewdor Oasis and Bluebeard's Castle. The former is potrayed as largely moorish/Arabic outpost with palm trees, and North African style adobe buildings. While Bluebeard's Castle is unspecific stone work, but decorated with Persian carpets and possibly other Persian influences. The Castle overlooks the Oasis they are seperated by several miles. The region around this contains the sand seas of Llewdor an area noted for sand dunes and red sandstone.
While strictly speaking not much is known about the Desert in KQ3, in the Companion a number of details are introduced. It the home of medusas race (a race of Gorgons apparent offsprings of the original Medusa once killed by Perseus). The one that Alexander killed might be the resurrected Medusa, Perseus once killed, from which the desert received its name. This makes the desert very dangerous to explore, except for a few enterprising businessmen in Port Bruce which have created a morbid industry of going out into the desert to collect the statues and selling them to other lands where they fetch good price as statuary. Though most crews are superstitious of carrying the statues on board their ships, seeing it as a form of grave robbing. As such other than the brave collectors going out there, it apparently is a place that's generally avoided, and in later times often marked with signs or markings on maps to avoid because of the medusas living there.
Other than that, the Companion suggests that the Desert appears to border the deadly Tamir Swamp on the west, and lost city of Tanalore in the middle, and beyond that the nearly impassible Impossible Mountains between the Swamp and Tamir. So there isn't much reason to go out there let alone trade. It is much safer for ships to sail between both countries (Tamir and Llewdor) that go through the middle. Although both seas are known to be treacherous at times and known for their shipwrecks as well. That being said it hasn't stopped a few explorers going out there (possibly in search of the lost city) and getting lost and succumbing to the heat. Remains of both people and cattle can be found throughout the desert.
Geographically and flora speaking in KQ3, the desert was strangely similar to American southwest deserts. The bulk of it is a largely flat dry sandy land with a lone distant mountain[1], along with a few dry cracked areas. The flora consists of mostly North American cactuses like barrel cactuses, saguaros, and what might be prickly pear cactuses that can grow there, and what looks like mesquite. The buzzards/vultures/lizards/snakes, etc that also live there are undefinable species so not clear what influence or region they are based on. Though species of such fauna do appear in Americas, Europe and Africa. More rocky mountains can be seen north of the edges of the desert.
In King's Quest V the Endless Desert is inspired by Middle-Eastern deserts and Petra, with Arabian-inspired bandits, and sandstone cliffs, and palm trees growing at the oases.
Llewdor town[]
Generaly very faithful reproduction of the town/Port Bruce (as its name in the Companion). The latter name may not appear IT4 game? The town is shown from a different perspective than that is seen in original game so some perceived differences maybe more optical illusions and perspective. That being said angle the tavern is viewed from makes it appears as if the sidewall overhangs the bluff as if erosion has taken away the shoreline in the months since events of KQ3. Though from the perspective of the dock you can see that there is at least a foot or two of land/grass on the side of the building. In KQ3 there was roughly two-three feet between the tavern and the beach (technically in KQ3 its not clear how much space is between the two screens, but it cannot be too much).
Crystal Hole[]
in this game the Crystal Cavern is established to be under Bountiful Woods far to east of the the Volcano.
In other sources it remains mostly vague especially with regards to where volcano is situated exactly within the land but there is some implication it lies directly under the Volcano itself close to lava rivers on eastern edge of the capital of the Vulcanix Underground possibly accessed from the main caldera itself. But further northwest perhaps roughly north/little northeast of the Ooga Booga entrance.
For relation the volcano control room apparently lies apparently a little further northeast under the town hall of Falderal a little north of the volcano.
The cliffs in the desert may be the southern flanks of the mountain. Or a plateau south of the mountain. Otherwise in general it seems as if mountain is roughly centered between lands based on the cardinal directions ooga booga/swamp/were woods to west of mountain. Nonsense/Falderal to the north, and desert to the south. Etheria above, the underground below. The eastern realm (rubber jungle?) was cut from KQ7.
- ↑ "The mountain to the north seems to float on the horizon."