King's Quest Omnipedia
The information in this article is from a fan game or fan fiction and is therefore not canon.

This article compares the differences between the Sierra KQ universe, and the AGDI universe.


Between the trilogy of games AGDI's series can be seen as a reimagining of the King's Quest Universe.[1][2] While KQ1 is essentially akin to the Sci Remake's version of events (with very little changes except some artwork and interface), King's Quest 2: Romancing the Throne and King's Quest III Redux tell a very different version of events and puzzles, and backstory (compared to the originals and other official spinoff material).

AGDI's trilogy is made up of King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown (AGDI), King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones, and King's Quest III Redux: To Heir is Human).

This article compares many of the differences, in continuity, and by fan retcons/story changes/artistic license made by the game (compared to the canon original games and material including The King's Quest Companion), as well as comparing screens from different games, and showing differences between the fan game and the original Sierra material.

See also POS universe, IF universe, IS universe, Js universe and IA universe for similar comparisons between other fan games and the original series. And KQ1 comparisons, KQ5 comparisons, TOG universe (Dragon's Lair comparisons) for similar comparisons between official remakes, ports and adaptations.

Gerwain vs. Gervain[]

In the Companion, Gerwain was a well known to both King Edward and King Graham. Gerwain had been Edward's prime minister for over twenty years, before becoming Graham's prime minister. Gerwain tried to prevent Graham from going to Kolyma paranoid that the king would be in danger there. Then he waited impatiently for his king's return. When the king got back, he even scolded Graham for having risked his own life. He continued on being Graham's prime minister up until after KQ3 when he was fired from the position, for having offered poor advice to the king. He retired becoming a mushroom farmer.

Gervain from Romancing the Stones, on the other hand admits to Graham that he never met King Edward. Graham hardly knows him, and he had only recently joined King Graham's court in the first few months, claiming to have come from an insignificant land to the south. When Graham decided to go to Kolyma, Gervain couldn't wait to to see King Graham leave, so that he could have him killed, allowing him to take over the kingdom. Graham exposes him on his return as The Father, defeats him, and kicks him out of the kingdom (but not before he curses Graham). The Father and Rosella in KQ3R confirms that he only been hired under King Graham for a short time.

Geography of Kolyma[]

The KQ1 manual and some of the other guides mention how lands in the King's Quest universe in particular in the earlier games 'wrap around'. This is explained by descriptions of Kolyma in the Companion by both Derek and Gerwain is of the land as shown in the original games, with magical space warping barriers known as the magical law of "containment". The original KQ1 manual and references in the Official Book of King's Quest more or less compared to how the world is a globe and people can travel 'around' it.

Where as in KQ2 (AGDI), Kolyma is an even smaller land (some screens have been removed) with natural barriers such as rocks and dense forest.

The few locations that both versions share are located in completely different parts of their respective maps.

Removed characters[]

In KQ2 Graham encounters both a Good Fairy and a Genie of the Lamp. In the spinoff literature both Derek Karlavaegen and Gerwain also describe these encounters.

Both are characters who do not exist in the AGDI universe. Graham never met the Good Fairy at all, and the Genie was missing from its lamp having been given its freedom.

Different Vampire stories[]

According to the companion, in both Gerwain's chronicle and Derek Karlavaegen's encyclopedic references to the Romancing the Throne story, they both tell of Dracula's death at the hands of King Graham.

In Romancing the Stones, King Graham meets Caldaur instead, who nearly kills him, until he convinces the vampire he means no harm. In the end the vampire turns out to be the somewhat cold yet still benevolent former ruler of Kolyma. In the end Caldaur regains his position of power, and even officiates King Graham's wedding to Valanice.

Different gorgon stories[]

in the original the desert of Llewdor in KQ3 is the home to Medusa an evil gorgon, whom Alexander defeats. The companion goes into explain that her offspring continue to live in the desert. She is capable of turning Alexander to stone if he but looks at her.

In KQ3R the gorgon was changed into the character Smaude, who had a curse put onto her, Alexander is able to free her from the curse. Alexander is able to look on her without turning to stone as he has a pure heart. Alternatively she can be killed in the same manner as the original for a less than optimal ending.

Changes to the Monastery[]

Both Derek and Gerwain describe the Monastery of the Blessed Wilbury lead by benevolent monks that protect travelers from Dracula and his minions. They describe one particularly helpful monk, Brother Fragola who later officiated King Graham's marriage to Valanice at the monastery after they returned from the Quartz Tower. Trying to kill the monk in the Romancing the Throne would result in Graham's death. King's Questions also makes reference to the Monastery of the Blessed Wilbury and the wedding there.

In the Romancing the Stones, the monastery became the Church of the Faith, and the monks were turned into an evil pack of werewolves called the Brotherhood of the Pack, whom Graham is forced to defeat. Ultimately he kills their leader Llowh'wof. Graham chooses to never marry in the church.

The Doorway[]

The Magical Doorway consists of three nested and locked doors requiring three magical keys.

The Door of Destiny was a sentient being in the form of a rock slab with 3 slots for 3 stones.

Enchanted Island[]

According to Gerwain and Derek Karlavaegen, the Enchanted Island is a physical island on the face of Daventry.

In Romancing the Stones, the island exists as a miniature inside of a snow globe rather than a physical location on the face of world of Daventry.

Magic Mirror[]

The magic mirror is apparently one of many great treasures once belonging to Legenimor, the first king of Daventry. The Father, the brother of Legenimor was able to use it to give Graham visions of Valanice to entice him to travel to Kolyma, to have him killed. Years later it went dark after Alexander's kidnapping, not to light up again until his return, though this is not directly discussed in the remake, though its repair is shown on screen.

In official King's Quest lore it was originally Merlin's mirror, belonging to the great wizard of legend. It is explained by his family on his return that the mirror went dark when he was kidnapped, and never worked again until his return. KQ4 goes on to explain that an unknown sorcerer had put the curse on the mirror, never explaining who it was.

The Sapphire Jewels[]

Both Derek and Gerwain describe the five Sapphire Jewels and where they had been hidden across the land. He also note the fact that they became Valanice's wedding present. The treasures are also mentioned in King's Questions. The jewels can be seen on Valanice in future games. There is also a backstory or two for the gems including that they might have been the jewels of Scheherazade.

In Romancing the Stones most of the treasures were removed or were used for things other than wedding presents. The brooch and earring could still be found. However one of the two ended up being used for an ingredient for a spell (and was destroyed in the process). The tiara ended up being a treasure belonging to Caldaur's family and was returned to them. The sapphire necklace and bracelet do not appear in the game. As such the Sapphire Jewels do not become Valanice wedding present (though she is given a gold wedding band). In the end Graham only has a single element of the sapphire jewels (either the brooch or the earrings depending on which was one was not used in the spell).

Gwydion's Outfit[]

Gwydion wears a slave outfit of purple, throughout his entire adventure, from the moment he starts casting spells in Daventry, and up to the point Graham tosses the hat to him. This period takes place over about a week.

This outfit is very different from the outfit Alexander is shown wearing at the beginning of KQ4. So this is a minor continuity change to KQ4 part of the KQ universe.


The Minstrel from KQ4 appears in KQ3R, and gives a different background to the character than in the official games/companion.

He never was in Llewdor in the official story.

Daventry's Heirs[]

Official lore specifically from the King's Quest Companion suggests that Rosella and Edgar would become the heirs to the throne of Daventry when Graham died.

Stones suggests that Graham was cursed and neither of his children would become heirs of Daventry, instead Connor became his new heir.

Lolotte and Malicia[]

The evil fairies are sisters in AGDI universe (with no evidence that they are sisters of Titania).

In the official universe, they are not related (as stated by Titania or Edgar). Only Malicia, Titania, and the Weaver of Dreams are related.


Llewdor was redesigned, leaving out the wrap around. instead having natural boundaries preventing travel to the north and south. The new boundaries make Llewdor about 17 screens big (1 screen more than the original). One of the original screens was replaced with a new section of the town of Llewdor. The desert has been modified, and renamed as the Llewdorian desert. The desert maze has been eliminated, instead leading to an overlook into the main desert. A new northern desert area, Smaude's Lair has been added. Several references suggest that across the desert lies the nation of Shapeir.

In official sources, Tanalore is located across the desert, and beyond that Tamir.

Magic Map[]

The magic map functions differently than in the original game, it appears to be only connected to the land of Llewdor, allowing travel only to a few spots. Alexander loses the map, when one of the crew mates on the pirate ship used it accidentally to wind up back in Llewdor.

In the original Alexander carries the map with him all the way to castle Daventry (barring that he didn't destroy it in Cloudland). The companion goes on to explain that it has been placed in Daventry's library.

Repair of Daventry[]

In KQ3R, Daventry is completely repaired of the ravages of the three-headed dragon, and the earthquakes within minutes through the use of the Green Orb.

According to material from KQ5 the land it took a year for the land to recover from the damage of the three-headed dragon, the companion adds that during that time following KQ4 the castle was renovated, and people repaired the countryside. Magic may have been used but it was not instaneous.

Differences between KQ1SCI and KQ1VGA[]

While mainly a 1:1 remake of KQ1SCI, that is to say it remains largely strict to KQ1SCI (I.E. no new events/puzzles/cutscenes) there are a few differences in the game.

There are some edits to the game script when compared to the original. Such as "Ogre", "Sorcerer, and "Earth" being written in lower case as opposed to upper case as in KQ1SCI. Though less apparent there are spots where the script was modified and changed. For example, the door to the gingerbread house is made out of chocolate (as opposed to candy canes in the KQ1SCI). In addition some of the items descriptions are different.

The game lacks some of the more obscure narrations seen in KQ1SCI, due to the VGA version's lack of extra verbs such as 'smell', 'taste', etc.

There were some specific bits that could be looked at in more detail, for example the leaves of the tree on the gnome's island would get a reference to how they shade from hot summer sun, another example is the white vanilla buttercream frosting description for the roof the gingerbread house (these references and others like them are missing in the VGA version).

In addition some of the Easter eggs such as trying to "pick lock" on the Door into Mountain is missing. So the remake is somewhat less verbose in detail (subtracting from the SCI original)

There are also a few places where designers took a slightly different art style, different choice of colors, for some of the screens in Daventry, even more so in the Enhanced 4.0 version.

Most characters and creatures encountered in the game have been redesigned (compared to their appearance in KQ1SCI), having little resemblance to their original counterparts. In particular the troll is a good example of a total redesign, looking similar to a Norse style troll or trolls in David the Gnome. Most of the tem graphics have been redesigned and look different as well.

The ogre, sorcerer, etc are relatively very slow compared to the version in KQ1AGI and KQ1SCI, they are very easy to avoid.

Some of the death scenes are different, lacking some of the death animation, instead having a close up death description/graphic.

Differences between KQ1SCI and KQ1VGA enhanced[]

  • A non-dead end version of the game exists that changes puzzles to prevent players from getting stuck anywhere in the game.
  • Some of the screens have been redesigned taking them further from their appearance in KQ1 SCI. In particular the Gingerbread House has a dramatic and original redesign compared to its original appearance in KQ1SCI.

Differences between KQ1VGA and KQ1VGA Enhanced[]

Most of the artwork was completely hand painted in the Enhanced version, the original used a lot of material ripped from KQ5 (Dark Forest, Forest of Serenia, etc), Quest for Glory and other Sierra series simply recolored (photoshopped, manipulated in some fashion). For example, if you look closely you can spot the Bee Tree, and the Anthill, or the Arch from near the Dark One's cave in some of the screens.

Many of the inventory graphics were completely redone. Some areas like the gingerbread house were completely changed.

AGDI trilogy and other KQ games[]

AGDI's games form a sort of trilogy, KQ1-3R and mostly fits into 4-8 (albeit with some slight changes).

It is unlikely for the King's Quest novel trilogy to fit, since there are a few references within Romancing the Stones that implies that the three-headed dragon began terrorizing Daventry almost as soon as Alexander was kidnapped, and started destroying the land (though KQ3R suggests Graham hadn't started sending girls to the Dragon until a few years before KQ3 (he refused to send them, only compounding the destruction of the land), the land was destroyed before that). So only a handful of maidens including Rosella were offered up to the dragon.

Where as in the two novels that take place during the period (Kingdom of Sorrow and See No Weevil), there is no evidence of the three-headed dragon having started terrorizing Daventry yet nor evidence that the king had started sending yearly maidens to their death. Instead other calamities befell Daventry including the extended winter during the Kingdom of Sorrow and the destruction rendered to the country by the sloks and weevils in See No Weevil. Within the novel continuity the dragon apparently didn't start terrorizing the land until after See No Weevil when Rosella was 15, giving the dragon about three years at the most to terrorize the kingdom. Thus only three maidens at the most (including Rosella) were offered to the dragon. Unless of course Graham was secretly sacrificing girls a bit earlier, and the practice was marginally successful at keeping the dragon at bay.

See Alternate Timelines for more information.

Behind the scenes[]

Some fans have tried to combine elements from the canon series with the alternate timeline that exists in AGDI's games.

Some parts that people have tried to reconcile with the official timeline is the details of Gerwain's Identity. According to information which Gerwain contributed to the Companion, some have assumed that Gervain was the actual security and defense minister before KQ2RTS until the Father abducted him, and took his form and office. Then they assumed that after the events of KQ2RTS, that the real Gervain was freed and restored to his position. However, the game states that The Father had come to the castle as Gerwain recently, and had invented the backstory of coming from an insignificant nation to the south.

However, in most cases AGDI's series is very different than what occurs in the original games (including the novelizations and An Encyclopedia of Daventry). There are many paradoxes in trying to reconcile the events from the the official games and the Companion's material with that of AGDI's series, due to Gerwain's chronicle, Alexanders' interview, and Derek's material being detailed descriptions of the events specifically shown in Romancing the Throne and the original KQ3.

It is impossible to reconcile any individual parts because in each case, one story has to be ignored in its entirety due to the sheer differences of the events in each version of the story. It is much easier to consider the remakes as existing as alternative retellings of the original stories, and that both series represent alternative timelines in separate universes.

Reactions to the Story[]

Fans of the series, including members of Infamous Adventures (one of the major competing King's Quest fan game developers), had mixed reactions to the ADGI remakes. Some felt that the changes went too far from the feel of King's Quest and were out of place and unnecessary. Others felt that the Father felt like an element of bad fan fiction, trying to tie all the games together. Several people noted that the addition of an anti-hero vampire storyline, including the transformeation of a girl into a vampire without any emotional repercussion, was too dark for a King's Quest universe. Still others questioned the attack on religion in the remakes, whereas Christian institutions were portrayed as benevolent in the official games (see KQ2 and KQ8).[1][2]

Some of the AGDI developers have said that in hindsight, they wouldn't have made such drastic changes and would have stuck a little closer to the original games' themes, especially if they had made the game professionally. They see it as an alternate-universe fan fiction, not a replacement to the official games.

Like all King's Quest fan games, there are mixed opinions and some actually prefer the changes over the original. Some would like to see them replace the originals, and be taken into account in future games.


  1. KQ2RTS Manual, pg 21
  2. Anastasia Salter: "Once more a kingly quest": Fan games and the classic adventure genre, pg 15, 17 "Tierra's hands, King's Quest II becomes a different game froma later decade. Tierra made use of much of what Sierraprovided in sequels for imagery and interface but updated the game in their own style.[5.6] A game that acts as a sequel or re­visioning of a classic adventure game is more likely to be played than an amateur effort without that grounding, although both works are acts of fandom relative to the genre itself."